isu player arrested

Hoiberg looked very uncomfortable through that whole deal. We now know how he keeps his band of misfits under wraps. He's got the judge in his back pocket!!
It won't stop anyone here from proclaiming that's the reason though, will it?

You don't think some procedural screw-up by the Ames PD is a little bit more likely than Hoiberg's far-reaching tendrils pulling strings at the Story County courthouse and getting charges thrown out? I'm sure it's fun to believe that, but hardly realistic.

What procedural screw-up? The probable cause was listed in every article on the matter and then they drop the charges because they said they didn't have probable cause. Please connect the dots here because something is missing.
What procedural screw-up? The probable cause was listed in every article on the matter and then they drop the charges because they said they didn't have probable cause. Please connect the dots here because something is missing.
I'm not a cop, I don't know what the legal requirements are for them to enter a house. Are you a cop?
I don't know everyone here, and his username didn't indicate anything either way.

Well maybe read a little of the context surrounding the comment or even notice that he wasn't quoting you. That way you won't look so foolish next time. ;)
What procedural screw-up? The probable cause was listed in every article on the matter and then they drop the charges because they said they didn't have probable cause. Please connect the dots here because something is missing.

Ill connect the dots...the Ames police have been to his apartment numerous times due to complaints and BDJ has been fined exactly zero times. The dots are connected from the Ames Police to Fred Hoiberg's nutsack
Do you need to be a cop to know that weed is illegal?
"Weed is illegal" isn't justification for entering someone's house. The cops screwed something up, and it probably got whatever evidence they found inside tossed. I'm sorry that doesn't play with your fantasy of Hoiberg calling all the shots crime-boss style.
We beat them by 22.

Can't believe a wrestler called him in. What type of ship is Jamie Pollard running over there? Bunch of losers
A bit surprised he's suspended for being noisy. Oh well, Fred is Mayor. We let players scoot around town drunk on mopeds with no suspension.
Karma's a b****.
Don't be a dick to people who prepare your food or you share walls with.
The main charge was dropped because there is no cause that it is a "drug house" -- not that he won't face a charge for marijuana possession. Possessing the latter doesn't mean the former.

The charges being dropped have nothing to do with the police. It was a judge.

People are flinging all kinds of crap here and just demonstrating their stupidity. Probably smoking too much weed and burned up brain cells

I would think that the prosecutor that would have to try the case would be the one making this call, not a judge.
Of course there won't be proof. I would like to think Hoiberg would be a little smarter than to announce that in his press conference.

Why don't you offer your expert insight into why you think the charges were dropped. Do you really buy that the police didn't have probable cause to enter an apartment after they smelled weed coming from it?
Have a ou read a recent report or news article (which means not a post here as a source) as to why the main charge was dropped?
At the very least the guy needs to be put in check and shown some type of a consequence for his actions. If the cops had come to my apartment numerous times and I never was punished in any way I'd think I could do whatever I wanted too. One game is totally fair for the offense. Unfortunately it's for the state' rivalry game. But for all these cyfantastic fans to be outraged the kid is being suspended at all is laughable. And to add to that, Jok should of been suspended 1 probably 2 games as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
The neighbor should have whipped his ***. Is that not plain enough? If I had to call in a dozen complaints because of that ***-hole and nothing was done....I'd whip his ***. The police only get so many chances to straighten this Clown out. Then I'll straighten him out myself.
I would think that the prosecutor that would have to try the case would be the one making this call, not a judge.

You would think. That's what an actual news source said though. Not me. And I am guessing it was the arraignment judge since the charge was dropped the same day. I doubt a prosecutor would drop charge same day.

But it's been a few years since I've watched Law And Order. Still, I read everyday so haven't lost the ability to read real sources.
Looks to me like the right thing is being done.

If I were coach, I would suspend him just for the fact he has continued to be noisy when warned not to, and to be toking up right before a game.