Trying to rationalize this behavior is ridiculous. Should we not be able to proudly show our colors when we go to Ann Arbor? Or should we wait until no Michigan fans are looking before we walk to the stadium because we might incite a riot by supporting our team. The next time you see a Cyclone fan, just point and laugh, but don't hurt the poor bastard.
If this guy had suffered a significant injury some beer-chucking idiot would be responsible criminally and could be sued for civil damages.

The ISUck fan is a flaming moron, but that fact would do nothing to lessen the liability of someone who assaulted him.

Think before you (chuck your) drink.
Other vantage points:

[ame=]YouTube - Cyclone fan pelted with beer cans.[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The Sucklone of Iowa City![/ame]
Seriously, you know what would have really been funny. IA St fan getting on a truck trying to entice Iowa fans but nobody even paying attention to him or looking his way. That would be funny. He would be on top of the truck & looking stupid then prob quite after a short time.

If he was up there waving a towel, big stinking deal, ignore it. I really don't have a problem with the guy getting pelted with the cans because he may have been looking for a response & he took the risk. But, what I get pizzed at, is the thought of some innocent bystander getting hit, & ten times worse, some kid taking a can in the face. Also, could be some innocent person's truck getting damaged sec to a bunch of idiots.
guess no one can say it only happened because he was from isu and NO ONE would ever do that to an iowa'll be interesting to see responses to the 2nd video thanks for posting!
In my opinion the kid got what he deserved. I'm not saying it was right to throw cans at him because it wasn't, but at the same time I would expect the exact same thing to happen to me if I went to Madison and stood up on a car in the middle of Badger kids tailgating and twirled an Iowa Hawkeye flag.

To make matters worse the kid didn't get down off the car after the first few cans were thrown....instead he started dancing/bobbing and weaving. He was provoking it and I'm assuming he wanted something like this to happen in the first place. Again, right or wrong, he got what he deserved.
Have you all never been to an NFL game as a visiting fan in Philly or Cleveland or NY? That is the typical response to waving an opposing team flag. It is also a good way to catch a few free cans of beer. I think that also may be the reason someone invented the foam rubber brick. Flags (especially ref's flags) do weird things to people when they've been drinking.

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