How much will you give Iowa football if you win Mega Millions?

Do you mean million or just five to ten bucks? Iowa needs a T. Boone. My tailgates would only have the finest Scotch served and I would demand a special hard liquor permit as well. I would purchase a 24 pack of Coors Light cans as well and offer them to the less fortunate at each game.


I would also make sure they never wore those horrific all black softball uniforms that so many on here seem to think would be "sweet"
Nothing, being that rich I wouldn't feel right supporting a prole program like Iowa. I would become a USC fan for football and a Duke fan in basketball.
Well after taxes you're going to be left with about $220M. I'd give $10M. In return, I would request that a trained hawk becomes a gameday tradition at Iowa. The hawk will be released from the press box as the team starts walking out of the tunnel and will fly around the stadium. Then it will swoop down to where the swarm is waiting to take the field and dart out in front of them and then the swarm then takes the field.

The hawk is also released after touchdowns and field goals during the I-O-W-A chant.

Just like the honey badger, the Hawk doesn't give a ****

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Would make 5 donations of 2-3 million each, only way to get the next donation would be by following the guidelines of the ones prior.

First donation would come with stipulation that the U would need to offer an educational programs geared toward a career in the field of security guard. Iowa would become the number 1 security guard institution, we would become world renowned for the professionals that we place into the field.
Would make 5 donations of 2-3 million each, only way to get the next donation would be by following the guidelines of the ones prior.

First donation would come with stipulation that the U would need to offer an educational programs geared toward a career in the field of security guard. Iowa would become the number 1 security guard institution, we would become world renowned for the professionals that we place into the field.

2StarStan would be the head of the department, and his right hand man would be WhelanWes.
Just enough to get me good seats in Kinnick along with a nice place to park my tailgating vehicle. But since this would be an annual "donation" I would have to make some solid investments in order to be able to keep affording this luxury each year.

Dude, the jackpot is at $500,000,000. Its like a lump sum of 359 million dollars after taxes. Unless you are a complete idiot, or the brother of Antoine Walker, you would not have to make solid investments to afford the luxury you talk about every year.
100 million split between iowa football and uihc cancer center....BUT both parties must agree to paint the water tower....:D booom!!!
Dude, the jackpot is at $500,000,000. Its like a lump sum of 359 million dollars after taxes. Unless you are a complete idiot, or the brother of Antoine Walker, you would not have to make solid investments to afford the luxury you talk about every year.

Wait for the Obama hyperinflation to begin. That jackpot won't by a loaf of bread in 2 years.*

* Sorry to say anything political, I'm just joking.
Sounds like it would be worth every minute to me, especially if they are good.

So when that day of 3 degree air temp with negative 30 wind chill comes and you have a place in Hawaii, you would be in IC? Satellite TV, buddy. Maybe you could get an interactive hookup so they could put a speaker in your seat and you could yell at Hightower from the comfort of a villa in Hawaii. Would that change your mind?
I'd offer Gerald 100k for a ten year deal. 4 great seats in FB and BB with parking pass to each. I'd then donate 100k to the Iowa City Police Goon Squad to stay the hell away from Kinnick on game day, with the inclusion that they free Paco and Melrose guy.
first donation would be to the IC PD provided they leave everyone alone on game days. 2nd donation goes to the most successful program at Iowa, Wrestling. 3rd donation would go to the Sally M needs a new job somewhere other than Iowa fund. Final donation would be what ever it takes to get the best seats in Kinick for the rest of my life.