Not all the posts were bad. Some actually had some sense but what do you expect. Every fan base has fans like that. Especially when they are talking about rivals.
I do think it will be a close game this year. I think it's great that both schools look they will be competitive for years to come.
This is true but Cyclone fans are the most hypocritical, delusional and illogical fanbase there is. PERIOD. Their inferior complex is shown in the fact they have a thread over there regarding a POSSIBLE transfer for IOWA that is 3x the length than the thread of the same topic over here!! That just blows my mind. Considering 95% of their fanbase considers their program elite, it amazes me when they feature threads regarding Iowa topics that are longer than threads over here. Just dumbfounding. Cyclone fans certainly have found dumb.
Side note: Kool-Aid was founded by an Iowa State alumni in 1927. Ironically I don't care for Kool-Aid nor do I care for Iowa State fans. Coincidence? I think not.