Has PJ Fleck taken the FSU job yet?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he's on the list after Meyer who will tell them no. Maybe Matt Campbell too? With FSU showing that $ is no object to them they won't be scared of whatever buyout he's got that ISU fans seem to think will keep him there for awhile.

For Fleck this is his chance. With MN having the season they are this is it. Turning down a gig like that or similar would be like Brohm turning down the TN job and others like he did. I don't hear Brohms name being thrown out there anymore so much. Once you turn down gigs to stay at places like Purdue and MN.... That shine comes off the rose. I don't think the window closes completely for any of them but it don't stay the same
Matt Campbell is currently listed at 3/1 odds to be the FSU HC next season.

Mopkins beat me to it.
Campbell, Fleck and Rhule make most sense to me.

I don’t see Franklin leaving PSU or Urban taking this job when he coached at Florida. I don’t see Jimbo going back.
Yeah Franklin wouldn't go there he's got a better gig/situation now. The weather and taxes would be the only reasons to do it and he isn't gonna do that.

The Stoops boys is interesting. First of all both aren't in the running because one would bow to the other prior to it getting very far. So it's a matter of which one. I don't see Bob coming back at all but that's just me.

Campbell and Fleck seem to be the realistic gets for them to narrow it down to. It'll be interesting how fast/slow this hire takes place. And if other gigs open up or not. The musical chair game that has started with the first domino is always interesting to me for some reason.
what's wild is Taggart's buyout was over $18M and its being reported by Mark Schlabach that all of that buyout money was raised by private donations.

So when a school like Florida State has unlimited funds via donors and boosters like that...having to pay Campbell's buyout certainly wouldn't be an issue at all.

If I'm Campbell I'm seeing the writing on the wall at ISU and getting out before my shining star becomes a white dwarf
As a side note, I wonder what would have happened had Scott Frost not bolted for Nebraska. He could have dominated at UCF for another 2 years and then taken the Florida State job within the same Florida recruiting base. Makes me wonder if he's really kicking himself in the ass now.

I think he’s always been kicking himself. Anyone would’ve paid him well after UCF, but he got pressured into the Nebraska job
what's wild is Taggart's buyout was over $18M and its being reported by Mark Schlabach that all of that buyout money was raised by private donations.

So when a school like Florida State has unlimited funds via donors and boosters like that...having to pay Campbell's buyout certainly wouldn't be an issue at all.

If I'm Campbell I'm seeing the writing on the wall at ISU and getting out before my shining star becomes a white dwarf

Florida State is also on the hook for $3 million to Oregon for Taggart's buyout there plus the $1.7 million owed to South Florida that Oregon passed to Florida State. Taggart will probably pass Charlie Weis for highest-paid unemployed coaching flame-out in history.
As a side note, I wonder what would have happened had Scott Frost not bolted for Nebraska. He could have dominated at UCF for another 2 years and then taken the Florida State job within the same Florida recruiting base. Makes me wonder if he's really kicking himself in the ass now.

He reported items stolen from his home that were later found in his garage. I would be surprised he knew what planet this is.
I think he’s always been kicking himself. Anyone would’ve paid him well after UCF, but he got pressured into the Nebraska job
Yep. Hard to go home, particularly when the expectations for the program and for you as the savior of that program are so unreasonably high. Maybe they'll turn it around at Nebraska, but it's going to be awhile, at best, I think. Not that the pressure at Florida State wouldn't have been immense, but it's not his alma mater and dealing with all of the extra stuff that goes with that. Think Harbaugh, and he's been much more successful at Michigan. He would have glided right into the FSU job. With that, I don't feel sorry for him at all. He's said some dumb things, and he made up his own mind.
I think he’s always been kicking himself. Anyone would’ve paid him well after UCF, but he got pressured into the Nebraska job
Yup same way Harbaugh is at Michigan. He could have bounced around the league 4-6 yrs at a time making big bucks but without the expectations of going home all meant. Both of them had zero chance of meeting them. Now Harbaugh is in a rough spot and Frost should be seeing the writing on the wall too.
I figured Fleck was getting Michigan State....makes more sense to me then FSU.
I have quite a few Minnesota fan friends, I really think Fleck is in this for the long haul up there. That fan base worships him more than the clowns worship Campbell, and if you follow Fleck's twitter he and his wife just seem sooooooooooo invested in the Minnesota culture. I mean you would easily think that he, his wife, and about two generations back were all native-born alumni.

I know coaches have to do that to a degree, but I just get the vibe that he likes it where he's at. He can have a long career of mediocrity if he wants, and to be honest I think coaches are seeing what's happened with Frost as a warning not to go out looking for some stray ass.
I'm sure he's on the list after Meyer who will tell them no. Maybe Matt Campbell too? With FSU showing that $ is no object to them they won't be scared of whatever buyout he's got that ISU fans seem to think will keep him there for awhile.

For Fleck this is his chance. With MN having the season they are this is it. Turning down a gig like that or similar would be like Brohm turning down the TN job and others like he did. I don't hear Brohms name being thrown out there anymore so much. Once you turn down gigs to stay at places like Purdue and MN.... That shine comes off the rose. I don't think the window closes completely for any of them but it don't stay the same

Yep the old strike while the iron is hot motto in action here. And some coaches like the rebuilding challenge and dont want to stay around long enough to sour things and get fired. If Fleck can finish 11-1 or a really good shot at 10-2 and if he wins the West that will be proving he can do a rebuild because MInny hasnt had that good of a record in forever.

Let's see if Campbell can get another big win over OU or Texas.
I have quite a few Minnesota fan friends, I really think Fleck is in this for the long haul up there. That fan base worships him more than the clowns worship Campbell, and if you follow Fleck's twitter he and his wife just seem sooooooooooo invested in the Minnesota culture. I mean you would easily think that he, his wife, and about two generations back were all native-born alumni.

I know coaches have to do that to a degree, but I just get the vibe that he likes it where he's at. He can have a long career of mediocrity if he wants, and to be honest I think coaches are seeing what's happened with Frost as a warning not to go out looking for some stray ass.
Didn't Fleck kinda do that whole schtick with where he was prior to MN too? I'm not saying that's wrong and he's not setting roots up there I'm just way more on the side of it's still the coaching profession and it's not like MN is a destination gig in the truest sense. FSU for being a rebuild has a lot of possitives to it. I'm sure it'd be a significant raise with no state income taxes for 2 things. It's Florida and not MN weather wise year around. More tradition $ and everything that goes with that on the football side of things. I think his personality would go over as well there as anywhere. I just think if he's offered it he'd take it to boil it right down to it.
Let's see if Campbell can get another big win over OU or Texas.
That's what's funny about this whole thing; the better those burnt turds play, the more it becomes a seller's market for Campbell.

There's already a couple threads on this over at cryfan, and their fans sound eerily similar to the UCF fans who said, "No way Scott Frost leaves here to go to nebraska."

Well, guess what?
Didn't Fleck kinda do that whole schtick with where he was prior to MN too? I'm not saying that's wrong and he's not setting roots up there I'm just way more on the side of it's still the coaching profession and it's not like MN is a destination gig in the truest sense. FSU for being a rebuild has a lot of possitives to it. I'm sure it'd be a significant raise with no state income taxes for 2 things. It's Florida and not MN weather wise year around. More tradition $ and everything that goes with that on the football side of things. I think his personality would go over as well there as anywhere. I just think if he's offered it he'd take it to boil it right down to it.
I think to be accepted and have much success in that part of the country you have to be one of those Southern Gothic types like Bobby Bowden, Jimbo Fisher, Swinney, Orgeron, etc.

They have a couple coaches from Pennsylvania plus Stoops, but other than that everyone of 'em is a good ol' boy from south of the Mason/Dixon line. I mean, Ed Orgeron is literally Farmer Fran from Waterboy and doesn't even speak a shred of English, but he's the top dog.
I have quite a few Minnesota fan friends, I really think Fleck is in this for the long haul up there. That fan base worships him more than the clowns worship Campbell, and if you follow Fleck's twitter he and his wife just seem sooooooooooo invested in the Minnesota culture. I mean you would easily think that he, his wife, and about two generations back were all native-born alumni.

I know coaches have to do that to a degree, but I just get the vibe that he likes it where he's at. He can have a long career of mediocrity if he wants, and to be honest I think coaches are seeing what's happened with Frost as a warning not to go out looking for some stray ass.

Typical carbetbaggers. Rubes can't see through these grifters. If the guy has any aspirations to ever win hardware, he has to go to FSU. There is definitely downside, but you can mitigate that with a big buyout. If he wants to hang out in Minnesota forever, he probably can, but if that program gets a little taste of back to back 10 win seasons, it's very possible they will get very angry when he draws a murderer's row schedule and has injury problems and finishes 6-6.

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