Norm's last season was 2011. To have played 95 games since he retired is nothing short of improbable. Oh, wait, we've only played 38 games since Norm retired. And we're 19-19 in those games.

Just who is the "moron"? Never mind, we all know it's you.

well, that changes everything 19-19 is fantastic!
For one, how many D-ENDs will we see this year better than Drew Ott? So Myers is probably going up against the best defensive end he will see all year. How better to learn. So in games I would highly suspect Myers will do better than we see in any open practice against Ott. In a game where maybe Myers is struggling, one would believe they will use a running back or TE to assist in pass blocking. If Ott was lining up on the other side we would probably be hearing how that tackle was not doing very well. If you go back to Scherff's first start I am sure he got beat on occasion. We cannot expect Boone Myers to step in and play like Scherff. At least we have a QB that is quicker and gets the ball out quicker. If they blitz then we have to have plays to burn the blitzes. I am not a doom and gloomer with this like many are since the open practice and you have to remember who Myers is going against. Give the kid a break until we see how the first few games go.

Everyone acts like Illinois State is so great yet UNI did beat them in the Dome and did so fairly handily. Yes, UNI did lose to Illinois State at their field in the playoffs, but they are coming to Kinnick to play we aren't going there and at least Iowa's strength which should be the defense early plays against their strength in their offense. We played against Melvin Gordon and Ameer Abdullah last season for Christ's sake. Do we fear an Illinois State running back more than them? It will be physical and I will take Iowa.
You just can't help yourself can you donkey boy? Kirk coached at a school called Maine for 3 years as well reject. His record there is included moron. Maybe you missed the memo but Norm didn't coach at all in the 2010 season except for the bowl win vs. Missouri.

Oh wait, I guess you're not a total zero because it looks like Norm did coach at Iowa in the 2011 season so I'm slightly off whereas - per usual - you aren't even in the right hemisphere.

Go back to figuring out how to bold on your laptop reject and keep rejoicing in Kirk's 38-45 record as a head coach without Norm.

Donkey girl, Maine doesn't play bowl games. They were Div.-1AA when Kirk was there, so bowl games weren't part of any schedule. Yes, they have a playoff system, but not BOWL games.
Or 10 years old! Just Leave me alone guys, it's Iowa Football we talking about. :eek:

The thing that jumps out at me is Hawknick been a member since 2010 and became real active in the last 12 months. I'm not sure what changed but I find that really interesting!

He is older now and his parents let him play on the interwebs
Donkey girl, Maine doesn't play bowl games. They were Div.-1AA when Kirk was there, so bowl games weren't part of any schedule. Yes, they have a playoff system, but not BOWL games.

You are the biggest tard on this board and it's not even close. Who cares what Division Maine plays in or if they play bowl games or not??? What does that have to do with anything?

The point I was making was that Kirk Ferentz has a TERRIBLE coaching record as a head coach without Norm on his staff and hasn't even won a bowl game without him.

My numbers in his record originally were slightly off as I had forgotten Norm was with us during the 2011 season but your special ed. @ss tried to imply Kirk had only coached 38 games without him and Kirk had a 19-19 record in those games. Not even close.

Let me see if I can break this down for you so even a short bus rider like yourself can understand.

Kirk has been a head coach at TWO different schools. Iowa and Maine. His record at those schools for games Norm was not with him are as following.

Maine 12-21 over three years.
Iowa 7-5 in 2010. Norm came back for the bowl game which we won.
4-8 in 2012
8-5 in 2013
7-6 in 2014

You add those up and you get.......38-45 Just like my amended earlier post on his record said.

You caught up now donkey boy?

It's gotta be a burden going through life as stupid as you are.
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You are the biggest tard on this board and it's not even close. Who cares what Division Maine plays in or if they play bowl games or not??? What does that have to do with anything?

The point I was making was that Kirk Ferentz has a TERRIBLE coaching record as a head coach without Norm on his staff and hasn't even won a bowl game without him.

My numbers in his record originally were slightly off as I had forgotten Norm was with us during the 2011 season but your special ed. @ss tried to imply Kirk had only coached 38 games without him and Kirk had a 19-19 record in those games. Not even close.

Let me see if I can break this down for you so even a short bus rider like yourself can understand.

Kirk has been a head coach at TWO different schools. Iowa and Maine. His record at those schools for games Norm was not with him are as following.

Maine 12-21 over three years.
Iowa 7-5 in 2010. Norm came back for the bowl game which we won.
4-8 in 2012
8-5 in 2013
7-6 in 2014

You add those up and you get.......38-45 Just like my amended earlier post on his record said.

You caught up now donkey boy?

It's gotta be a burden going through life as stupid as you are.

Gotta say, LOVE it when you resort to name-calling. Love it even more when you dig up Kirk's first HC job at college level to bring Norm into his "success".

<<You are the biggest tard on this board...>>

And you are the biggest POS. Do you EVEN get how that actually might be offensive to someone? Do you even care? Seriously? Good God, you could cut your head off and you'd still yap, post and blather. Sort of like the Chatty Cathy doll Steve Martin referenced in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles".

Just for a refresher--or maybe you were never clued in--"tard", "******" and similar monikers used to refer to people on the spectrum (the newest phrase) is viewed as politically incorrect. That doesn't bother me, personally, because "incorrect" pretty much defines your existence.

But seriously, there are people that post here that may have children, friends, family, etc., that suffer mental challenges through no fault of their own. It's an offensive term. Then again, you also are the illustration of offensive.

Wow, that's a couple minutes I'll never get back. And I waste them on a POS like you. Sad. Truly sad.
You just can't help yourself can you donkey boy? Kirk coached at a school called Maine for 3 years as well reject. His record there is included moron. Maybe you missed the memo but Norm didn't coach at all in the 2010 season except for the bowl win vs. Missouri.

Oh wait, I guess you're not a total zero because it looks like Norm did coach at Iowa in the 2011 season so I'm slightly off whereas - per usual - you aren't even in the right hemisphere.

Go back to figuring out how to bold on your laptop reject and keep rejoicing in Kirk's 38-45 record as a head coach without Norm.

It pretty obvious that Norm Parker was a great coach for Iowa. I doubt Ferentz would of lasted four years if Parker wasn't his defensive coach. I don't recall to many players transferring out of Iowa when Parker was there. I'm not a big Ferentz fan, but I think Norm Parker deserves the credit that is due him. I really enjoyed watching his defense keeping Iowa in games. The offense really wasn't that good, but they were fun to watch with Parker as the defensive coordinator.
It pretty obvious that Norm Parker was a great coach for Iowa. I doubt Ferentz would of lasted four years if Parker wasn't his defensive coach. I don't recall to many players transferring out of Iowa when Parker was there. I'm not a big Ferentz fan, but I think Norm Parker deserves the credit that is due him. I really enjoyed watching his defense keeping Iowa in games. The offense really wasn't that good, but they were fun to watch with Parker as the defensive coordinator.

Norm was tremendously experienced. He would mention that he used to be a blitzing defensive minded coach. Along the way in his career he switched philosophies to the bend but don't break, 2 deep zone style forcing teams to execute 14 play scoring drives.

I can recall a number of our fans complaining about not blitzing enough because the spread-happy dink and dunk teams seemed to have their way with us, especially with our LB's in coverage. Oh those NW games filled with 3-5 yard horizontal passes on seemingly endless drives.

Now Phil's early philosophy has been to run a little more high risk, blitzing, man-to-man coverage and we do seem to get more early stops but we also tend to give up more big plays over the course of a game leading to scores.
This program is past the point of even searching for answers to questions such as these.

Why do we throw for 1 yard on 4th and 2?

Why do we punt from the 38 yard line in a meaningless game in a lost season only to kick it through the end zone and gain a whole 18 yards in field position?

Why do we get not one but two delay of game penalties.......coming off of a TO?

The answer to all these questions and the dozens of others you could ask is that Kirk Ferentz is a complete and utter incompetent moron.

He's 44-51 as a head coach without the safety of Norm Parker by his side. Ferentz has never even won a bowl game without Norm. If I was Parker's family I'd sue Ferentz for everything he's got for stealing money that rightfully should have gone to Norm and his family.

I'm no genius, but isn't it just as easy to say that Ferentz should owe all his success to KOK? It's not so black and white.
All you have to do is consider why James Daniels the highly recruited true freshman is already on the two deeps (and getting some first team snaps). He may well be one terrific talent but vying for a starting spot on the OL as a true freshman before the season even begins speaks to some talent gaps in my mind.

Is it fair to say Alabama has some talent gaps because a highly touted lineman comes in and is on the two deep? It's funny how many people make a fuss because Ferentz won't play freshmen, but when he does there must be something wrong with the program. If Iowa lands repeat's kid, will we be angry because he starts as a freshman?
I read that after last Saturdays scrimmage I believe it was Marc Morehouse graded the oline a D- to an F. Can anyone who saw the scrimmage shed some light on that?
Is it fair to say Alabama has some talent gaps because a highly touted lineman comes in and is on the two deep? It's funny how many people make a fuss because Ferentz won't play freshmen, but when he does there must be something wrong with the program. If Iowa lands repeat's kid, will we be angry because he starts as a freshman?

The post was about a particular true freshman OL vying for starting time on a specific unit on this year's team before the season even broad reference to something wrong with the program due to this example or to any history associated with Ferentz playing or not playing freshman over the years. I don't recall ever fussing about Ferentz not playing freshmen by the way. Would you care to point out where I made that statement? By the way, I wish we could compare our talent gaps with that of Alabama. They brought in twenty 4 or 5 star players in their 2015 class, we brought in one. Talent gap is a relative term.

I still stand by this being a sign of a talent gap on this unit on this year's team. Guess we'll see how it all plays out soon enough to determine if the concerns of some are legit or not.
That might make some sense if Ferentz had fielded a decent offense more than two or three times.

My point was that it was a blanket statement. Yes, Norm was a great asset for Ferentz, but there were many games won by special teams and the offense. There were even a few that the defense let get away. We might as well say that Ferentz is no good because he can't recruit enough good players.