isu player arrested

I agree. I will say I find it hilarious that the transfer epidemic in Ames has finally resulted in a stupid incident. However minor it may be doesn't matter to me. It was just pretty incredible how lucky Fred has been so far with some of the risks he has taken. You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

With that said, I'm with you. I wanted to see the two teams go at each other without any excuses. Now ISU has a big excuse.

Clearly luck has nothing to do with it.
I'll be surprised if he doesn't play. Just think how differently this would have played out if it had been a Hawkeye player with IC police.
I don't smoke it anymore. Haven't for a long time but I do remember college days of smoking weed and watching Letterman and staying up late laughing with friends. Holy Peter Tosh, just legalize it already!
I don't really care if he plays or not, but I don't get how the non-weed charges could be magically dropped the next day? The police had prior incidents with the house and came over because of noise complaints. You'd think they'd at least issue fines for those charges.

I know when my friends got charged with similar things they were issued tickets on the spot
My guess is The Mayor has more 'pull' than the lowly police. These charges will 'disappear', he will magically 'pass' any and all drug tests, and he WILL play tomorrow. The Mayor will make a few calls to the department, and make sure there will be NO more incidents on his watch again. He runs that town for sure.
If BJD plays tomorrow night I will lose every ounce of respect I have for Fred. And I know that would devastate him:rolleyes:
My guess is he won't start so Fred can "make a statement" but then he'll enter the game 5 minutes in and play the rest of the way

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