ISU #4 in Preseason Polls?

Comical. Isu kicked iowas *** last year. Soooo does iowa lose to uab? No they don't and neither do we if our guys decided to show up. We beat uab every time if we mentally show up. We had final 4 talent but the mental toughness of a middle school student

You didn't have final four talent, you have maybe one second round NBA draft pick on your team. You just play in a ****** conference that hasn't even got a single team to the elite eight in three years.
You didn't have final four talent, you have maybe one second round NBA draft pick on your team. You just play in a ****** conference that hasn't even got a single team to the elite eight in three years.
Easy Gravy Train! So you are trying to say Iowa would have won the Big 12 last year? Dream on dude. Like I said earlier, the day you start actually beating Michigan State and Wisconsin you can start bragging. You basically beat a few 20-10 teams and got killed by everyone good including ISU and Northern Iowa. It's not like Iowa has been one of those Big 10 teams that has even sniffed the Elite 8 anyway.
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Easy Gravy Train! So you are trying to say Iowa would have won the Big 12 last year? Dream on dude. Like I said earlier, the day you start actually beating Michigan State and Wisconsin you can start bragging. You basically beat a few 20-10 teams and got killed by everyone good including ISU and Northern Iowa. It's not like Iowa has been one of those Big 10 teams that has even sniffed the Elite 8 anyway.

Haha, nobody in the Big12 has sniffed the elite 8 for years!! ISU had 1 more regular season win than Iowa, and Iowa had to play 3 games vs final 4 teams. I wish Iowa played in a midmajor level conference like the Big12 where teams can't crack the elite 8 let alone the final 4. As it is Iowa had to play 3 games vs final 4 teams, so yeah that is a bit tougher than the midmajor level Big12 competition.
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You didn't have final four talent, you have maybe one second round NBA draft pick on your team. You just play in a ****** conference that hasn't even got a single team to the elite eight in three years.

No Shat. Kentucky, Wisconsin, Duke, now those teams have final 4 you say ISU has one player who MIGHT have an NBA career.
Postseason performance is certainly an indicator of the strength of a conference...that being said so is head-head. Iowa lost to the last place Big 12 team in football last season (at home) and also went 0-2 against Big 12 teams in basketball (1 at home and 1 neutral). So staking the claim that a top 5 team in the BIG would be number 1 in the Big 12 is simply false and Iowa fans should know this from a first hand account.
If anyone would know about false statement it would be a cyfan. By the way Kansas and UAB said hello and Kansas said they'd try to hold it to just a 20 point beat down this year but it will be tough to hold it to that.
Comical. Isu kicked iowas *** last year. Soooo does iowa lose to uab? No they don't and neither do we if our guys decided to show up. We beat uab every time if we mentally show up. We had final 4 talent but the mental toughness of a middle school student
SHOCKER! A cyfan with the if and buts excuse.
Haha, nobody in the Big12 has sniffed the elite 8 for years!! ISU had 1 more regular season win than Iowa, and Iowa had to play 3 games vs final 4 teams. I wish Iowa played in a midmajor level conference like the Big12 where teams can't crack the elite 8 let alone the final 4. As it is Iowa had to play 3 games vs final 4 teams, so yeah that is a bit tougher than the midmajor level Big12 competition.
Don't forget, ISU had to play FF team UAB in the tournament.
Been a crumby offseason for the Clones.

Lose to a 14 seed
Find out one of your players fought an assistant
Assistant leaves
Transfers out
Lose out on top recruit you invested all of your time in
Bring in coach to replace Hoiberg
Been a crumby offseason for the Clones.

Lose to a 14 seed
Find out one of your players fought an assistant
Assistant leaves
Transfers out
Lose out on top recruit you invested all of your time in
Bring in coach to replace Hoiberg
We are bringing back a good team. T.J. Otzelberger is 10x more valuable than Matt A. was. Iowa had guys transfer also, its 2015. We did lose out on Diallo, but got Nick Nostowiak who is better than anyone Iowa has coming in. And we have a coach that is is wanted by NBA teams. Yea life is terrible.
We are bringing back a good team. T.J. Otzelberger is 10x more valuable than Matt A. was. Iowa had guys transfer also, its 2015. We did lose out on Diallo, but got Nick Nostowiak who is better than anyone Iowa has coming in. And we have a coach that is is wanted by NBA teams. Yea life is terrible.

Nice try on NN. We had a Clown dipsh!t telling us how great Custer was as well (rated higher than NN as a matter of fact)......he ended up being so good that Da Mayor pushed him out the door and he went packing to Loyola....LOLOLOL. I'm think about the same for NN. Mike23, you ready to predict that NN will be the next transfer, or do you see one or two more packing their bags before NN leaves?
Nice try on NN. We had a Clown dipsh!t telling us how great Custer was as well (rated higher than NN as a matter of fact)......he ended up being so good that Da Mayor pushed him out the door and he went packing to Loyola....LOLOLOL. I'm think about the same for NN. Mike23, you ready to predict that NN will be the next transfer, or do you see one or two more packing their bags before NN leaves?

Clayton left on us his own but nice try pal...I'm still waiting on Hawkeye basketball savior's Gessell and Woodbury to get Iowa their 2nd NCAA tourney win since 2002. And BTW NN and Custer both would have been the highest ranked recruit for Iowa since 2012.
We are bringing back a good team. T.J. Otzelberger is 10x more valuable than Matt A. was. Iowa had guys transfer also, its 2015. We did lose out on Diallo, but got Nick Nostowiak who is better than anyone Iowa has coming in. And we have a coach that is is wanted by NBA teams. Yea life is terrible.

Matt A. landed every transfer during Hoiberg’s tenure, no? Also, Fred offered Isaiah Moss ages ago but struck out so he picked up a kid with issues that no other coach would touch with a ten foot pole.
Matt A. landed every transfer during Hoiberg’s tenure, no? Also, Fred offered Isaiah Moss ages ago but struck out so he picked up a kid with issues that no other coach would touch with a ten foot pole.

The optimism that surrounds Otz's return is the fact that he was able to recruit highly talented players when Iowa State's brand/performance on the court was not very successful. Now after 4 straight NCAA tournament's and consistently being ranked in the top 25, he should be able to continue to recruit a high level on a more consistent basis. TJ brought in Brackins, Justin Hamilton, Melvin Ejim, Diante Garrett, Mike Taylor, Naz Long, Matt Thomas and was also apart of bringing on Scott Christopherson and Will Clyburn as transfers...those are just to name a few. Yes Matt A was ISU's point man when it came to transfers, but TJ's return should allow the staff now to shift their focus on bringing in more HS players but also continue to recruit transfers to fill in the gaps and even out recruiting classes.

Also for the record USC, CAL, VT and Illinois were all involved in NN's recruitment after he was released.
Comical. Isu kicked iowas *** last year. Soooo does iowa lose to uab? No they don't and neither do we if our guys decided to show up. We beat uab every time if we mentally show up. We had final 4 talent but the mental toughness of a middle school student

So you're telling me that one game doesn't matter? I can get on board with that. If Iowa had shown up to play ISU of course Iowa would have won. The truth is that the best team in the state this year wore purple and gold. Iowa and ISU played for second place.
Matt A. landed every transfer during Hoiberg’s tenure, no? Also, Fred offered Isaiah Moss ages ago but struck out so he picked up a kid with issues that no other coach would touch with a ten foot pole.

Frank Kaminsky? Did he even recruit him? By the way, I think he's only a seven foot pole.
Nice try on NN. We had a Clown dipsh!t telling us how great Custer was as well (rated higher than NN as a matter of fact)......he ended up being so good that Da Mayor pushed him out the door and he went packing to Loyola....LOLOLOL. I'm think about the same for NN. Mike23, you ready to predict that NN will be the next transfer, or do you see one or two more packing their bags before NN leaves?

No, looking at who ISU has offered since TJ got back they are aiming a lot lower. Going after two/low 3 star type guys, combined that with them not being able to even get visits from the top transfers this year I don't think they will be pushing as many guys out.

It's kind of shocking to see how removed Hoiberg is from their recruiting. It's very odd that the guys Matt A was recruiting had no relationship with Hoiberg and ISU had no chance once he left. Matt A had his strategy to just go after elite type recruits, which saw him sign zero high schools players in two and a half. Now TJ is coming in and targeting Wisconsin and Iowa kids that ISU would have never given a second thought before.
Clayton left on us his own but nice try pal...I'm still waiting on Hawkeye basketball savior's Gessell and Woodbury to get Iowa their 2nd NCAA tourney win since 2002. And BTW NN and Custer both would have been the highest ranked recruit for Iowa since 2012.

If you really think that all the players that have left under Da Mayor has all been their choice, you are more delusional than most Clown fans. He has lost more than double what McDermott did. Yet is doesn't matter, as only the bench warmers, the players who don't develop or aren't needed are the ones that leave....I'm sure it is just a massive "coincidence" and it isn't Da Mayor pushing them out.....HAHA....sometimes I feel sorry for just how stupid ISU fan can be.
No, looking at who ISU has offered since TJ got back they are aiming a lot lower. Going after two/low 3 star type guys, combined that with them not being able to even get visits from the top transfers this year I don't think they will be pushing as many guys out.

It's kind of shocking to see how removed Hoiberg is from their recruiting. It's very odd that the guys Matt A was recruiting had no relationship with Hoiberg and ISU had no chance once he left. Matt A had his strategy to just go after elite type recruits, which saw him sign zero high schools players in two and a half. Now TJ is coming in and targeting Wisconsin and Iowa kids that ISU would have never given a second thought before.

Fred really has no interest in recruiting at all, and would have been perfectly happy taking only transfers. He made that obvious over the last couple years. Fred does well in connecting with misfits, and rejects, but it doesn't seem that he connects with HS kids. Brining back Otz might be the only way they sign HS kids at in point, NN.

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