Iowa's Attrition Compared to BIG Schools

I'm with a couple others in this thread...I have no idea what you are talking about.

Here is what he posted in the OP and in a subsequent post:

Total signing:
Iowa - 115
PSU - 97

Players lost (attrition):
Iowa - 43
PSU - 9

No reference was made to other schools in the OP; the PSU stats came out in the subsequent post.

How was this number figured?
compared commit list with 2010 and 2011 roster. does not account for in season defections nor post season transfers. I believe both jucos got there degree so number may actually be 7. will have entire big ten sometime today or tomorrow.
Chad everyone on this board is getting a pretty good laugh at your expense for posting absurd crap like this ^.

Chad is a used car salesman! Do you have any idea how prestigious of a job that is? You will respect the life lessons he's trying to teach you! You can only hope to be half as successful as he is in life! You should be grateful he even finds time to post on this board!
This is one of the most convoluted threads I've evr seen. Attrition is par for the course...some years will be worse than others. The Hawkeyes are, and will be, fine.
Here is what I have come up with so far:
Iowa (43 lost- 3 early NFL entrees)/115 offers 35%
Illinois (41 lost- 4 early NFL entrees)/124 offers 30%
Indiana (35 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/108 offers 31.5%
Michigan (40 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/114 offers 35%
Michigan State (28 lost- 2 early NFL entrees)/110 offers 23.5%
Minnesota (45 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/125 36%
Nebraska (28 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/117 24%
Northwestern(9 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/91 10%
Ohio State (23 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/103 22%
Penn State (12 lost- 1 early NFL entry/97 11%

This troubles me greatly. The only schools so far that are comparable to Iowa are Illinois (Zook) Indiana two coaching changes in time period, Michigan two coaching changes in time period, and Minnesota 1 coaching change in time period. Indiana and Minnesota could have their number significantly dropped if I eliminated guys with a 5th year that were dropped by new staff or just got their degree and stopped playing football following coaching changes.

Michigan State, Nebraska, and, Ohio State are going to be in the mid 20% which is probably desirable. Northwestern and Penn State have the type of numbers that every school should look to attain coming in at less than 10%. Won't have the numbers broken down for those schools and Purdue until late tonight.

And to prevent further confusion I am comparing every seasons' Rivals committ list to School official rosters. With all the Jucos at Nebraska and Minnesota it is taking much longer than I expected as I have to compare list to every roster in the time period.

*** Penn State had 12 losses to attrition, not 7 or 9 like I had previously figured ***
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Spud, you came through! And no one's said a word; probably thought this thread had played out.

Thank you for doing the homework, it's not as easy as people think or it would have been done long ago. I see you left out Wisconsin but Mike Hlas just posted a nice article which does their math for 2008-2011:

My reaction, now based on DATA not conjecture: Iowa football has a relatively serious player retention problem. It is amplified by the fact Iowa has less margin for error on recruiting, as JDM often writes and KF has also said many times.
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Bump. C'mon people, we finally get actual data on this topic and you're noodling on about ISU and Tyler Sash and Lester Erb?
I will bite. Doing the same stuff as Minny, IU, and Illinois is not a way to succeed in the B1G. Would be interesting to see how KF's defection nbers relate to his 3 year up and down cycles.
Given the continuity in the coaching staff I'd have to say that Iowa does indeed have an attrition problem.
Spud You da' MAN!!!!! I was upset about hearing about other possible transfers and incoming flip flops so I posted a thread DOES KF HAVE A CLUE! Thanks for actual data! And it confirms my fears....he doesn't.
Here is what I have come up with so far:
Iowa (43 lost- 3 early NFL entrees)/115 offers 35%
Illinois (41 lost- 4 early NFL entrees)/124 offers 30%
Indiana (35 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/108 offers 31.5%
Michigan (40 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/114 offers 35%
Michigan State (28 lost- 2 early NFL entrees)/110 offers 23.5%
Minnesota (45 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/125 36%
Nebraska (28 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/117 24%
Northwestern(9 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/91 10%
Ohio State (23 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/103 22%
Penn State (12 lost- 1 early NFL entry/97 11%

This troubles me greatly. The only schools so far that are comparable to Iowa are Illinois (Zook) Indiana two coaching changes in time period, Michigan two coaching changes in time period, and Minnesota 1 coaching change in time period. Indiana and Minnesota could have their number significantly dropped if I eliminated guys with a 5th year that were dropped by new staff or just got their degree and stopped playing football following coaching changes.

Michigan State, Nebraska, and, Ohio State are going to be in the mid 20% which is probably desirable. Northwestern and Penn State have the type of numbers that every school should look to attain coming in at less than 10%. Won't have the numbers broken down for those schools and Purdue until late tonight.

And to prevent further confusion I am comparing every seasons' Rivals committ list to School official rosters. With all the Jucos at Nebraska and Minnesota it is taking much longer than I expected as I have to compare list to every roster in the time period.

*** Penn State had 12 losses to attrition, not 7 or 9 like I had previously figured ***

There is no way PSU has lost 12 kids in 5 years....
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There is no way PSU has lost 12 kids in 5 years....
Poor form man.

I see you've changed your tune from your first couple posts in this thread, where you egregiously missed the point of the first post and spent a few subsequent posts sullying the OP to any and all that would listen. Despite numerous posts trying to correct you error in comprehension, you persisted...Spud has posted the numbers and now instead you blame incorrect data.

He is saying because Iowa signed 115 kids and PSU only 97 them somehow that proves they have less attrition. It doesn't calculate like that though....
No, that's not what he was saying at all.

He doesn't know.....he is assuming!!!
As more recently posted, 12. PSU has lost 12 players, to which you take umbridge (sp?).

Ding, ding, ding....I do love it when someone is undone by their own math.
Oh, the irony.

Iowa is in no way shape or form out of line, with its signings. AGAIN I need to stress it doesn't get to the bottom of attrtion, but these are the poor numbers spud used. I must thank him, because it is people like him, that encourgae me to search for facts.
Even if you didn't miss the premise of the OP by a country mile, this post still fails, unless the attempt was to come off like an arrogant jerk, in which case you're spot on.

Dude stop and look at the chart......I'm using your bad theory. Iowa is 7th in the big 10 since 2002 for signing per class, .24 above Michigan who is 8th out of 11!!!! That's right, based on your really dumb theory we have ZERO problems....and ISU is relevant because I'll bet they haven't lost any more or you'd likely say as "many" kids as us, yet there they are way above us in signings per year....
Spud your all wet dude. You used a poor formula and it back fired on you....
Now what..?!
Good lord...see note directly above this one.
Your "Life Lessons" posting is boring.

Got too busy with life and had to leave sorry guys...... …feel honored to be so talked about and I’m hard to insult. Just so you know……and of course you’re tired of my life lessons. Look at how you talk about people not here to defend themselves and how I do…..we are diametrically opposed people. I’m not very critical of those in the battle field and you are.
Chad everyone on this board is getting a pretty good laugh at your expense for posting absurd crap like this ^.

Actually PC, they aren't. The ones who are, well they are the same suspects who are just angry, cantankerous and just flat mean spirited....KF messed up their football program and someone is gonna pay.. They know what they are talking about, because well, they watch and they KNOW what’s wrong and then they rush to the board to let us know….

On the side…I must thank you, I haven’t heard from you and I was begining to think I’d lost my touch....:D
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Got too busy with life and had to leave sorry guys...... …feel honored to be so talked about and I’m hard to insult. Just so you know……and of course you’re tired of my life lessons. Look at how you talk about people not here to defend themselves and how I do…..we are diametrically opposed people. I’m not very critical of those in the battle field and you are.

Thank you brother cm, you are the most righteous of the interwebz and I now see the error in my ways:



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