Hawkeyes Past, Present, Future Share Feelings on Racial Injustice

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I want going to post, but this is hysterically sad. This site is doomed. Rob should be banned for starting this. The stupidity on this thread is why this nation is in the shape it's in. I wish I didn't believe some of you are serious. God help the US. God help Hawkeye Nation. Iowa has maybe the most covert racists in the US... Thank you for Representative King to the world.

Iowa is way low on college degrees and the anecdotal evidence here is epic.

North, couple of things. First the trauma will be with your kids forever. It's a cold fact and I know personally. 2nd, relations with significant others of your kid.... Much harder than raising kids. You wont won't see it coming especially this generation.

PC. How could you be so ignorant?

Fry... Get over your ex.

Rob....you are afraid to take some on here on and it is loud.

Hawkeye Nation self destruction over Covid 19 and racism.

That is all.

I knew you'd be back. You can't quit.

Hawkeye Nation is fine. If you don't like the discussion, you have a choice.
I heard Rob banned someone recently. I thought for sure it was you Gold. Good to see you around.... kinda :)
That's why I said repeatedly that I didn't consider time frame. Again, here was my thought process.

1- see things that say "if they don't like it, go home".

2- think, that's a dumb arguement. They couldn't afford to if they want to.

3- think, there are probably people who would like to go to Africa because I know there are people of other nationalities that would jump at the chance to go back to where they originated.

4- think, that is something the government should do. Their ancestors were forced here so if anyone truly wants to go back, money shouldn't be a reason they can't.

5- make post saying that.

6- get torn up.

7- read a good point explaining the time frame difference between Europeans that came here and African people that came here.

8- explain how that's a good point and that is where my idea was flawed. But still recognize that the only thing that changes is the amount of people who would want to take advantage of that opportunity. It doesn't change the good intent I had when I posted it.
Let's say for a second here that one of my ancestors was an Algonquin slave brought here to New France in the 1600s against his will by the French under non-voluntary servitude. This was most definitely a thing. If I was under some sort of hypothetical oppression right now in 2020 and you said to me, "Fryowa, I know it sucks here for you right now and I want to offer you some sort of assistance. How bout I buy you a float plane ticket to Kangiqsualujjuaq up in northern Quebec where your great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents came from?


Would you like that?" I'd tell you to F off. Do you not see how offensive and completely fucking ridiculous that is? I'm seriously not seeing how you can be smart enough to tie your shoes but not understand the stupidity of what you're suggesting as a remedy.

It means nothing about "don't like it, leave it." Even if it's not "don't like it, leave it" it's still condescension at best, and at worst it's you assuming that a black man still considers east Africa home and would want to go there. Especially when as a white dude you'd never think of it at all, let a lone as a respite from oppression. This whole thing is really just you showing everyone how white privilege works rather than suggesting a fix.
I want going to post, but this is hysterically sad. This site is doomed. Rob should be banned for starting this. The stupidity on this thread is why this nation is in the shape it's in. I wish I didn't believe some of you are serious. God help the US. God help Hawkeye Nation. Iowa has maybe the most covert racists in the US... Thank you for Representative King to the world.

Iowa is way low on college degrees and the anecdotal evidence here is epic.

North, couple of things. First the trauma will be with your kids forever. It's a cold fact and I know personally. 2nd, relations with significant others of your kid.... Much harder than raising kids. You wont won't see it coming especially this generation.

PC. How could you be so ignorant?

Fry... Get over your ex.

Rob....you are afraid to take some on here on and it is loud.

Hawkeye Nation self destruction over Covid 19 and racism.

That is all.
You said you were leaving and never coming back. Mentioning that I was part of your reason made me giggle inside so thank you for that.

Then like a dope fiend you came back to beg for some resin because you couldn't stay away.

Who's the pathetic one here?

I could respect someone who says they're done and leaving, but when you come crawling back it leaves no doubt who the spineless jellyfish is.
Let's say for a second here that one of my ancestors was an Algonquin slave brought here to New France in the 1600s against his will by the French under non-voluntary servitude. This was most definitely a thing. If I was under some sort of hypothetical oppression right now in 2020 and you said to me, "Fryowa, I know it sucks here for you right now and I want to offer you some sort of assistance. How bout I buy you a float plane ticket to Kangiqsualujjuaq up in northern Quebec where your great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents came from?


Would you like that?" I'd tell you to F off. Do you not see how offensive and completely fucking ridiculous that is? I'm seriously not seeing how you can be smart enough to tie your shoes but not understand the stupidity of what you're suggesting as a remedy.

It means nothing about "don't like it, leave it." Even if it's not "don't like it, leave it" it's still condescension at best, and at worst it's you assuming that a black man still considers east Africa home and would want to go there. Especially when as a white dude you'd never think of it at all, let a lone as a respite from oppression. This whole thing is really just you showing everyone how white privilege works rather than suggesting a fix.
This is exactly what I knew was happening. Changing " if you want to go back to where you're ancestors origionated" to "if you feel like you're oppressed, we can let you leave" is your unconscious bias kicking in. You have a bias that all black people hate America and feel oppressed. There is also probably some bias going on with your thoughts on Africa. Truth is, there are more reasons than that to want to move from your country. You think its racist to say a black man might want to move away. Would you think its racist to say anyone else from another race might want to move away? Do you think its racist at all to lump every single black man into one group of thought? Do you think its racist to say there is no way any black man would ever want to move to Africa?

The program would be good if there actually was a demand for it. But I do recognize that there is no way it could be introduced due to the backlash that would come with it. Too PC to have a program that does good. That's the world we live in.
Since we're all saying some pretty wacky things, you telling me to educate myself is like Honey Boo Boo giving Mike Trout advice on his swing.
Well you clearly don't know that there are people out there that feel different on that subject than you do.
I knew you'd be back. You can't quit.

Hawkeye Nation is fine. If you don't like the discussion, you have a choice.

I ll go back into hibernation. That said, this discussion is total lunacy. Are you running free ads for George Wallace?
Why are there sides?

The two sides are drawn up as to how much racism, unconscious bias and white privilege there is, not as to whether they exist or not, outside of perhaps a few white knuckleheads who think there are none of those things at all.

Personally, I think there is less of those things than what SJWs tell there is, but those things definitely exist. I also think that the use of those labels can be used as a crutch and can sometimes be condescending and detrimental to communities of color.

I don't think that makes me a bad person or clueless.
You guys a nuts.
Your sitting around discussing that things might not be fair. News flash, life is not fair.
It never was and never will be. It wasn't even promised to be. Some people are smarter. Some people catch breaks. Some people get a better start in life.
All you can do is put on your big boy pants and take care of business. The best you can hope for is a helping hand but you have to be aware that there are far more people that will step on your head to get ahead.
It doesn't matter who you are. What color or even what your status. That's life.
So might as well get on with it.
So to the bigger point. The way I do my part to fight racism is I make sure I never notice race in a negative way and I have already started teaching my very young kids that people are different but you always treat everyone the same. The reason I believe my way is better is because if everyone would do the same today, racism would completely end today.

I think the other way could eventually get to where we want to go. I just think it would take longer because it's a "going to get worse before it gets better" way. There is also so much hate on the other side that it will drive people the wrong direction.

I worry about myself and my kids and talk openly about how stupid people are who treat someone worse because of their color. That's as far as my personality will take me on fighting racism. I'm not much of a leader. I can't even coach my own kids in sports. So when I see "that's not enough" I'm sorry but that's all I got. Thinking it's not enough is one thing. Thinking someone is a bad person because they can't do more than treat everyone around them with respect and raise their kids right is just pure hatred.
You guys a nuts.
Your sitting around discussing that things might not be fair. News flash, life is not fair.
It never was and never will be. It wasn't even promised to be. Some people are smarter. Some people catch breaks. Some people get a better start in life.
All you can do is put on your big boy pants and take care of business. The best you can hope for is a helping hand but you have to be aware that there are far more people that will step on your head to get ahead.
It doesn't matter who you are. What color or even what your status. That's life.
So might as well get on with it.
Says the guy upset at black people for putting on their big boy pants and taking care of business to make sure they get a more fair existence in the USA.
We all agree that what happened to George Floyd was racist and a great injustice.

We all agree that looting, assaulting people, and burning down businesses is wrong, though not as serious as what happened to Floyd.

Let's just keep it at that, have a Kumbaya moment, and close this out.
You guys a nuts.
Your sitting around discussing that things might not be fair. News flash, life is not fair.
It never was and never will be. It wasn't even promised to be. Some people are smarter. Some people catch breaks. Some people get a better start in life.
All you can do is put on your big boy pants and take care of business. The best you can hope for is a helping hand but you have to be aware that there are far more people that will step on your head to get ahead.
It doesn't matter who you are. What color or even what your status. That's life.
So might as well get on with it.

I completely agree with that. But I will add that being looked at differently for the color of your skin or your sex needs to go away. Except for women being physically weaker than men. That one is here to stay.
If you're just learning this now, you must live in a very isolated area. I grew up in a very isolated area but learned within my first day of college how racist this country is. Every day since has only confirmed that belief.

Clearly, you misunderstood. My comment was directed at too many posters on this thread who have not figured it out and can be easily identified by their own words. I was in college, as an under grad, from 1963-1967. If you don’ think that I became completely aware of inherent racism, you are well off the mark. They were still lynching and otherwise murdering black people in the south, primarily. They were burning black churches, they were fighting school integration violently, they “discouraged” black folk from voting, and still maintained segregated restaurants, hotels, drinking fountains, and bathrooms. They were murdering white people with license plates from northern states. Throw in the Vietnam “war” and two years as a grad student in Iowa City, with the national guard marching around threatening those of us who were legally protesting. Remember Kent State? Maybe not. I grew up in NW Iowa in a family whose mantra was, “Regardless of station we will respect all others as fellow human beings.” Heard enough? Maybe you even learned something.
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