Jewell Hampton and Jordan Bernstien Arrested

At least it was during the early summer and not during the football season or close to it.

stormin -

Fine point! It would certainly have been a much bigger deal had it been during either the spring or fall camps. It would have demonstrated that the guys weren't adequately focussed. However, during the summer, such a slip-up isn't at all surprising.
Why in the world are folks overreacting here?

Hampton and Bernstine will get punished ... no doubt. However, it's not at all clear what the punishment will be. I don't recall Hampton or Bernstine ever landing on the blotter before ... so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that they only face internal punishment. However, if the Hawks end up having a "bad summer" with respect to the blotter ... then they could end up facing a 1-game suspension. We'll see.

This isn't anything that folks should freak out about.

A better question...why are SOME people freaking out about people calmly reacting to such a selfish act by two individuals that play on a TEAM? Hmmm, my guess, they did not think about anything or anyone but themselves. Sure this is common and most kids do it, but the reality of the matter is that expectations are and should be higher for student athletes.

I think most people are expressing disappointment and disbelief. A select few are trying to minimize this and that is too bad. I will be the first to admit that I made dumb decisions growing up, but I also payed dearly for them. Yes, this whole situation could have been much worse, but it is what it is...two guys that broke the law. A crime is a crime is a crime...
Based on what precedent?

Prater got a 2-game suspension last year ... and that was for a much more egregious offense. Furthermore, on top of his offense, he also hurt himself by publicly making a pretty outrageous excuse.

Anyhow, while I'm certainly disappointed that some of these young men have made some bad choices. This doesn't mean that I can't or shouldn't give them another chance. It also doesn't mean that I should overreact and want to throw the book at the young men either.

Calloway sat for a game as well.

I don't want them tossed off the team, for Christ sake. This just needs to be taken care so nobody else does anything retarded this summer. I know they are just kids, but this shouldn't just be swept under the rug either. Hand out some tough punishment and let it serve as an example.
Some folks are definitely over-reacting - step back from the ledge! I agree they made a bad decision, but this is small beans compared to some of the stuff that has happened in the past. We should be happy it wasn't worse, like an OWI for instance. The Captain won't take it likely, but I don't see them sitting out for more then 2 games max. And anyways, like some people have already pointed out, they didn't even have their positions locked down so the team definitely has the players to fill in, barring injury. Hopefully this is a wake-up call for them and they behave wonderfully for the rest of their careers. Edit - some of you (won't mention any names) need to step off of your holier than thou high horse.
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I agree there's no need to overreact here. Jewel shouldn't even have been in the bar... football players are kings in IC tho so I'm sure Vito's had no problem with it until the "altercation".

Obviously we were all hoping for a clean slate during the offseason but honestly this could be a blessing in disguise. Both players battling for starting positions get picked up for a minor infraction. It happened right at the beginning of summer so hopefully it will serve as a lesson learned for more than just those two. Stay away from downtown and keep your priorities straight. You're only 90 days away from one of if not the most anticipated Hawkeye football season in history. Plus it will show the younger players they are not above the new 21 and older law.
I'm just waiting for the Clown trolls to pop up on here to rub it in. Been a rough past couple days for them. They'll try to latch on to anything to make themselves feel better at this point.:rolleyes:
This is why u play EIU in week one. I have joked for years that the first game of the year needs to be a weak sister and just call it the suspension challenge. Pretty heavy competition at those two positions to be putting yourself in the hole. Berstine was already behind Hyde an I suspect Hampton was #3 on the in house RB depth chart as both Wegher and Robinson showed more from an all around system perspective last year than Hampton was asked to show
Seriously. How stupid can kids be these days? Iowa players should know by now that Iowa City cops are on the lookout for them. They have targets on their backs. I'm tired of these stories. Get a clue children.
Iowa was ok without Jewell last year and they will be ok without him this year. I say KF should suspend him for half the season if not most of it. This crap has to stop.

Why do these kids even go down there? The ICPD is always on the lookout for Football players, particularly in the summer when the number of students is down. Bet they all high five each other each time one busts an Iowa football player.

Should we also throw the baby out with the bathwater?

I'm with you on this one, CoolRunnin. The reactions from CAARHawk and Tejas are the kind of stuff you'll see on Cyclone Fanatic.

Cops are not "looking" for Iowa football players to bust. Based on previous experience, if you're getting arrested for public intox and disorderly, there are two invariable truths - they go together, and that you have to give the cops a reason to arrest you.

They'll miss the Eastern Illinois game, and that's it. Let's not make this out to be more than it is.
Based on what precedent?

Prater got a 2-game suspension last year ... and that was for a much more egregious offense. Furthermore, on top of his offense, he also hurt himself by publicly making a pretty outrageous excuse.

Anyhow, while I'm certainly disappointed that some of these young men have made some bad choices. This doesn't mean that I can't or shouldn't give them another chance. It also doesn't mean that I shouldoverreact and want to throw the book at the young men either.

Which in this case is a 65.00 fine for each charge plus court costs.
This is why u play EIU in week one. I have joked for years that the first game of the year needs to be a weak sister and just call it the suspension challenge. Pretty heavy competition at those two positions to be putting yourself in the hole. Berstine was already behind Hyde an I suspect Hampton was #3 on the in house RB depth chart as both Wegher and Robinson showed more from an all around system perspective last year than Hampton was asked to show

I actually was actually downtown and witnessed it all. I was not going to say anything on here hoping that the news would not get out and the would lt JB off because he did nothing. I am not sure what Hampton to get arrested but I saw Bernstine a 4 of his friends following them to the police car simply asking what they needed to do to get him out the following morning. The Police officers were very confrentational about it and unprofessional. JB and company walked ended up walking away back into the ped mall. About 30 seconds later I personally heard one of the officers say "Let's go see what we can get dreadlocks for" About 5 or 6 cops then ran back into the ped mall and arrested Bernstine for really no reason. Simply BS if you ask me. In fact there was several people around trying to defend JB because he did nothing but ask when he could pick Hampton up. A couple people I was with actually called the police department and filed a complaint.
This is why u play EIU in week one. I have joked for years that the first game of the year needs to be a weak sister and just call it the suspension challenge. Pretty heavy competition at those two positions to be putting yourself in the hole. Berstine was already behind Hyde an I suspect Hampton was #3 on the in house RB depth chart as both Wegher and Robinson showed more from an all around system perspective last year than Hampton was asked to show

In other words, when you're challenging for a starting position it's best to let your play on the field help your cause rather then let your actions off the field hurt cause.

I'll look at the bright side- I'm guessing these two knew/know that a starting spot let alone playing time might be hard to come by. Not that they probably don't work their tails off already, but they just might work a little bit harder. On top of that, hopefully this is a lesson learned for them and the rest of the team moving forward.
stormin -

Fine point! It would certainly have been a much bigger deal had it been during either the spring or fall camps. It would have demonstrated that the guys weren't adequately focussed. However, during the summer, such a slip-up isn't at all surprising.

Yeah and i am sure they will enjoy a min one game suspension for being stupid like they were...and to say oh well college kids will do that, yeah maybe the ones not getting paid to go to school...these kids need to get their heads out of their rears and stop acting stupid like this.
I actually was actually downtown and witnessed it all. I was not going to say anything on here hoping that the news would not get out and the would lt JB off because he did nothing. I am not sure what Hampton to get arrested but I saw Bernstine a 4 of his friends following them to the police car simply asking what they needed to do to get him out the following morning. The Police officers were very confrentational about it and unprofessional. JB and company walked ended up walking away back into the ped mall. About 30 seconds later I personally heard one of the officers say "Let's go see what we can get dreadlocks for" About 5 or 6 cops then ran back into the ped mall and arrested Bernstine for really no reason. Simply BS if you ask me. In fact there was several people around trying to defend JB because he did nothing but ask when he could pick Hampton up. A couple people I was with actually called the police department and filed a complaint.

If you heard all of that then make yourself available to JB if he fights his charge. That testimony would go a long way in getting JB off if he really did not do anything.
Great athletic ability, poor judgment. Very disappointing. May show a lack of intelligence more than a lack of judgment.
I'm not a fan of the ICPD at all, but the bottom line is, you are asking for it if you get a public intox. They do not just randomly hand out public intox to unsuspecting people. They clearly were in an argument or something to draw the attention of the police. This is 100% on the players. They should get a 1 to 2 game suspension (even though this is a misdemeanor). It just can't be tolerated, and I think KF needs to send that message.
I will say it right now....Adam Robinson and Brandon Wegher just become 1 and 1A alone at the tailback position. I can promise you this is a HUGE setback for Jewel. This kind of thing is simply not tolerated right now. Not to say Jewel cannot earn it back but prior to even stepping on the field in fall practice he now has quite a bit of ground to make up and it will not be easy.

Ugh. One averaged a little over 4yds/carry, the other less than 4yd/carry. Not good. Not Big Ten feature backs. Jewel was our best bet there, of what we know.

Go Coker? Maybe Rogers??? Too bad Josh Brown and Jeff Brinson didn't stay!

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