"In fact, I'm so proud of myself I think I'm gonna go rub one off, be back in a minute babe."

More intelligence. Man you guys are looking real good now.

You know you've won an argument when the opposition starts talking like this.

Notice none of your fellow clones have come to your defense. What you're doing here is same thing you ***** about Iowa fans doing on CyFan.

That's called irony. Look it up.
"In fact, I'm so proud of myself I think I'm gonna go rub one off, be back in a minute babe."

More intelligence. Man you guys are looking real good now.

You know you've won an argument when the opposition starts talking like this.

You know what's funny about this? It's the fact that my opinion on the matter of the video doesn't even play into this argument but the fact that this is irritating you makes it so much fun. You make it so damn easy, it's like you are purposely setting it up on a tee so somebody like me can hit a 325 yard drive. So go ahead and think to yourself that your winning the fight. Like I said, if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside have at it. In the end, you're just trying to find anything you can grab onto to justify how ****** your team played on Saturday.
I'm waiting for it. I'm setting the over/under on a new thread regarding this exact conversation will be open in 5 minutes over on CF. PLACE YOUR BETS!

The over won. I really overestimated clonedude. He seemed like the kind of guy that would run back to his cyfan buttbuddies and cry on their shoulders.
I don't think this is an iowa-ISU thing. Anyone who would throw things at someone waving an opposition flag is an idiot. There really is no justification or trying to rationalize.
I don't think this is an iowa-ISU thing. Anyone who would throw things at someone waving an opposition flag is an idiot. There really is no justification or trying to rationalize.

Anyone that would stand on the roof of the car to wave the flag of the opposition in a tailgate enviroment is the bigger idiot, for proof see the video.
Over on Hawkeyereport someone referenced this and said the guy was one of the cyclone redcape group in the top row of the stadium. Not sure if it is true though.
A friend of mine was at the game last year and had a beer can thrown at his head for doing nothing but being a hawk fan. I guess he should have recorded it and put it on the internet so he could get up on his high horse and point fingers at all those mean Cyclone fans. Grow up Clonedude, if a hawkeye fan had done this in Ames the same thing would have happened. And you know what - if the guy didn't want to get pelted with beer cans then maybe the genius could of - oh I don't know - gotten off the frigin car. Hawkeye fans are no better or worse that any other fanbase no matter what the ISU propoganda machine says.
Keep grasping clone fans. BTW, don't you guys have another game on your schedule this coming Saturday that you should be worried about?
I am probably too old and out of touch, but someone waving an opposition flag poses no threat to me or my family and can't fathom assaulting them.

I agree with you but the way I look at it is - if you don't want a fight - don't start a fight.
As someone who defended people's rights to consume beer at tailgates. On the record.

Dudes, this is totally uncool. Morally reprehensible. The guy taunted you. So you throw full beer cans at him? A beer is twelve liquid ounces. That is almost a full pound. Thrown at someone at even 20 mph, it hits the person with the force of Mike Tyson pounding your skull. Without the give of the boxing glove. Have some respect, and act like you've been here before.

Seriously, this makes me embarrassed to be a Hawkeye.
Well, my reaction was at the instant it happened would probably be: "Idiot". I probably wouldn't throw a beer but I wouldn't be surprised by a bunch of college kids doing it. ANY college kids (don't kid yourself).

As for the innocent bystander argument, that's why they are called bystanders and innocent. They aren't involved and it happens. Doesn't change the fact that the #1 person AT fault is the clone fan for inciting this. Does it make the reaction right? No. But it still ends up that the clone instigated this. Get off your high horse.

You are the reason we are damn proud of being hawkeye fans. Sometimes we get owned, and yet somehow we find a way to move on with life. You taking up your whole life with a situation that didn't even concern you is just another example of a cyclone fan holding on to any little string that you think may justify why hawkeye fans are horrible. This doesn't just happen when you are tailgating, it happens everywhere. If you don't like, join the monestary or at least leave this board. We don't care what you think.
I don't get what the problem is with the hawkeye fans knocking a clone fan for being mad about this situtation.

An example. If someone does something stupid in life, say cut you off in traffic. You don't chase them down and throw trash at them.

The world is full of stupid people, from San Diego to New Jersey. The difference is how you react in a situation. Should the stupid drunk clone fan of gotten up on the truck and started waving a flag. Should the stupid drunk hawkeye fans of pelted him with beer. One of those chicken and egg things. Would this of happened if this didn't happen. Doesn't matter, people do stupid drunk **** all the time, its when it becomes assault is when it gets out of control.

Bottom line hawkeye nation is that being drunk on top of a truck and shouting hawkeyes suck isn't a crime. Throwing projectiles at someone over and over again is a crime. No matter how you slice the situation it was wrong. I don't know if cyclone nation is trying to form some type of moral victory or whatnot. Looking at the video all i see is a overly drunk fan base pelting an opposing fanbase with beer. It doesn't make it right for Iowa, Ohio State, Penn State, no one.

Ive been heckled in Lincoln and in Ames but never resorted to violence. But when your drunk you dont think about those things. You dont think you might hirt someone or someone elses property. Alcohol impares judgement as we all know. Unfortunately you have just given your University more ammo against the drinking problem in Iowa City.
Not sure who is dumber here. The guy standing up there or the people wasting all that perfectly good beer.
When I was a student, my drunken roommate got into the face of an offensive lineman at the Fieldhouse (bar) and tried to pick a fight. The guy decked him.

I don't blame the football player.
I was there and it wasn't only iowa fans throwing the beers isu fans are just as guilty when the hawk fan got on the truck
Let me just say first that this person getting pelted with beer cans, it's stupid on those people throwing things at him.

That being sai, it is for sure not a smart thing. I remember as a student going to an Iowa game when the students were on the side closer to the water tower. We played Northwestern and before the game they had the marching band playing and at the end, they had the band wind up by playing (I assume it was the ending of the NU fight song) their song and having the band stand in front of the student section playing and cheering.

Now, nothing wrong with that at all. Much like nothing wrong with this person getting on top of whatever. Iowa students started throwing things at the NU marching band, which I hated. I felt bad for the NU marching band being told to do that and being put in that position.

All that being said, most of us know that throwing things that can hurt people is wrong and stupid. What I hate in that case is that the NU marching band director put them there without thinking.

Moral of the story is if you put yourself in bad situations or if somebody else puts you there, you are in the realm of the public and you should know what could/will happen.

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