Jeremy Morgan

^^^ This. STFU! So tired of reading your drivel on this board. You've pretty much ruined what would've been great basketball discussions on the board this year. Instead you've soiled every thread you touched. One can only hope you don't follow football...

Herby, who is going to score and rebound next season? What impact are two more tall, skinny guys going to have down low as freshman? Who is capable of hitting shots from the perimeter? A scoring 3 or a 6"7 dude with some bulk is needed. In case you haven't noticed, we aren't very good defensively or on the boards. I am not banking on Woodbury and Meyer being big time contributors next season and would be fine if Meyer or Olaseni got red shirted if we bring in a juco Cy Tate.

here's one post that makes no sense
Herby, you need to give it a rest. Fran knows what he is doing with the scholarships. He needs to win next year and to be able to play his style of basketball he needs as much talent as he can get. If Morgan is all that I am sure Fran will figure out a way to make him a Hawk. With Iowa making the NIT this year it raises the bar for next season. Next year we won't accept losing to Campbell or Nebraska, win the games you are supposed to along with a few surprises. Fran signed a 5 year contract, next season is year 3. Lick lasted 3 years in his 5 year deal, Iowa needs to win next season.

then ssc makes this comment about Fran needs to win now!
then ssc makes this comment about Fran needs to win now!

yeah and.......? You think Fran can get away with .500 records with a trip to the NIT every now and then?

Please, don't start this crap up again. It was nice to have a break from your mumble jumble for a day.
lets see we have the following players coming back,
Marble will more than likely play the 3 returns as the leading scorer at 11 ppg
White will be the 4 according to Fra, returns as the 2nd leading scorer at 10.4 ppg
Oglesby will be the 2 and returns as the 4th leading scorer at 6.7 ppg

that will make a solid core to build around.
I expect a top 100 player in PG Gesell to come in and replace Cartwright's spot and 5.8 ppg
2 rpg, 4.4 apg, 0.8 spg, and keep the t/opg at 2.5 or less, not to mention Cartwright was 7th in scoring on the team
to say Woodbury is skinny at 245 and 7'1 is out there in lala land, and to expect a 7 ppg, 7 rpg stat line is not that far fetched, escpecially with another top 100 player and NBA MVP where he competed against the top talent in the country and a few one and done players to earn that award. Leonard of Illinois came in as a 7'1 225 lb fr, and now is up to 7'1 245 lbs SO.
that leaves Basabe at 7.7 ppg and the 4th leading scorer,
McCabe at 7.4 ppg and the 5th leading scorer,
and May at 4.5 ppg and the 8th leading scorers
as the 1st 3 off the bench
that leaves Clemmon, Ingram, Meyer and Olaseni as the 9th thru 12 men of the bench.
not sure who you expect to get who is better than the 3 starters in the middle and better than a pair of top 100 players
so please enlighten me as to who this player is?
the only player with a 2012 offer is Wilson the 6'5 kid out of NC by way of Flint,
MI. and by the last report i heard he is down to Memphis and Marquette, nobody else as a offer, Fran has said they are looking, but that is not a absolute guarentee they will fill that last scholarship,
it appears the feel of the need to fill that last scholly is in the minds of posters on here

i post this in response as to how i see the roster, and i am accused of doubting Fran.
give me a f'n break
then there was the comment about Fran being able to find a kid better than any of the 12 we will have on the team next year, if Woodbury a top 50 player and Gesell a top 100 player are not good enough to go with White, Marble, McCabe, Basabe and the other newcomers without seeing them play is just moronic
i post this in response as to how i see the roster, and i am accused of doubting Fran.

Let me break this down real simple. You are being accused of doubting Fran because you question the need for him to sign another player for the 2012 recruiting class. Almost all of us have responded to you all pretty much saying we are fine with whatever Fran decides to do. If he finds someone that can help the team next year it is his choice to use the scholarship.

Everything else you bring up just a whole bunch of nothing to the point you are trying to make. Bottom line is you want Fran to save the scholarship to offer a player like Morgan. Am I right or am I wrong?
no i am saying Fran can win with who he has nothing more, and i feel with the players he has they will be in the dance for years and will improve recruiting each year,
Fran is in on some very good players next year to just have one schollarship.
who knows Morgan may end up a top 50 recruit, then what are going to say if he does and Roy Williams gets the #1 player in the state of Iowa again. i remember the heat Mr. Davis took for losing LaFrentz, and i have never seen a Coach go 13 deep,
Fran says all the right things by saying he is looking, BUT that does not mean he will sign another player, by adding 2 top 100 players at the 2 biggest area of need. Fran just might be satisfied with who he has.
you are going to be hard pressed to find better players than a pair of top 100 players, then you have Marbleand White that are going to be hard to beat. and McCabe improved a lot between his freshmen and sophamore year, Basabe has shown what he can do when he puts the effort in, Ogelsby shot 37.5% from three, McCabe shot 43.8% from 3 and Marble is now shooting 31.3% from 3.
Iam not worried about 3 point shooting
So herby, if Fran does use a scholarship to sign say Spearman and passes on Morgan. You going to be ok with it?
i post this in response as to how i see the roster, and i am accused of doubting Fran.
give me a f'n break
then there was the comment about Fran being able to find a kid better than any of the 12 we will have on the team next year, if Woodbury a top 50 player and Gesell a top 100 player are not good enough to go with White, Marble, McCabe, Basabe and the other newcomers without seeing them play is just moronic


And please dont stop posting. I love it.
Fran says all the right things by saying he is looking, BUT that does not mean he will sign another player

Everyone on this board knows this! You seem to think that people agreeing that Fran should always be recruiting, even for this current class, is an implication that the current roster sucks.
no i am saying Fran can win with who he has nothing more, and i feel with the players he has they will be in the dance for years and will improve recruiting each year,
Fran is in on some very good players next year to just have one schollarship.
who knows Morgan may end up a top 50 recruit, then what are going to say if he does and Roy Williams gets the #1 player in the state of Iowa again. i remember the heat Mr. Davis took for losing LaFrentz, and i have never seen a Coach go 13 deep,
I don't know why you can't comprehend this, but Fran is not out looking for a player to fill the "13th spot". He is looking for someone who can come in and play significant minutes. If he finds someone, great; if not, bank the scholarship.
Spearman is a 6'3 sg. who do you think he is going to take minutes away from?
maybe he takes minutes from;
Gesell a top 100 player that is a PG?
or Maybe top 50 player Woodbury?
just answer that question.
and remember by taking minutes from one of those tells me you have no faith in the recruits that Fran has signed.
and my opinion is you are saying Fran cannot win with who he has, and needs to get one last recruit to guantee success.
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Fran has to say he is looking at other players for 2012 just to keep the door open in case someone great comes along.
Good coaches are always looking. Whether it be to add to a current roster or as a backup to non-qualifiers or transfers.

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