I have my firefox browser settings to delete all cached pages and cookies when I close the browser. When I open the browser and return to HN I get the new web page formats. Should I want to post I always need to login, which is understandable. Immediately after I login I get the old webpage designs. I've been having issues with the login before the new design. I would login and subsequently had to login again if some amount of time had passed.
Okay, I give up. I can't readily tell if I posted in a thread...without hovering over the dots before the post that will tell you if you posted in a thread. Which also brings up...what's the difference between the red dots and the gray dots?
Jooooonnnnnn! I am missing a bunch of posts! I am guessing you "accidentally" deleted some threads which consequently lowered my post count. I had just crossed the 13000 threshold a couple of weeks ago. Maybe instead of deleting threads you could either somehow hide them or, in threads with bad postings in them, delete the posts or replace them with a standard "technical difficulties" pic or something.

and what about this anyway...??
Okay, I give up. I can't readily tell if I posted in a thread...without hovering over the dots before the post that will tell you if you posted in a thread. Which also brings up...what's the difference between the red dots and the gray dots?

What color of dot tells you when you have posted in a thread? I haven't been able to figure that one out.
Using whats new, i see most topics but pro sports topics only seems to show if i go to category directly
Okay, I give up. I can't readily tell if I posted in a thread...without hovering over the dots before the post that will tell you if you posted in a thread. Which also brings up...what's the difference between the red dots and the gray dots?

Not sure really. Will add it to the list of questions Friday
Not sure really. Will add it to the list of questions Friday

Please add to the list of things, why we lost the ability to click on a button and instantly go to the first post that we had not read yet. I have found that I visit less threads, I post in less threads, because I spend half the time trying to find where I left off reading, and I just don't want to spend the time wading through all the post I have previously read just to find where I left off at.
What I do is make our tech team aware. We're having an in person meeting Friday. So yeah, the world still spins though you don't see the spinner.

Thank you. Sometimes those T-cons just aren't a good way to get things done. People be texting and surfing the net while you're supposed to be discussing important stuff. They don't pay attention and when you call their name it takes a while because they are coming back from the bathroom and then they say "Oh can you say that again? I just need you to clarify" or "Sorry I had the mute button on and you didn't hear me". Face to face is always better because you KNOW they're rolling their eyes, but you can't call them on it on the phone. If I have time I'll make a list of issues and maybe meet you at the HN tailgate Saturday, if that team is going to be there.

For what's it's worth, this phrase is new to me. "So yeah, the world still spins though you don't see the spinner." I googled it and couldn't find anything similar and I actually went to page two of the search pages offered! I'm guessing it's an old DJ term or something. Oh well, life goes on.
Maybe it's the mobile version but I can't tell what forum a thread may be in. So...if you do the "What's new?" And you get a list of new threads, unless there's something that gives it a way it the title "Fire Greg Davis", I don't know if it's basketball, off topic, or football. Maybe that shows up on the PC version? I just don't want to walk into a wrestling thread....
Maybe it's the mobile version but I can't tell what forum a thread may be in. So...if you do the "What's new?" And you get a list of new threads, unless there's something that gives it a way it the title "Fire Greg Davis", I don't know if it's basketball, off topic, or football. Maybe that shows up on the PC version? I just don't want to walk into a wrestling thread....

I am not a fan of the mobile experience on the whole...again, we will be chatting about a lot of this stuff on Friday
One issue I'm having that I don't think has been addressed is that the "View First Unread" button is covered up by the time stamp when I'm on the forum page or the "What's New" page. See pic for example. The time "10:56 AM" is over the top of the icon, so I can't click on it.


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