I think Hawkeye message boards right now are a good example

I must not have said that well. KF is not bad like TL. Both have/had a style that is not popular with most fan bases.

This 'style' is the same or similar style that led to two 11 win seasons, three straight top 8 seasons and four end of year top 10 rankings during the KF era, more than any coach in Iowa history.

I think Kirk is in a bit of trouble and there are some things that have made me weary, but I'm staying away from the crazy juice.

The only thing not popular with the fan base is not winning 10 games.
Here is an idea, how about change, or adapt over a 10 year period? Like Fran said, he considers Iowa fans to be a pretty savy bunch when it comes to being informative about the Hawkeye teams they watch and follow.

And yes, there has been some changes, but we see the same ole problems resurface over and over again. You can't blame a message board poster or season ticket holder for calling a spade a spade. Iowa football's woes are certainly not the problem of the fans. We have one of the best fan followings in the world and help keep Iowa relevant in a sense (for example we will go anywhere to watch them play and thus we get better bowl slotting most of the time).

Eventually, over time, blame will certainly be laid at the feet of the leaders of the program for habitual mistakes, mediocrity, and ultimately failure and unmet expectations. Comes with the territory for these high profile coaches.
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This 'style' is the same or similar style that led to two 11 win seasons, three straight top 8 seasons and four end of year top 10 rankings during the KF era, more than any coach in Iowa history.
When that happened, this "style" was more the norm. Now, fans want high scoring offenses with QBs that can do it all. Again, I don't mind a ball controlled, defensive minded team. Some day, defenses will rule college football. Just not this year.
Our coach and style of play are very irritating but I don't care about any of that today. We won, we're 5-3 and I don't really believe that there's a game left that we can't win (I don't think for a minute that we will win all of them).

This team is better than some what to credit for but that's their problem.
of why many in the coaching profession feel 10 years at the same job is about the max. Familiarity breeds too much contempt. Way too much.

Spurrier stated that when he left Florida. He said one of his old coaching friends told him that. I thought it was a bad move for him to leave at the time and still feel that way, but it worked out for Urban Meyer quite well.

Here is the problem at Iowa, KF took over the worst program in the Big Ten and made them contenders. That really sums it up, but here is the issue and I have said this for years: Iowa has not ever beaten the best teams in the conference. The "shared" conference titles, did they beat the team they "shared" with? When Iowa has played OSU they lost and the problems that are showing today, showed in those games.

The biggest issue that KF has is his loyalty, not just to players, but also to coaches. There should have been some coaching turnover prior to two years ago, everyone knows that. KF has shown to be a quality coach, but here has been my issue with him, the off-field stuff, he lost control of the program for a few years there, then the debacle of the "investigation" by the University with Everson/Satterfield. That kind of thing breed content and entitlement, content from the coaches and entitlement from the players.

Iowa was an awful program when KF took over, he has taken them to a lot of highs and good things that no other coach has. The issue is that he hasn't beaten the best when he has gotten them there. Two Orange Bowls, one loss to a very good and underrated USC team and a win against a poor ACC conference champ in Georgia Tech. He has had some great bowl wins against the SEC conference and beat Mizzou a few years ago when they shouldn't.

Iowa fans have a discontent for inconsistent results and honestly, I don't have any idea why they would. The number one issue that Iowa has to deal with is the State is so talent poor. That is going to cause some inconsistent results at times. The other issues are that some other programs have "caught-up" if you will and the addition of Nebraska has changed some things. The main discontent is losing to teams that they just should not, the worst one that broke the camels back was the loss at Arizona when people believed Iowa was headed for greatness. What I continue to see for Iowa is sticking with the starters on defense until they can't walk anymore, it isn't a wonder they get outscored so much in second halves. That is why I think the defense struggles when they lose a lot in the front seven, guys aren't ready. It is so common for coaches to play most of their 2-deeps anymore in the first half to keep guys fresh, in the front sevens.

KF has to relax some ways of thinking and let his coaches coach, but don't get me wrong, he is not as what people WANT to believe at this point. I see the offense evolving, but with a young QB, some things are going to look great at times and not so great at times. Does KF do everything perfect, uh no, no coach does, but I think some of the fans that are constantly complaining, don't know the history of Iowa football either.
If the worse thing you can say about a man is that he is loyal, he's a pretty good man, in my opinion...
Spurrier stated that when he left Florida. He said one of his old coaching friends told him that. I thought it was a bad move for him to leave at the time and still feel that way, but it worked out for Urban Meyer quite well.

Here is the problem at Iowa, KF took over the worst program in the Big Ten and made them contenders. That really sums it up, but here is the issue and I have said this for years: Iowa has not ever beaten the best teams in the conference. The "shared" conference titles, did they beat the team they "shared" with? When Iowa has played OSU they lost and the problems that are showing today, showed in those games.

The biggest issue that KF has is his loyalty, not just to players, but also to coaches. There should have been some coaching turnover prior to two years ago, everyone knows that. KF has shown to be a quality coach, but here has been my issue with him, the off-field stuff, he lost control of the program for a few years there, then the debacle of the "investigation" by the University with Everson/Satterfield. That kind of thing breed content and entitlement, content from the coaches and entitlement from the players.

Iowa was an awful program when KF took over, he has taken them to a lot of highs and good things that no other coach has. The issue is that he hasn't beaten the best when he has gotten them there. Two Orange Bowls, one loss to a very good and underrated USC team and a win against a poor ACC conference champ in Georgia Tech. He has had some great bowl wins against the SEC conference and beat Mizzou a few years ago when they shouldn't.

Iowa fans have a discontent for inconsistent results and honestly, I don't have any idea why they would. The number one issue that Iowa has to deal with is the State is so talent poor. That is going to cause some inconsistent results at times. The other issues are that some other programs have "caught-up" if you will and the addition of Nebraska has changed some things. The main discontent is losing to teams that they just should not, the worst one that broke the camels back was the loss at Arizona when people believed Iowa was headed for greatness. What I continue to see for Iowa is sticking with the starters on defense until they can't walk anymore, it isn't a wonder they get outscored so much in second halves. That is why I think the defense struggles when they lose a lot in the front seven, guys aren't ready. It is so common for coaches to play most of their 2-deeps anymore in the first half to keep guys fresh, in the front sevens.

KF has to relax some ways of thinking and let his coaches coach, but don't get me wrong, he is not as what people WANT to believe at this point. I see the offense evolving, but with a young QB, some things are going to look great at times and not so great at times. Does KF do everything perfect, uh no, no coach does, but I think some of the fans that are constantly complaining, don't know the history of Iowa football either.

Good post. Agreed.
I don't think it's his style that will be his undoing, assuming you are talking about pro style/ball control. It's the fact that he cannot close out wins, I'm still shocked we won today because we've seen us lose that kind of game time and time again. We are out coached on making in game adjustments every week. I guess famialarity might encompass my point, but better adjustments would have won in Columbus and Northern Illinois.
I don't think it's his style that will be his undoing, assuming you are talking about pro style/ball control. It's the fact that he cannot close out wins, I'm still shocked we won today because we've seen us lose that kind of game time and time again. We are out coached on making in game adjustments every week. I guess famialarity might encompass my point, but better adjustments would have won in Columbus and Northern Illinois.

NIU...yes. OSU....I don't think so. NIU is the proverbial girl that got away.
I must not have said that well. KF is not bad like TL. Both have/had a style that is not popular with most fan bases.

You didn't say this very well either. Lickliter wasn't popular with fans because his teams continually got their ***** kicked, and it was apparent to everyone very early on that he was in over his head.
I don't think it's his style that will be his undoing, assuming you are talking about pro style/ball control. It's the fact that he cannot close out wins, I'm still shocked we won today because we've seen us lose that kind of game time and time again. We are out coached on making in game adjustments every week. I guess famialarity might encompass my point, but better adjustments would have won in Columbus and Northern Illinois.

Iowa did adjust - the touchdown to Duzey was a direct result of Iowa taking advantage of OSU bringing their secondary closer to the line. There was also a play that was nearly a pick 6 that had the ball been thrown 6 inches higher, it's a touchdown for Tevaun Smith.
They're defensive adjustment was poorly which Meyer pointed out in the post game interview. Made the adjustment for Colter today, woulda been nice to see that last week.
Iowa did adjust - the touchdown to Duzey was a direct result of Iowa taking advantage of OSU bringing their secondary closer to the line. There was also a play that was nearly a pick 6 that had the ball been thrown 6 inches higher, it's a touchdown for Tevaun Smith.

The offense did a good job of adjusting last week. The defense was the problem in Columbus. In many years, fans could quickly (and correctly) point at the offense as the source of the problems. This year, both the offense and defense have taken turns in making poor (or no) adjustments.
I think it is real simple. I think most Iowa fans can live with Kirk's offensive and defensive systems (whether that be KOK. Davis, Norm, or Phil). Although a number would like to see more uptempo (which we have upgraded here this year) we can live with it.

What people are upset with:
-Time Clock Management Issues
-The many Off field issues in the past
-Playing seniors over more talent in a lot of cases
-Losing a number of games to lesser opponents
-Not attacking the field vertically...and not necessarily changing the style of play, but in the situations we need to do this, we don't for some reason.
[h=2]-Conservative on 4th down and at end of halves.[/h]-The fake punts, onside kicks, etc there.
-Specials teams that have faded.
-Our weapons seem to disappear to the bench (go away from what is working like Weisman running over Northern Illinois), only to re-appear when the game is out of hand, or in other game (example tight ends used against OSU), then to disappear again.
-Go in cruise control rather than going for the kill (like OSU is doing to Penn St), let teams hang around.

Hence, the problem is program management/game day management, probably much more so than style of play here. Iowa fans are quite familiar with it and yes we have had many years to digest it under Ferentz's watch. But, it is not the fan's fault for this. All of this can be correctable for a program like Iowa, but it is still there.

I have been critical today, but I do have to give the coaching staff credit. The staff certainly deserves high praise for what they have accomplished over the Ferentz Era. Very high praise.

This team is quite improved from last year and they are certainly competitive with a decent chance to win several more games this year. But, Iowa fans wonder what the program could be if they could fix the dumbfounding stuff that happens again and again. I think the criticism is more than fair considering the time and length we have to go on.
The offense did a good job of adjusting last week. The defense was the problem in Columbus. In many years, fans could quickly (and correctly) point at the offense as the source of the problems. This year, both the offense and defense have taken turns in making poor (or no) adjustments.

It all come together starting next week ;-)
at first glance it would appear that Jon is blaming the attitude of the fans for why the program is down...

Now when I read more I'm not sure because no way Jon could say that because he is smarter than such.

It's not rocket science - wins and losses dictate "contempt" or satisfaction.

Expectations are a result of past success.

This is the reality of any sports and why we have different expectations than ISU.

If this team keeps winning the negative posts will get fewer and fewer.

What's ignorant is to think that this one win against a below average football team is supposed to make us forget about last year or the overall mediocrity of the seasons before that.

Keep winning and thing will change.

Honesty this feels like a troll post from Jon because if you read his review of the game he pretty much says a lot of things which everyone else is saying - that guess what aren't all RA RA and positive.
I think it is real simple. I think most Iowa fans can live with Kirk's offensive and defensive systems (whether that be KOK. Davis, Norm, or Phil). Although a number would like to see more uptempo (which we have upgraded here this year) we can live with it.

What people are upset with:
-Time Clock Management Issues
-The many Off field issues in the past
-Playing seniors over more talent in a lot of cases
-Losing a number of games to lesser opponents
-Not attacking the field vertically...and not necessarily changing the style of play, but in the situations we need to do this, we don't for some reason.
[h=2]-Conservative on 4th down and at end of halves.[/h]-The fake punts, onside kicks, etc there.
-Specials teams that have faded.
-Our weapons seem to disappear to the bench (go away from what is working like Weisman running over Northern Illinois), only to re-appear when the game is out of hand, or in other game (example tight ends used against OSU), then to disappear again.
-Go in cruise control rather than going for the kill (like OSU is doing to Penn St), let teams hang around.

Hence, the problem is program management/game day management, probably much more so than style of play here. Iowa fans are quite familiar with it and yes we have had many years to digest it under Ferentz's watch. But, it is not the fan's fault for this. All of this can be correctable for a program like Iowa, but it is still there.

I have been critical today, but I do have to give the coaching staff credit. The staff certainly deserves high praise for what they have accomplished over the Ferentz Era. Very high praise.

This team is quite improved from last year and they are certainly competitive with a decent chance to win several more games this year. But, Iowa fans wonder what the program could be if they could fix the dumbfounding stuff that happens again and again. I think the criticism is more than fair considering the time and length we have to go on.

Yeah I don't have a problem with the system- its the management of the system that has often been not what it could be.
If we go 8-4 I'm more than happy considering the season we had last yr. But if we don't make a bowl again this yr how much rope to they give Ferentz to hang his self. It makes you wonder if they will be looking for a change if we don't win atleast 2 out of the next 4. What does everybody else think? GO HAWKS!

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