This is not half as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be. I'm sure if that ISU fan really felt threatened he would have have made himself scarce a lot sooner. That being said ask yourself if the police should be focusing their efforts on open containers on Melrose, loud music, and flippy cup OR responding to this sort of behavior. You decide.

responding to stuff like this and not a open container in a coozy on quotes were in the press citizen on sunday not happy about what happened to me but didn't get a ticket so i won't complain
This is not half as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be. I'm sure if that ISU fan really felt threatened he would have have made himself scarce a lot sooner. That being said ask yourself if the police should be focusing their efforts on open containers on Melrose, loud music, and flippy cup OR responding to this sort of behavior. You decide.

There was a thread on here on Saturday saying that the cops just laughed when they saw beers being thrown at some Clown fan on a truck or a van. If I was on a jury and I had that info and I saw those videos and that guy on the van or a bystander got hit by a full can or bottle and suffered a brain injury, I would be more willing to hold the owner of the lot (presumably the University) and the cops responsible for a large payment to the injured party (in addition to the thrower who hurt him, if he could be identified). What if a can hit a 5 year old kid who was walking by the scene with his dad causing a permanent injury? These clowns all should have been arrested no questions asked. There is no place for this kind of behavior, even if the idiot on the van was "asking for it."

Obviously I am in the camp who thinks the open container/beer pong/music enforcement is ridiculous (unless it's country music, then the music regulation makes sense). The cops' resources should be directed at this crap where someone can be hurt and where the University could be exposing itself to a huge financial loss.
Guess he shouldn't of gotten up on that truck and taunted a bunch of drunk iowa fans in a rowdy tailgating area. I don't feel for him pelted, but for maybe a innocent bystander I do feel sorry for. Other than that, don't get up on a car and taunt fans in a rowdy tailgate.Not the smartest thing to do!
Wow! Really?

Even if it was....don't you think he did prove his point? Throwing beer cans at somebody is awful. I don't care who the fan is....what he did.....or what he was saying. What happens if one of those hits him in the face?

Don't you think he would of thought about that after the first can was thrown at him? I'm not saying it's right, but it shouldn't take 30 seconds of beer cans to be thrown at you to jump down from the car.
I see two idiotic things here:

A fan just asking for something to happen

And, fans not realizing how stupid it is to toss beer cans at someone. Interesting to see what people will do when the mob mentality sets in
I'm mostly upset because of the unwarranted waste of beer. No ISU fan is worthy enough to waste a beer by throwing it at them, unless it's Natty Light which in that case it would be tolerable.
ISU fans staged and recorded this just so they could post it and act like the victim. If this same scenario played out anywhere else the outcome would be the same, including ames.

Those mean old hawkeyes are picking on the sweet innocent ISU fans again. Give me a break.
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He's an idiot and deserved every can.

I'll agree with you here. I was wearing ISU gear not less than 15 feet from this and didn't hear a thing. Pretty good environment, minus this one incident.

Sucks that bunch of Iowa fans beat the **** out of their own property though - as that truck suffered broken window and lots of dents.
Are they filling it with people throwing beer cans at Iowa fans?

If an Iowa fan stood on top of a car in the middle of a bunch of ISU students and started waving a flag with a tigerhawk on it, what do you think the reaction would be. That kid was clearly egging on the crowd; he was practically daring them to hit him.

Being college students, they obliged.
There was a thread on here on Saturday saying that the cops just laughed when they saw beers being thrown at some Clown fan on a truck or a van. If I was on a jury and I had that info and I saw those videos and that guy on the van or a bystander got hit by a full can or bottle and suffered a brain injury, I would be more willing to hold the owner of the lot (presumably the University) and the cops responsible for a large payment to the injured party (in addition to the thrower who hurt him, if he could be identified). What if a can hit a 5 year old kid who was walking by the scene with his dad causing a permanent injury? These clowns all should have been arrested no questions asked. There is no place for this kind of behavior, even if the idiot on the van was "asking for it."

Obviously I am in the camp who thinks the open container/beer pong/music enforcement is ridiculous (unless it's country music, then the music regulation makes sense). The cops' resources should be directed at this crap where someone can be hurt and where the University could be exposing itself to a huge financial loss.

This is "tongue in cheek" right? Right?? Ha ha! You almost had me! Nice work!!
You've got to be kidding me with this garbage? Some idiot Clone fan is dumb enough to get up on a car and taunt Iowa fans... but what was he doing that physically hurt anyone? NOTHING.

The Iowa fans start throwing full beer cans at him... and as one smart Hawkeye fan has already said... what if some 5 year old kid would have taken one to the head?

But yet, even your site administrator Jon Miller himself backs up the statement that the Clone fan was the idiot and basically deserved it. What? Do you teach your children that too Jon? I hope not. If somebody calls your kid a name in school... do you tell them to punch them in the face?

And if this same thing would have happened in Ames, but an Iowa fan did this... it wouldn't matter one bit to me. No idiot that isn't harming anyone deserves this... especially when it puts everyone in danger all around them.

This is what the Iowa fanbase is known for nationwide. There's a reason you guys are always in the top ten party schools. These kinds of acts get you bonus points I'm sure in their rankings. How proud you must all be!
You've got to be kidding me with this garbage? Some idiot Clone fan is dumb enough to get up on a car and taunt Iowa fans... but what was he doing that physically hurt anyone? NOTHING.

The Iowa fans start throwing full beer cans at him... and as one smart Hawkeye fan has already said... what if some 5 year old kid would have taken one to the head?

But yet, even your site administrator Jon Miller himself backs up the statement that the Clone fan was the idiot and basically deserved it. What? Do you teach your children that too Jon? I hope not. If somebody calls your kid a name in school... do you tell them to punch them in the face?

And if this same thing would have happened in Ames, but an Iowa fan did this... it wouldn't matter one bit to me. No idiot that isn't harming anyone deserves this... especially when it puts everyone in danger all around them.

This is what the Iowa fanbase is known for nationwide. There's a reason you guys are always in the top ten party schools. These kinds of acts get you bonus points I'm sure in their rankings. How proud you must all be!

Somebody call the...

You've got to be kidding me with this garbage? Some idiot Clone fan is dumb enough to get up on a car and taunt Iowa fans... but what was he doing that physically hurt anyone? NOTHING.

The Iowa fans start throwing full beer cans at him... and as one smart Hawkeye fan has already said... what if some 5 year old kid would have taken one to the head?

But yet, even your site administrator Jon Miller himself backs up the statement that the Clone fan was the idiot and basically deserved it. What? Do you teach your children that too Jon? I hope not. If somebody calls your kid a name in school... do you tell them to punch them in the face?

And if this same thing would have happened in Ames, but an Iowa fan did this... it wouldn't matter one bit to me. No idiot that isn't harming anyone deserves this... especially when it puts everyone in danger all around them.

This is what the Iowa fanbase is known for nationwide. There's a reason you guys are always in the top ten party schools. These kinds of acts get you bonus points I'm sure in their rankings. How proud you must all be!

Whole lot of angst in that statement. I've seen the student lots at ISU, and I have no doubt that if an Iowa fan did that in the ISU student lots when the game was/is in Ames, that fan would receive similar treatment.

Stop acting like you're some morally superior breed of fan.
This would be a good thread to mention something that happened to me back in February. I went to the Valentino's in Ames for the lunch buffet. When I was through I went to my car, which was in a parking lot shared by several businesses. I couldn't help but notice that someone had taken a bat or club or similar weapon and put several large dents in various body panels on the car. I also noticed two other things: 1) no other cars in the vicinity of my car had been attacked and 2) no other car that I could see had a Black and Old Gold decal on the rear window. I concluded that the damage done to my car was done by a classless clown having an episode of little brotherism. So to any ISU folks that are outraged at the video: KMA,MF!!!

The tool in the video was obviously trying to get the reaction that he got. All it really proves is that some people do stupid things when under the influence, especially when the mob mentality rears it's pointed little head. Nothing new under the sun.
You've got to be kidding me with this garbage? Some idiot Clone fan is dumb enough to get up on a car and taunt Iowa fans... but what was he doing that physically hurt anyone? NOTHING.

The Iowa fans start throwing full beer cans at him... and as one smart Hawkeye fan has already said... what if some 5 year old kid would have taken one to the head?

But yet, even your site administrator Jon Miller himself backs up the statement that the Clone fan was the idiot and basically deserved it. What? Do you teach your children that too Jon? I hope not. If somebody calls your kid a name in school... do you tell them to punch them in the face?

And if this same thing would have happened in Ames, but an Iowa fan did this... it wouldn't matter one bit to me. No idiot that isn't harming anyone deserves this... especially when it puts everyone in danger all around them.

This is what the Iowa fanbase is known for nationwide. There's a reason you guys are always in the top ten party schools. These kinds of acts get you bonus points I'm sure in their rankings. How proud you must all be!

It's just easier to call you a Dbag than start rolling through that post pointing out the inaccuracies.