Iowa Basketball Recruits

Todd Berkenpas, Troy Skinner and Glenn Worley say “Hi”.
Your rebuttal is to name 2 guys that played 1A basketball (neither of those guys even finished in 1st for any records) and Glen Worley? The only place in the record books that Worley shows up in is in 12th place for 4A career rebounds.
Im still concerned that he will rack up fouls trying that move on the college level, regardless of whether it's a clean steal or not. If he's taking plays off and showing poor overall defensive fundamentals/effort that's another red flag. He still has some time, not a lot but some, to improve on those things but I've seen players at all levels, including college and the NBA, exhibit poor overall fundamentals when they've gotten away with gambling for steals too often. I do love his quickness, penetration skills, the fact that he looks like he plays within control and that he always has his eyes on the rim when he attacks, not unlike a football receiver who concentrates on catching the ball instead of the defensive back. But back to the original point; relying on the pocket pick can be a bad habit to get into. Many times you're literally letting your man get past you and gambling that you can pick him from behind. Potential big trouble, or foul trouble, at the Division One level. There's still some things that he does better, right now, than any guard we have. But still other things to work on.

If your worried about fouls then consider this. The average NCAA team averages 15 fouls a game. A single player could only account for 5 of them. If Locure was to commit 5 fouls a game that barley moves the needle. However if he cleanly steals even 1 or 2 balls that moves the needle towards the positive. The gamble is worth it for someone who has the propensity.
If your worried about fouls then consider this. The average NCAA team averages 15 fouls a game. A single player could only account for 5 of them. If Locure was to commit 5 fouls a game that barley moves the needle. However if he cleanly steals even 1 or 2 balls that moves the needle towards the positive. The gamble is worth it for someone who has the propensity.
It probably comes down to how the officials feel on any given day. I've seen Locure called for fouls when zero contact was made. If officials take a liking to him like they did with Aaron Craft, he'll set records.
It probably comes down to how the officials feel on any given day. I've seen Locure called for fouls when zero contact was made. If officials take a liking to him like they did with Aaron Craft, he'll set records.

Part of that has to do with the Head coach as well. Some programs and certain coaches get the favorable officiating.
Jeez if he doesn't play with much effort and still manages multiple steals per game imagine what he could do with full effort.
There's 2 kinds of steals. The steals where the on ball defender has active hands and tips passes and his nearest teammate gets the steal. This kind of defender maintains proper defensive position and never gambles for steals, leaving his team defense in a bad spot.
Then there's the kind of steal where the on ball defender reaches/over plays on and off the ball to get steals himself. He fails to get the steal far more times than he succeeds, picking up silly fouls and hanging his teammates out to dry behind him. I've coached both types and I'd rather have the first kind of steal/defender.
I don't know which one of these Tyreke Locure is but I know which one coaches want.
I've seen Carton play in AAU games and not give much effort on the defensive end, too. It's AAU. Lack of effort isn't why Locure lacks offers.

Anyways... if Locure finishes his 4A HS career being 1st in career pts, 1st in career steals, and 2nd in career assists, it's gonna look rather strange if no P6 schools offer.
Then what am I seeing? Go watch the Beyond Ball vs D1 Minn replay from Battle of the Lakes. I saw that game in person. That's the type of game where TL has to play harder than everyone else on the floor, if he wants to impress D1 coaches. You tell me if you feel like he played hard or not.
I've seen Carton play in AAU games and not give much effort on the defensive end, too. It's AAU. Lack of effort isn't why Locure lacks offers.

Anyways... if Locure finishes his 4A HS career being 1st in career pts, 1st in career steals, and 2nd in career assists, it's gonna look rather strange if no P6 schools offer.
I wasn't really referencing effort or AAU, so I'm not sure what your point is there. I was just pointing out that I think Carton's high rating is in part because it's a weak PG class. He strikes me more as a high 3-star. I'd rank the guys I listed ahead of him.

As for Locure, that's exactly my point. Both he and Hutchins are talented, so the lack of major offers is both perplexing and somewhat concerning. My guess is the offers will come when some of the higher ranked PGs make their decisions, but, even accounting for that, it's a little weird.
Part of that has to do with the Head coach as well. Some programs and certain coaches get the favorable officiating.
There's 2 kinds of steals. The steals where the on ball defender has active hands and tips passes and his nearest teammate gets the steal. This kind of defender maintains proper defensive position and never gambles for steals, leaving his team defense in a bad spot.
Then there's the kind of steal where the on ball defender reaches/over plays on and off the ball to get steals himself. He fails to get the steal far more times than he succeeds, picking up silly fouls and hanging his teammates out to dry behind him. I've coached both types and I'd rather have the first kind of steal/defender.
I don't know which one of these Tyreke Locure is but I know which one coaches want.

Then there is the defender who doesn't attempt to steal the ball, can't stay in front of his man and leaves his teammates high and dry. Sound familiar. It should because that describes most of our perimeter defenders. So you also choose those over someone who reaches in?
Then what am I seeing? Go watch the Beyond Ball vs D1 Minn replay from Battle of the Lakes. I saw that game in person. That's the type of game where TL has to play harder than everyone else on the floor, if he wants to impress D1 coaches. You tell me if you feel like he played hard or not.
Well, that game was during a dead period and coaches weren't allowed to attend unless their own kid(s) was playing... That said, everything I've seen from that event suggested that Locure played really well, so I gotta weigh that along with your opinion. :)

What other games have you seen Locure play in?
Then there is the defender who doesn't attempt to steal the ball, can't stay in front of his man and leaves his teammates high and dry. Sound familiar. It should because that describes most of our perimeter defenders. So you also choose those over someone who reaches in?
Absolutely not.
Well, that game was during a dead period and coaches weren't allowed to attend unless their own kid(s) was playing... That said, everything I've seen from that event suggested that Locure played really well, so I gotta weigh that along with your opinion. :)

What other games have you seen Locure play in?
I have a subscription to Baller TV. I can watch replays of games from every event they film.
I saw 2 of his games in person from Battle of the Lakes and 1 other game replay. It doesn't really matter to me if you take my word for it. Look at his skill level and look at his offer list.
Absolutely not.

Me either. If we already had an sufficient defensive team then I probably wouldn't give this kid much thought, but we don't. Fran doesn't seem to develop a defensive mentality in his players until they are upperclassmen. The 1 exception that comes to mind is AW. Oddly enough Aaron White showed a knack for intercepting passing lanes in High School. Locure shows a knack for on ball defense and poking the ball out. Of course it's easy to think the worst. That those reaches would be fouls at the college level, but we have zero evidence to that. The only evidence that we have is that he can do it. It might not hurt to get a perimeter defender that doesn't need 3 years to play adequate defense.
After last AAU season, Locure wasn't any good because he didn't do that much with the Mokan team. Now that he's tearing it up this AAU season, he's no good because he doesn't give enough effort.

He's also been the victim of the rumor mill saying he's been in trouble with drugs and not going to class, despite zero evidence to even suggest it might be true.

Is it because he goes to North? I really don't get the hatred towards this kid.
I have a subscription to Baller TV. I can watch replays of games from every event they film.
I saw 2 of his games in person from Battle of the Lakes and 1 other game replay. It doesn't really matter to me if you take my word for it. Look at his skill level and look at his offer list.

While I understand your point, it would not be wise to make wholesale assumptions about a prospect by their offer list. It is just as likely that Iowa and Iowa St haven't offered so why would any P6 coach from out of state bother to look. There is a pretty heavy lemming culture to college basketball recruiting. Also if I were Fran I would want the kid specifically for his defense(other programs may not need this as badly). Even if he is never anything other than a role player he could help to change the defensive mindset of the entire team. If nothing more than to show his teammates what on ball pressure feels like in practice. They obviously aren't getting that practice experience now.
After last AAU season, Locure wasn't any good because he didn't do that much with the Mokan team. Now that he's tearing it up this AAU season, he's no good because he doesn't give enough effort.

He's also been the victim of the rumor mill saying he's been in trouble with drugs and not going to class, despite zero evidence to even suggest it might be true.

Is it because he goes to North? I really don't get the hatred towards this kid.

It is hard to believe that the rumor mill would have any impact on his recruitment. Coaches talk to coaches first. If they don't like what they hear they usually move on. It is entirely possible that Chad Ryan is responsible for the lack of recruitment for Locure.
Me either. If we already had an sufficient defensive team then I probably wouldn't give this kid much thought, but we don't. Fran doesn't seem to develop a defensive mentality in his players until they are upperclassmen. The 1 exception that comes to mind is AW. Oddly enough Aaron White showed a knack for intercepting passing lanes in High School. Locure shows a knack for on ball defense and poking the ball out. Of course it's easy to think the worst. That those reaches would be fouls at the college level, but we have zero evidence to that. The only evidence that we have is that he can do it. It might not hurt to get a perimeter defender that doesn't need 3 years to play adequate defense.
Fair enough. I want better defenders on the roster. He's probably a step up over who we have.
It is hard to believe that the rumor mill would have any impact on his recruitment. Coaches talk to coaches first. If they don't like what they hear they usually move on. It is entirely possible that Chad Ryan is responsible for the lack of recruitment for Locure.
That would be an odd twist. Doesn't seem likely based on what we see publicly at least. Do you know something or just speculating?
After last AAU season, Locure wasn't any good because he didn't do that much with the Mokan team. Now that he's tearing it up this AAU season, he's no good because he doesn't give enough effort.

He's also been the victim of the rumor mill saying he's been in trouble with drugs and not going to class, despite zero evidence to even suggest it might be true.

Is it because he goes to North? I really don't get the hatred towards this kid.
I'm not repeating rumors on this one. I'm telling you what I see with my own 2 eyes. If you have a relationhip with him, tell him you heard a coach say that he needs to play with more effort. I'm sure he's heard it before.

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