Hawkeyes Past, Present, Future Share Feelings on Racial Injustice

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I tip my hat to you for stepping up and raising those three kids. I'm sure it's been a struggle at times but I'm sure some day you and your wife will look back and say it was all worth it. Maybe you already have.
Many times over. And it's tightened the bond between us. There are trials and tribulations (and triumphs) that not even our immediate families know we experience.
No excuse for murder on any level, in any profession. We are a country of laws, let there be a fair trial (life often isn't fair) and a sentence for all races.

That said, if you are a white you have an 11 times greater +/- chance of being murdered by an African American than a the opposite. I would like to see fair and honest reporting on this disparity, the crimes of which are often conveniently hidden from the public by the press, etc. because it would create "racism."

I would like fair and honest reporting of the many police officers who are attacked and murdered by African Americans while on duty. Dealing with alcohol/drugs/domestic/gang issues creates highly stressful and dangerous situations for the mostly honest and patriotic law enforcement officers in our country.

All races and professions need to be called to account or this country will burn with fires and revenge.

Racism is easy to find among whites and it is quite easy to find among African Americans. Is this fairly reported or allowed to be discussed with an open mind?

Let's hear some honest facts, and make a commitment to change. This will not end well for anyone.

My two cents...
Numbers are all over twitter in regards to how many die evey year by race. There's even a number floating around that suggests cops are sexist too because they kill way more men than women. Who knows if those numbers are accurate tho so it would be nice if actual media did stories comparing death by race. Maybe it would open people's eyes on how bad it is for blacks, or maybe it would open people's eyes that blacks aren't the only ones getting abused by cops.
Kirk F. Just had a conversation with his players and then went public. Team came first. Hawk Central fills you in. KF, Fran, and Gary B. Make me proud. Like Hayden Fry, they are “color blind.”
Numbers are all over twitter in regards to how many die evey year by race. There's even a number floating around that suggests cops are sexist too because they kill way more men than women. Who knows if those numbers are accurate tho so it would be nice if actual media did stories comparing death by race. Maybe it would open people's eyes on how bad it is for blacks, or maybe it would open people's eyes that blacks aren't the only ones getting abused by cops.
Media /Professional is extinct and has run for the hills, now they simply pattern their messages to meet the appetites of their audience from any source they can find, factual or not. If you give the listeners what they don't like to hear...well, we all know how Americans have become. The media - a spineless propaganda puppet of many flavors, enough for all.
I get we, as white men, are the imperialistic winners. I get it. We won.


This is a new world. Black people are a large part of our country that need to be served. They are not just entertainers and athletes that perform for us. They are US.

It is time to make some serous changes in this country to serve everyone, Its time to quit serving the rich and famous and serve the people.

There is a big problem in this country. A country that is for the people, by the people.
If there is to be a discussion on this topic, a true discussion on the advancement of African Americans in this country, then it must not only include talk of unconscious bias, systemic racism and white privilege, but personal responsibility, faith and the importance of African American men raising their families in a two parent home. It's an uncomfortable truth, but time after time, study after study confirms the singular significance of this. I want every one in this country to have the opportunity for success (not just financial), but it can't only be given, because nothing sticks if it's just given away, it must be earned. Fathers play a vital role in this development. It's not perfect, nothing in this world is, but it works far more than it doesn't. Only then can bridges be built that will last.

"In its annual “America’s Families and Living Arrangements” data collection, the [Census] Bureau examined marriage and family, the living arrangements of older adults and other household characteristics.

It found that a majority of the 73.7 million American children under age 18 live in families with two parents (69 percent)—a decrease from 88 percent in 1960. Of those 50.7 million children living in families with two parents, 47.7 million live with two married parents and 3 million live with two unmarried parents.

Broken down by race, however, the statistics show stark differences. The percentage of White children under 18 who live with both parents almost doubles that of Black children, according to the data. While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents, only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same.

Instead, more than one-third of all Black children in the United States under the age of 18 live with unmarried mothers—compared to 6.5 percent of White children. The figures reflect a general trend: During the 1960-2016 period, the percentage of children living with only their mother nearly tripled from 8 to 23 percent and the percentage of children living with only their father increased from 1 to 4 percent.

Social scientists have long espoused the benefits for children who live in two-parent homes, including economic, educational, health and other advantages." Source: afro.com.

This data is from 2016. Current data reflects even higher percentages.

This, to me, is the pathway to peace.
Might want to read up before speculating..


"Let my building burn, justice needs to be served,” Ruhel said, according to the post. Those words seemed to resonate with fans and followers, causing the post to be shared more than 20,000 times.

The post continued: "Gandhi Mahal May have felt the flames last night, but our firey drive to help protect and stand with our community will never die! Peace be with everyone."

"I felt like we can rebuild with bricks, but we cannot rebuild people's life, and we have lost a lot of life," he said.

"And you know, it just came to a point where this is the only way that a change could happen ... And it wasn't until this much had to happen for them to just get that officer in custody.

"That tells you a lot about how our system works and how far we need to take it so black lives in America can get the justice they deserve."

"It's not just the death of George Floyd. People are being racially profiled every day. And I want people to be aware. I want the system to change. I want to see real change. Everyone's tired of seeing people being wrongfully treated and wrongfully killed. It's not OK."
"Let my building burn, justice needs to be served,” Ruhel said, according to the post. Those words seemed to resonate with fans and followers, causing the post to be shared more than 20,000 times.

Sounds like a business wanting to be bailed out by insurance as Covid most likely has closed its doors.

Just like I do not believe JR Smith’s vehicle was vandalized with him in it with his friends in a residential area by a solo white person maybe 140 lbs. I just don’t buy it. If this was the other way around and race reversed it’d be blown out as full on race/KKK attack. Those are facts. Even his response to what it was was racist in its undertones “MFin White boy” I seen people applauding it and saying dude got what he deserved, but we only know what JR says happens if based off the proof/video he’s attacking a white guy during a riot.

I was born in AZ, grew up poor and in a trailer. I’ve broken the law and been arrested. I can promise you the police treat me as guilty and With force. This is what they live for and if you slightly resist they love to crank on you and take you down w force and knees to back.

what happened to Floyd was wrong/complete abuse of authority and power by the police which have been doing this for years to people of all color. The number of whites killed by police is greater than any other race.

The numbers also state African Americans are responsible for 40% of all violent crimes. These are calls/interactions that most times require weapons to be drawn. So why the % are higher in death so are the crime severity and seriousness of interaction. Those have to be taken into context.

I know racism exist in all race. Seen it and lived it. This isn’t black and white it is all of us.

So yes I’m one of those All lives matter if we trying to get this better and right for all. I’m not a fan of the police and F the system as a whole to be clear.
What I can't figure out out is why people who were born here, who have history here, regardless of race can't come together and understand that there are countries who can't feed themselves and yet keep having kids. Those kids either end up here or we provide aid to them. That is not sustainable. Again THAT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.
I lived in Minneapolis years ago. Something like 6 hunters got shot by an Asian on their own hunting property in Wisconsin for telling him to leave. There were rumors that they were harassing him on his way off their property but nobody will ever know if that is true. They were not armed and he shot some in the back.
Then there was the time a Somalian guy went walking down the street hacking at people with a machete.
Minnesota was in full swing of taking as many immigrants as the United States government would give them (and the money that goes along with that deal),
Yet Asian gangs were battling with knives and machetes in the streets (literally).
I would not want to be a police officer up there. It's not like safe old Iowa.
But at the heart of all this is immigration and especially from war torn countries where grabbing a machete and walking down the street swinging it at people is somewhat normal behavior or at least fairly common.
So it would seem to me that it shouldn't matter if you are native American, African American, white or whatever, if you value America and are grateful to your ancestors for allowing, no, affording you the opportunity to be born here, then you should stand together and realize that until theses other countries start standing on their own two feet and can no longer basically ship hundreds of thousands of people to Europe and hundreds of thousands to the United States, because they can't employ them and can't feed them (basically can't support their own breeding and population), things will get worse.
Even Noah, didn't have an arc big enough to save everyone. We can change the world, but we can't rescue it . Our own social security program doesn't have the greatest outlook. So by not standing together as American citizens, you are slitting your own throat as well as your children and grandchildrens.
I'll also add that I know an officer right here in small town Iowa that has a heavy immigration population due to having a packing house and they arrested an immigrant for stabbing his roommate like 12 times for not paying his half of the rent. This officer told me what was so strange is that the guy really didn't see what he had done as being all that wrong. In his mind it was pretty much justified.
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Many times over. And it's tightened the bond between us. There are trials and tribulations (and triumphs) that not even our immediate families know we experience.
Best of luck to you. As a father of two boys I can only tell you it does get easier as they mature ... those high school days are typically the most challenging.
You see a lot of talk about how white people owe black people for things that happened in the past. I watched a video Rob retweeted of a black man telling white people what they can do to help. It was a pretty good video that had some things I liked and didn't like. But one thing I liked a lot was how he described white privilege as a race where we got a 200 year head start. He said they are now allowed to run the race but are so far behind it's hard to catch up. I think both sides can learn from that comment. My side can learn that it's the right thing to do to go the extra mile to help them catch up. The other side can learn that they are in fact allowed to run the race now and everything is close to a level playing field except the starting point, which will take time to even out.

Another thing I could say that we owe the black community is a free trip back to their native land if they want it. There should be a government paid program that allows any black person who had slaves for ancestors to go home if they wish.
in 2019, 19 unarmed white guys killed by cops, 9 unarmed black guys. True, that's still disproportional to the general population but then the sad fact is blacks also commit crimes disproportional to the general population.

There have been 75% less shooting deaths of African-Americans as compared to 40 years ago by cops. Progress has been made, despite what some people say. Still work to do though, yes.

As for the looting, assaults and destruction, Geraldo Rivera last night called it the "rape of America". I don't always agree with Geraldo but he nailed this one.
The only difference here between guys like us and other guys is our opinions on the best way to end racism. We all hate racism and want it to end, we just have different opinions on how to accomplish it. In our minds, it's more racist to say a white cop killed a black man. In their minds it's more racist to say a cop killed a man. Without a doubt, the only way to truly be free of racism is to get to the point where we say it my way. But maybe the only way we get to that point is to say it their way first.
Yeah you would think actions and intent are the most important things. But for some how things are worded and phrased triggers them. I wonder to what extent having kids sat down in school at an early age going over this and getting them on the same page would help. To me it's learned behavior. But we'll always have murderers thieves lawbreakers of all kind even though we all know better... So with something as not so easy as this I don't see any easy answers.
Holy shit. I thought this type of thread would draw it out. But, holy shit!

It's a coming out party, Rob. I'm not really surprised, but still kind of crazy at the number of people who just still don't get it. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, let's deflect and justify. That's realll productive.
No excuse for murder on any level, in any profession. We are a country of laws, let there be a fair trial (life often isn't fair) and a sentence for all races.

That said, if you are a white you have an 11 times greater +/- chance of being murdered by an African American than a the opposite. I would like to see fair and honest reporting on this disparity, the crimes of which are often conveniently hidden from the public by the press, etc. because it would create "racism."

I would like fair and honest reporting of the many police officers who are attacked and murdered by African Americans while on duty. Dealing with alcohol/drugs/domestic/gang issues creates highly stressful and dangerous situations for the mostly honest and patriotic law enforcement officers in our country.

All races and professions need to be called to account or this country will burn with fires and revenge.

Racism is easy to find among whites and it is quite easy to find among African Americans. Is this fairly reported or allowed to be discussed with an open mind?

Let's hear some honest facts, and make a commitment to change. This will not end well for anyone.

My two cents...

And this is why there will always be a massive racial divide in this country between white and black.

In order to make change you have to have honest conversations. In order to do that you must be willing to offend people on the other side and be willing to be offended and not act like a child when it happens. And you need to be willing to take responsibility for your actions or inactions that have contributed to the nation's racial divide. Basically disagree respectfully and constructively.

That isn't happening anytime soon on either side.
It's a coming out party, Rob. I'm not really surprised, but still kind of crazy at the number of people who just still don't get it. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, let's deflect and justify. That's realll productive.

Both sides get it. They just get it in different ways. Your side doesn't get it better than ours. Right now you are saying the other side deflects and justifies, but in my opinion it's your side that deflects and justifies more. It would be so awesome to be able to run both ideas on how to solve racism through a simulator a thousand times and see which way works faster. Maybe one way dies work better. Maybe they both work the same. Maybe neither work at all. None of us no for sure but I would bet a lot of money that my way works better. It just sucks to be called a racist for having a different opinion on the best way to end racism.
And this is why there will always be a massive racial divide in this country between white and black.

In order to make change you have to have honest conversations. In order to do that you must be willing to offend people on the other side and be willing to be offended and not act like a child when it happens. And you need to be willing to take responsibility for your actions or inactions that have contributed to the nation's racial divide. Basically disagree respectfully and constructively.

That isn't happening anytime soon on either side.
What's funny is my side wants discussion. The other side wants it done exactly their way, or else.
And what is with police forcefully removing peaceful protestors. It defeats the point of protesting to say "you can protest until we say no". They are doing exactly what this protest is trying to stop. They need to crack down hard on looting and vandalism, and they should never, under any circumstances, use force against a peaceful protest.
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