Iowa's Attrition Compared to BIG Schools

Even assuming that the OP is worth much, you still must factor in that the Big Ten will have better numbers than the other conferences. Then factor in geographical issues (the further away they come the more likely they are to leave) and you're left with stats that show we are very much in the mainstream, and this is all much ado about nothing

It's clear what the problem is. Hysterical ninnies as fans. Drama Queen central.

We're just fine. I thank the OP for demonstrating it, even if he didn't understand it.
Even assuming that the OP is worth much, you still must factor in that the Big Ten will have better numbers than the other conferences. Then factor in geographical issues (the further away they come the more likely they are to leave) and you're left with stats that show we are very much in the mainstream, and this is all much ado about nothing

It's clear what the problem is. Hysterical ninnies as fans. Drama Queen central.

We're just fine. I thank the OP for demonstrating it, even if he didn't understand it.

Ding, ding, ding....I do love it when someone is undone by their own math.
By the are ISU's numbers since 2007....25, 25, 26, 28 & 24. Now as I said above multiple times, spud's theory is faulty, but just so we have a good comparison here....ISU in the same time period has signed 128 kids!!!

Here is a link to many teams thru you'll note, Iowa is in no way shape or form out of line, with its signings. AGAIN I need to stress it doesn't get to the bottom of attrtion, but these are the poor numbers spud used. I must thank him, because it is people like him, that encourgae me to search for facts.

Recruiting Numbers
By the are ISU's numbers since 2007....25, 25, 26, 28 & 24. Now as I said above multiple times, spud's theory is faulty, but just so we have a good comparison here....ISU in the same time period has signed 128 kids!!!

Here is a link to many teams thru you'll note, Iowa is in no way shape or form out of line, with its signings. AGAIN I need to stress it doesn't get to the bottom of attrtion, but these are the poor numbers spud used. I must thank him, because it is people like him, that encourgae me to search for facts.

Recruiting Numbers

You can't compare Iowa's offer numbers to schools outside the Big Ten for two reasons- Oversigning isn't allowed by the Big Ten and the Big Ten has higher academic standings for incoming recruits. Nothing about the numbers are wrong, they aren't my numbers they are Rivals commit lists.

And my attrition percentage is dead accurate. 35% of players offered a scholarship over the last 5 seasons (not walk ons filling unused shollies due to attrition) have failed to finish their football careers.
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You can't compare Iowa's offer numbers to schools outside the Big Ten for two reasons- Oversigning isn't allowed by the Big Ten and the Big Ten has higher academic standings for incoming recruits. Nothing about the numbers are wrong, they aren't my numbers they are Rivals commit lists.

And my attrition percentage is dead accurate. 35% of players offered a scholarship over the last 5 seasons (not walk ons filling unused shollies due to attrition) have failed to finish their football careers.

Dude stop and look at the chart......I'm using your bad theory. Iowa is 7th in the big 10 since 2002 for signing per class, .24 above Michigan who is 8th out of 11!!!! That's right, based on your really dumb theory we have ZERO problems....and ISU is relevant because I'll bet they haven't lost any more or you'd likely say as "many" kids as us, yet there they are way above us in signings per year....
Spud your all wet dude. You used a poor formula and it back fired on you....
Now what..?!
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if I were a coach and I lost 35% of my players I wouldn't give a rip about what other schools around the nation were doing, I would be constantly brain storming on ways to lower that number. who knows if kirk is doing this or not but i hate the idea that just because it is happening other places its ok
You can't compare Iowa's offer numbers to schools outside the Big Ten for two reasons- Oversigning isn't allowed by the Big Ten and the Big Ten has higher academic standings for incoming recruits. Nothing about the numbers are wrong, they aren't my numbers they are Rivals commit lists.

And my attrition percentage is dead accurate. 35% of players offered a scholarship over the last 5 seasons (not walk ons filling unused shollies due to attrition) have failed to finish their football careers.

By the by....I'll wager (and I trust my instincts over yours) .35 is a very average number.
if I were a coach and I lost 35% of my players I wouldn't give a rip about what other schools around the nation were doing, I would be constantly brain storming on ways to lower that number. who knows if kirk is doing this or not but i hate the idea that just because it is happening other places its ok can't fix what is "normal"...fallout!! That's why they have statistics to chart things at all. Yes I'm sure they are trying to improve it, but they need to know where the jump off point is. Your not being fair if all you are hearing is "its okay because everyone is doing it". What they are really saying is....."what is the base line so we can tell if it is a bigger problem than it seems...?"
By the isn't
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35% attrition is a fine number, but how do you come up with the fact that this is the third worst in the Big Ten? I don't see the comparable numbers for the rest of the teams? 115 - 43 = 72, not 88... so I guess I'm not following.
also reason for leaving plays a huge factor in whether something is wrong or not. I would assume that Texas is full of players that leave because they are really good players stuck behind better players. if that was the case here no one would care about how many players were leaving. the thing about the attrition here is its players that are in line to really help the program and a lot of them are leaving because they are unhappy. I don't think its the numbers that people are upset about, more so the reasons
you also can't use other schools as a measuring stick for what is normal. each school has its own unique circumstances that make comparing impossible. a good comparison would be how are kirks numbers against fry. if you want to say that times have changed and more kids leave now, then compare other big 10 schools during kirks time and frys time and see what percent other schools have jumped due to "times changing". if our numbers haven't jumped more then other schools then its safe to say its not a coaching issue. if they have then maybe it is
also reason for leaving plays a huge factor in whether something is wrong or not. I would assume that Texas is full of players that leave because they are really good players stuck behind better players. if that was the case here no one would care about how many players were leaving. the thing about the attrition here is its players that are in line to really help the program and a lot of them are leaving because they are unhappy. I don't think its the numbers that people are upset about, more so the reasons

PC....come on, you are a good poster and a smart guy. Cato, Morrow, Coleman, all left for playing time. Hundtermark, Lowe, Hopkins, etc, etc....i/e: many others, quit because of injuries....
Everson, Satterfield, Douglass, etc, know what happened..
Some like Mozes, (who I liked and did have a solid career at Tulane) Hampton, etc...may have been asked to leave.
Some just quit and stayed in school...Ferguson, I believe Hopkins falls here too...
Many..Blackwell, Ngoumou, etc....never even showed up...
Honestly they are taking some amazzzzing liberties while waving this flag.....its just plain lynch mobbish. Very, very, very darn few just left because they were unhappy. But that's not what they want to hear.

Please don't be like them.....
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you also can't use other schools as a measuring stick for what is normal. each school has its own unique circumstances that make comparing impossible. a good comparison would be how are kirks numbers against fry. if you want to say that times have changed and more kids leave now, then compare other big 10 schools during kirks time and frys time and see what percent other schools have jumped due to "times changing". if our numbers haven't jumped more then other schools then its safe to say its not a coaching issue. if they have then maybe it is

While I agree with your premise, they are saying its NOT normal and doing every thing they can to compare it to something......they are fighting a losing arguement and they are scrambling.
also reason for leaving plays a huge factor in whether something is wrong or not. I would assume that Texas is full of players that leave because they are really good players stuck behind better players. if that was the case here no one would care about how many players were leaving. the thing about the attrition here is its players that are in line to really help the program and a lot of them are leaving because they are unhappy. I don't think its the numbers that people are upset about, more so the reasons
PC....come on, you are a good poster and a smart guy. Cato, Morrow, Coleman, all left for playing time. Hundtermark, Lowe, Hopkins, etc, etc....i/e: lots quit because of injuries....  Everson, Satterfield, Douglass, etc, know what happened.. Some like Mozes, (who I lied and did have a solid career at Tulane) Hampton, etc...may have been asked to leave. Some just quit and stayed in school...Ferguson, I believe Hopkins falls here too... Many..Blackwell, Ngoumou, etc....never even showed up... Honestly they are taking some amazzzzing liberties while waving this flag.....its just plain lynch mobbish. Very, very, very darn few just left because they were unhappy. But that's not what they want to hear. Please don't be like them.....

can't you kind of sense a difference though between when some players leave and when others do? I think a good percentage leave for legit reasons but i am also very skeptical of a smaller percentage and what their reasons are. take John ramon for example, I questioned his reasons when he left and it turns out I was right

the truth is the people who think that no players are leaving for sketchy reasons are no better then the people who think there is a problem with every player that leaves. it is all but fact that coach K was a problem for D line attrition. I'm surprised how many people on here think there is 100% no way there could be a single problem left on the team, and be so certain they are right that they will rip on other people for even suggesting it
PC....come on, you are a good poster and a smart guy. Cato, Morrow, Coleman, all left for playing time. Hundtermark, Lowe, Hopkins, etc, etc....i/e: many others, quit because of injuries....
Everson, Satterfield, Douglass, etc, know what happened..
Some like Mozes, (who I liked and did have a solid career at Tulane) Hampton, etc...may have been asked to leave.
Some just quit and stayed in school...Ferguson, I believe Hopkins falls here too...
Many..Blackwell, Ngoumou, etc....never even showed up...
Honestly they are taking some amazzzzing liberties while waving this flag.....its just plain lynch mobbish. Very, very, very darn few just left because they were unhappy. But that's not what they want to hear.

Please don't be like them.....

Attrition is attrition, Chad. You can try to rationalize it away until you're blue in the face,'s still attrition.
Nobody is calling for a lynching. Stop with the hyperbole.
Just a lot of confused, possibly angry, Hawkeye fans, looking for explanations from the very well-compensated staff.
Am I missing something here? Where is the attrition comparison to the other B1G schools. All I see is Iowa's attrition rate and the number of players signed per school.

How can one conclude that Iowa is 3rd if there isn't any info to compare it to?

Unless I am I missing something?
can't you kind of sense a difference though between when some players leave and when others do? I think a good percentage leave for legit reasons but i am also very skeptical of a smaller percentage and what their reasons are. take John ramon for example, I questioned his reasons when he left and it turns out I was right

the truth is the people who think that no players are leaving for sketchy reasons are no better then the people who think there is a problem with every player that leaves. it is all but fact that coach K was a problem for D line attrition. I'm surprised how many people on here think there is 100% no way there could be a single problem left on the team, and be so certain they are right that they will rip on other people for even suggesting it


That's not what they, "we" are saying.....the Coach K thing is a "perfect" example.....
He leaves and these same cads use it as proof we are falling into a pit...
These same cads have said we need "new" blood" oh no...not that new blood.
They said we needed fire on the sidelines, etc, etc.......
You get the others we trust KF does indeed have his hand on the rudder. NOW we find out KF probably pushed him out, but these smart cats say....that doesn't happen..?!?!
So if you can't sense my disdain for them its there. I know it shouldn't be, but THEY and they alone cause dissension and frustration amongst the fan base. We aren't "okay" with mediocre results, but time and time and time again come to find out KF is doing his job. Do they ever show up and say...hmm I guess I missed that. Of course not....
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Attrition is attrition, Chad. You can try to rationalize it away until you're blue in the face,'s still attrition.
Nobody is calling for a lynching. Stop with the hyperbole.
Just a lot of confused, possibly angry, Hawkeye fans, looking for explanations from the very well-compensated staff.

Seriously.. .no one should give a **** about how much money they make. It's irrelevant on so many levels.

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