If you could pick 4 teams to join big ten...

I just don't see how anybody could for any reason want Rutgers to be in the conference other then for TV sets. Had like one good season a few years back in football and usually suck or mediocre in both bball and football.

They have a slight big ten feel to them, take them over Maryland after seeing Maryland uniforms.
Great academics, new recruiting base / fan base...
Basically the same as Northwestern of the east coast.
That's gross.

And, you prove my point! You obviously have strong feelings on these four schools. Those strong feelings are the things that make rivalries fun, and college athletics worth watching. If nothing else, it would give Iowa wonderful chances of finishing at or near the top of their division each year! I'd rather have schools in a conference that I have strong feelings for than one I don't. Honestly, I'd be much more excited about seeing Kansas and Mizzou playing Iowa in hoops every year than playing Pittsburgh or Rutgers.
And, you prove my point! You obviously have strong feelings on these four schools. Those strong feelings are the things that make rivalries fun, and college athletics worth watching. If nothing else, it would give Iowa wonderful chances of finishing at or near the top of their division each year! I'd rather have schools in a conference that I have strong feelings for than one I don't. Honestly, I'd be much more excited about seeing Kansas and Mizzou playing Iowa in hoops every year than playing Pittsburgh or Rutgers.

I'd feel just as strongly against the Big Ten adding Kirkwood CC, UNI, DMACC, and Drake. That doesn't prove that adding those schools would be a good idea.
Spank - Rutgers is NOT Northwestern. Vandy would be more like it. Rutgers is the State university of New Jersey. They would be a middle of the pack B1G academic school.

They would be more like Purdue than NW.

Here is my take based on attendance.

If you add 4 teams, you need 1 more second tier teams and 3 more third tier teams. Right now your first tier is PSU, UM, OSU, Nebby.
Second Tier is Iowa, Wisky, MSU
Third is Illinois,
Fourth Tier is Minny, NW, Indy, Purdue.

Mizzou is the epitome of third tier. Great fit.

Pitt is third tier.

North Carolina is third tier.

Kentucky is high third tier.

VA Tech is high tier 3

Rutgers is 4th tier.

Kansas is 4th tier

ISU is 4th tier.

Syracuse is 4th tier.

ND is tier 2, although they wouldn't admit it.

Maryland is 4th tier.

Considering this:

I would add
Missou - even though they fall a little short academically.
And whomever of the tier three candidates, besides UK (who doesn't fit the academic standards of the conference.)
1) nd-arrogant, but good fit.
2) mizzu-match well and tv mkts.
maybes if we must :
pitt, cinncinnati, va. tech, colorado,
or miami (want more chances to beat them, and they would be good rivalry for ND, and weather and recruiting).

not rutgers, and not syracuse, not ku, or k. st., and not Isu.I like it at 12 or14, without diminishing the integrity of the conference. people in ohio and penn and mich could care less about kansas and k state and probably same is true of iowa state.
I really don't care what happens, but I want noter dumb to be on the outside looking in. Honestly, I despise that place and it's entire delusional fanbase.
I'd welcome teh clown to the B1G before I'd welcome the f'ng eye rash.

Would have picked MO over ISU if they had different team colors. Should only be one Black n Gold!
Great academics, new recruiting base / fan base...
Basically the same as Northwestern of the east coast.

Stormin like I said this thread has nothing to do with tv sets or academics or anything. U can choose to make it about that if u want, but my question to u is would u seriously want Rutgers over Kansas if none of that mattered???? Also if that does matter how could u want Rutgers and not Notre Dame???
Notre Dame, Pitt, Missouri and Kansas.

Keeps it Midwest and adds some tradition, success and natural rivalries in both basketball and football.
1. Notre Dame...a natural fit.

2. Missouri...a natural fit.

3. Pitt...a natural fit.

4. West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and or Syracuse.

The clowns belong in the MAC or CUSA, not the Big 10.
Totally see your points. However how many people in NYC are watching sports on their local TV? Those people are getting Rutgers on their sets, not Cuse.

And when you think of Syracuse, you think Big East BB. (BTW - Cuse would be 5th on my list! :) )

No, those people are watching the same games that everyone across the nation is watching. Trust me, I live in an area that features a local Big East team, and no one cares about them. People in NYC spend their day worrying about the Giants, not worrying about the Scarlet Knights.
I don't want the B1G to expand. 12 is just right as far as I am concerned. but, if we *have* to add them:

1. ND - I hate them but they do belong
2. Mizzou - LOL - I hate them too
3. Pitt - I just find can't hate for them - maybe they don't belong? ;)
4. ISU - yeah, I said it - if tv's aren't a concern, they fit
4a. Maryland

I really, really don't see where Rutgers or Syracuse would fit in the B1G. And did I mention that I really don't want the B1G to expand. I think this whole 16-team super-conference thing is stupid.

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