Jon, I am guessing there are far and few between that use your RSS feed, mainly because it's not even viewable from the homepage anymore. However I do. It appears one of your current articles has a bad character in it. Go to: http://hawkeyenation.com/feed - and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Jooooonnnnnn! I am missing a bunch of posts! I am guessing you "accidentally" deleted some threads which consequently lowered my post count. I had just crossed the 13000 threshold a couple of weeks ago. Maybe instead of deleting threads you could either somehow hide them or, in threads with bad postings in them, delete the posts or replace them with a standard "technical difficulties" pic or something.

**Edit - Above post went through, but won't go through on General College Football board. Getting the "Your message will be posted as soon as a moderator approves it."
I could see the "new look" when I first came to the site this morning (on tablet and on laptop), but when I logged in, the old look was back. NBD, but wanted to let you know.

Also, still no like button. ;)

Me too. Nobody is acknowledging this...I'm beginning to feel like the guy who thinks he's invisible. Or...where should I send a check?
Me too. Nobody is acknowledging this...I'm beginning to feel like the guy who thinks he's invisible. Or...where should I send a check?
I only see the new stuff if I go into settings and change it to the NEW skins. There's some deficiencies with that so I have kept it at the old setting.
sometimes site is very slow to accept key strokes after the first 10 or 15 words. Some key strokes are not recorded - very frustrating.

Unable to paste in content of any kind (it doing itnow)
Site works very poorly on a phone.

The arrows and page numbers to navigate within a thread are maddening. Why does the "Jump to page" dialog, which is 8000% of the size of the navigation buttons, appear when you mouse over ANY of the navigation icons? It makes it really difficult to navigate. Make a small "jump to" icon to the right or left of the other navigation buttons.

I start here: http://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/

Whenever I login, I get an Invalid Redirect error as seen in the screenshot.


If I simply click in the URL bar and hit Enter (I'm sure a refresh would do the same thing), it lets me through to the forums.

I did some further testing. If I start from http://hawkeyenation.com/forum/ then I don't get the error. But if I start from http://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/ then I do get the error. So it's not liking the redirect from hawkeyenation.com to www.hawkeyenation.com.

Still getting this error every time I login.
The Forum site and links are loading very slowly today. It takes minutes for the links to open and this doesn't seem to be a problem with the HN main page links or other sites.

Where has the link gone to jump to the last post you read? Used to be right by the thread, and you clicked on it, and it takes you to the first post you hadn't read. It is gone from everything, on both Chrome and Safari.
Where has the link gone to jump to the last post you read? Used to be right by the thread, and you clicked on it, and it takes you to the first post you hadn't read. It is gone from everything, on both Chrome and Safari.

Anyone else having this issue? It look like there is a button to click on that bring you to the last post in the thread, but not sure why that replaced the button to click that always brought you to the last post you had read, so you can pick up right where you left off.
Anyone else having this issue? It look like there is a button to click on that bring you to the last post in the thread, but not sure why that replaced the button to click that always brought you to the last post you had read, so you can pick up right where you left off.

Yes, i can confirm the same for FF & Chrome on Linux.
It would seem we're losing functionality instead of gaining. First vbookie goes away. Then the Like button. Now the jump-to-first-unread-post button. Pretty soon there will be no functionality left and we'll all be mailing each other post cards to have discussions. Will kind of kill the gameday threads I think...
Anyone else having this issue? It look like there is a button to click on that bring you to the last post in the thread, but not sure why that replaced the button to click that always brought you to the last post you had read, so you can pick up right where you left off.


Please fix this issue soon Jon!
I'm getting a mix of new and old web pages. I'm using Firefox on windows 7. The old web page designs appear after I select a forum from the list of forums, which is a new page. I do not know much about vbulletin board, but I do know a few things about word press. In word press you have settings to flush the server cache. My suspicion is that the web server needs to have the cached flushed. I know it could be on the browser end, but I have my browser settings to not cache pages. Since I am unsure if you are using two separate apps, ie word press and vbulletin board, it might be that everything is OK. vBulletin could look different from word press.
I'm getting a mix of new and old web pages. I'm using Firefox on windows 7. The old web page designs appear after I select a forum from the list of forums, which is a new page. I do not know much about vbulletin board, but I do know a few things about word press. In word press you have settings to flush the server cache. My suspicion is that the web server needs to have the cached flushed. I know it could be on the browser end, but I have my browser settings to not cache pages. Since I am unsure if you are using two separate apps, ie word press and vbulletin board, it might be that everything is OK. vBulletin could look different from word press.

Same here. I use Chrome, and normally when I come to the site for the first time in the day, it's the new look. Then sometimes, for whatever reason, it reverts back to the old version.
This is pretty minor, but..... When I highlight text and make it a link it does not change color. No one can tell it is a link unless they notice it is underlined. Maybe a "new skin" thing. Never noticed this happening with the old skin.

Example of link with no highlighting
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The page arrows at the bottom of a thread are overlapped with the reply to thread bar. I have to scroll back to the top to go to another page.

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