Iowa's Attrition Compared to BIG Schools

you also can't use other schools as a measuring stick for what is normal. each school has its own unique circumstances that make comparing impossible. a good comparison would be how are kirks numbers against fry. if you want to say that times have changed and more kids leave now, then compare other big 10 schools during kirks time and frys time and see what percent other schools have jumped due to "times changing". if our numbers haven't jumped more then other schools then its safe to say its not a coaching issue. if they have then maybe it is
While I agree with your premise, they are saying its NOT normal and doing every thing they can to compare it to something......they are fighting a losing arguement and they are scrambling.

this is because they know something is not right but they haven't pin pointed exactly what it is. to a lot of people it seams like a numbers issue but after looking into it that's probably not the case. we all know the stories of each player way more then we do on other teams. when a player leaves that we don't see coming and there is no good reason that we know off, it makes us wonder. when it happens as many times as it has lately it makes us question what is going on. I'm not saying there is for sure a problem because it could very well be bad luck. but I am saying that enough players have randomly left for questionable reasons to make people suspicious
Attrition is attrition, Chad. You can try to rationalize it away until you're blue in the face,'s still attrition.
Nobody is calling for a lynching. Stop with the hyperbole.
Just a lot of confused, possibly angry, Hawkeye fans, looking for explanations from the very well-compensated staff.

Show us the attrition numbers friend...there are NONE. Find them and if they are out of line I'll agree....and I wont do anything stupid like point to someone's salary, like that is proof of is one of the 5 or 10 most unintelligible, petty arguments anyone can make. All it shows is said person has no real ability to make a point.
And if this doesn't feel like a continual mob atmosphere on hear its because of the stance you are taking...
Hyperbole indeed!!
I think the people at the far ends of both sides hold the same amount of responsibility for that. one side is so extreme that every time something happens its kirks fault. the other side is so extreme that kirk can do no wrong even though its blatantly obvious that he did. you can say one side is better because they are positive instead of negative and that might be the case, but the truth is they are both equally annoying and equally responsible for the issues on this site
this is because they know something is not right but they haven't pin pointed exactly what it is. to a lot of people it seams like a numbers issue but after looking into it that's probably not the case. we all know the stories of each player way more then we do on other teams. when a player leaves that we don't see coming and there is no good reason that we know off, it makes us wonder. when it happens as many times as it has lately it makes us question what is going on. I'm not saying there is for sure a problem because it could very well be bad luck. but I am saying that enough players have randomly left for questionable reasons to make people suspicious

Well PC and I mean this with all due respect. I think you know that. It doesn't make me wonder. It makes me frustrated, but it sure doesn't make me wonder. I work in a high turnover industry. Just like big time sports has I don't wonder at all...about what the coaches are doing to chase off impetuous 18 to 23 something's. Just like I don't wonder why they get in trouble and then blame the coaches or why get homesick and can't fight though it or why so many at one spot got injured. That's the coaches job......They aren't me and I ain't them.....

My job is to worry about my kids, my wife, my Faith and getting enuff cars and customers on the lot.....some days I'm better than others.
Football is often described as the ultimate game of attrition. A violent sport where injuries are commonplace. The OP's list of "attrition" includes: players leaving for the NFL, players failing academically, players asked to leave for drug & criminal matters, players graduating and moving on with their lives because they are not NFL caliber players, players suffering severe injuries, and players who never stepped foot on campus. Very few were disgruntled and left because they were unhappy. Where's the problem? Iowa has the third highest football graduation rate in the Big Ten and is ranked in the top 15 nationally in graduation rates amongs BCS football schools. Without an in depth look at reasons why players left each year at every school, any comparison is meaningless. The Op's formula is flawed and attrition is the nature of football. FAIL!! Back to the basketball board. The sky is falling!!! Chicken Little!
I think the people at the far ends of both sides hold the same amount of responsibility for that. one side is so extreme that every time something happens its kirks fault. the other side is so extreme that kirk can do no wrong even though its blatantly obvious that he did. you can say one side is better because they are positive instead of negative and that might be the case, but the truth is they are both equally annoying and equally responsible for the issues on this site

Well PC,

Life is all about ATTITUDE....I'll take the positive guys every day and I'll rule the least until I get pi$$y which I do.....LOL
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the list of players you made earlier proves my point. you knew the reasons they all left because you know the team so well. when most of those players left a huge deal wasn't made because people for the most part understood the situations. its the players you didn't mention that has people upset. players that are a season away from starting or players that are currently starting mysteriously leaving out of nowhere. the large number of those players leaving are the problem not the overall numbers that some people are mentioning
its cool if you don't want to worry about it but the truth is there is enough history now to at least not rip on others for having questions about it. maybe the manor in which they ask them sometimes tho
the list of players you made earlier proves my point. you knew the reasons they all left because you know the team so well. when most of those players left a huge deal wasn't made because people for the most part understood the situations. its the players you didn't mention that has people upset. players that are a season away from starting or players that are currently starting mysteriously leaving out of nowhere. the large number of those players leaving are the problem not the overall numbers that some people are mentioning

This board has become a constant upheaval and you know it. They complain about everything. Heck they complained about coach K leaving as I said and when they found out it was probably a KF thing did they show up and say...oh, I guess I was wrong...?!?!
Every single player that has left has behind the scenes issues obviously....Coker, McCall ....Derby wants to play QB.
See these guys are all smart until they don't want to be.....If you catch these guys in person, you can twist their logic and embarrass them so fast, they just clam up. They' aren't looking for facts, their looking for scapegoats.
And I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but these guys aren't "new" to the Iowa board and they aren't problem solvers. I'm a problem solver and I don't attack life this way. KF is a problem solver and he ain't parsing words on a stupid message board, looking for input. I've worked with these kinds of guys and they are a business please, you are a good guy, but don't trick yourself into thinking these cats are doing anything other than just tossing barbs and negativity.
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Here is the list of players who committed to Big Ten schools over the past 5 seasons- 2007 to 2011. The reason I limited it to 5 years was that a commit from the 2007 season would have played his final season this year following a red shirt. Iowa has had the third most turnover in the conference over that time period, lost 43 players who had eligibility remaining for a variety of reasons. In this time period only three players left early for the draft from Iowa- Bulaga, Sash and Rieff. One last thing- other than Ferentz, only Zook, Bielema, Dantonio, and Paterno were head coaches for this entire time period.Team 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TotalIllinois 21(23) 28 20(22) 23 27 (28) 124Indiana 20 20 19 25 24 108Iowa 22 25 21 22 25 115Michigan 20 24 22 27 21 114Michigan State 22 (23) 21 23 22 21 110Minnesota 24 29 20 26 26 125Nebraska 27 28 20 22 20 117Northwestern 19 20 18 17 17 91Ohio State 15 20 25 19 24 103Penn State 21 14 27 19 16 97Purdue 19 26 20 24 15 104Wisconsin 18 26 21 24 19 108Coaching changes in that time period- Indiana 2, Michigan 2, Minnesota 1, Nebraska 1, Purdue 12007- Bulaga*, JaCody Coleman, Bruce Davis**, Cedric Everson, Zach Furlong**, Cody Hundertmark, Diauntae Morrow, Dez Moses, Jevon Pugh, Tyler Sash*, Abe Satterfield2008- David Blackwell****, Jeff Brinson, David Cato, J.D. Griggs, Nate Guillory****, Jewel Hampton, Willie Lowe**, DeMarco Paine, Shane Prater, Adam Robinson, Jason Semmes, Khalif Staten2009- Josh Brown, Scott Covert, Tyler Harrell, Martin Hopkins, Matt Murphy, Stephane Ngoumou****, Anthony Schiavone, Brandon Wegher2010- Marcus Coker, AJ Derby, Anthony Ferguson, Austin Gray, Donavan Johnson, Austin Vier***2011- Rodney Coe ****, Marcus Grant, Dan Heir****, Mikail McCall, John RaymonTotal 43 players, * NFL early entry, ** graduated, left with eligibility, *** Medical hardship, **** Never made it to campus or through camp
where is shonn greene?
don't worry I can tell the good ones from the bad ones. one thing I will say is the OP was looking for facts not a scapegoat. people can argue on whether or not he was right but he put a lot of time into putting something together to discuss one of the biggest topics we have right now on Iowa football. after all that's what this board is for.

I feel like something is off with attrition and i always thought it was the numbers. after reading and discussing on this thread I now think its more about how many players are leaving for unexplained reasons then shear numbers. this board is fun because it helps me see other points of view and helps me come up with my own points of view. ragging on people you don't even know for their opinions is pointless and adds nothing to the discussion. I know other peoples opinions can be frustrating but its just not worth getting bent over what some dude writes on a message board
don't worry I can tell the good ones from the bad ones. one thing I will say is the OP was looking for facts not a scapegoat. people can argue on whether or not he was right but he put a lot of time into putting something together to discuss one of the biggest topics we have right now on Iowa football. after all that's what this board is for.

I feel like something is off with attrition and i always thought it was the numbers. after reading and discussing on this thread I now think its more about how many players are leaving for unexplained reasons then shear numbers. this board is fun because it helps me see other points of view and helps me come up with my own points of view. ragging on people you don't even know for their opinions is pointless and adds nothing to the discussion. I know other peoples opinions can be frustrating but its just not worth getting bent over what some dude writes on a message board

That's true and sound advice for me....that's why I leave the boards often. FWIW....the way he penned his first post didn't seem at all like you are suggesting but, so be it. I typically wouldn't state some numbers and then say point blank....there is something wrong with Iowa. Especially when said numbers leave a lot unsaid, but that's just me. I like a tighter corner to box people into......:D
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Am I missing something here? Where is the attrition comparison to the other B1G schools. All I see is Iowa's attrition rate and the number of players signed per school.

How can one conclude that Iowa is 3rd if there isn't any info to compare it to?

Unless I am I missing something?

This is exactly right; you're not missing anything. Spud hasn't posted attrition for the other schools yet, which he needs to so we can check the math. Chad doesn't understand this, and is ranting (incorrectly) that some "math" has been applied solely to the signing numbers.
He is saying because Iowa signed 115 kids and PSU only 97 them somehow that proves they have less attrition. It doesn't calculate like that though....

I'm with a couple others in this thread...I have no idea what you are talking about.

Here is what he posted in the OP and in a subsequent post:

Total signing:
Iowa - 115
PSU - 97

Players lost (attrition):
Iowa - 43
PSU - 9

No reference was made to other schools in the OP; the PSU stats came out in the subsequent post.
]...furthermore if PSU was recruiting better why don't they have as many NFL alumni as us....?!

If you go by ESPN's data, Iowa has four more players on active rosters in the NFL than PSU does. The more interesting statistic I found was this:

PSU had 90 players drafted between 1992-2011, those players combined for 2908 starts for that time period (AVG 32 starts/draftee). Iowa had 66 drafted with 1628 starts (AVG 25 starts/draftee). That is according to draftmetrics, which is a cool site BTW.

So if you base the quality of a team's recruiting solely on how many players are in the NFL "right now", Iowa gets the slight advantage. But, if you spread that over some time and account for how often those players have actually made the starting rosters, then I'd give PSU the advantage.
Well PC,

Life is all about ATTITUDE....I'll take the positive guys every day and I'll rule the least until I get pi$$y which I do.....LOL

This board has become a constant upheaval and you know it. They complain about everything. Heck they complained about coach K leaving as I said and when they found out it was probably a KF thing did they show up and say...oh, I guess I was wrong...?!?!
Every single player that has left has behind the scenes issues obviously....Coker, McCall ....Derby wants to play QB.
See these guys are all smart until they don't want to be.....If you catch these guys in person, you can twist their logic and embarrass them so fast, they just clam up. They' aren't looking for facts, their looking for scapegoats.
And I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but these guys aren't "new" to the Iowa board and they aren't problem solvers. I'm a problem solver and I don't attack life this way. KF is a problem solver and he ain't parsing words on a stupid message board, looking for input. I've worked with these kinds of guys and they are a business please, you are a good guy, but don't trick yourself into thinking these cats are doing anything other than just tossing barbs and negativity.

Your "Life Lessons" posting is boring. can't fix what is "normal"...fallout!! That's why they have statistics to chart things at all. Yes I'm sure they are trying to improve it, but they need to know where the jump off point is. Your not being fair if all you are hearing is "its okay because everyone is doing it". What they are really saying is....."what is the base line so we can tell if it is a bigger problem than it seems...?"
By the isn't

Your angry responses has me believing that you are a shill for the coaching staff can't fix what is "normal"...fallout!! That's why they have statistics to chart things at all. Yes I'm sure they are trying to improve it, but they need to know where the jump off point is. Your not being fair if all you are hearing is "its okay because everyone is doing it". What they are really saying is....."what is the base line so we can tell if it is a bigger problem than it seems...?" By the isn't
Your angry responses has me believing that you are a shill for the coaching staff

I'm glad you quoted this. the only people who don't want to improve on "normal" statistics are the people who are fine with being average. I don't know what school has the lowest attrition rate in the nation but i would guess that that school has one of the most well liked, respected
coaching staffs in the nation. kirks "normal" attrition rate shouldn't have his job in jeopardy but its something that he should strive to improve on.
.....And I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but these guys aren't "new" to the Iowa board and they aren't problem solvers. I'm a problem solver and I don't attack life this way. KF is a problem solver and he ain't parsing words on a stupid message board, looking for input. I've worked with these kinds of guys and they are a business please, you are a good guy, but don't trick yourself into thinking these cats are doing anything other than just tossing barbs and negativity.

Chad everyone on this board is getting a pretty good laugh at your expense for posting absurd crap like this ^.

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