Has PJ Fleck taken the FSU job yet?

I hope they win and beat Wisconsin, but lose to Iowa and have to go be the sacrificial lamb against Ohio State in the conference title game. Watching them get embarrassed on that large of a stage would be hilarious and I certainly don't want Iowa to go lose that game 59-0.

One of the Florida Citrus reps told me today that if we go 9-3 and Minny goes 11-1 and gets rolled, they are "probably" in Orlando. The real beneficiary of B1G--assuming they only lose to O$U--is P$U. 11-1 will have them playing a NY6, and 10-2 probably, as well. A 2-loss Minnesota will NOT see NY6, but a 12-1 Minnesota certainly would. A LOT has to happen for us to get Indy, but almost as much has to happen for us to be playing in Orlando, otherwise, we're playing West of The Old Man come bowl time, be it San Diego or some shit-lined-street-bearing place in NorCal. But...if we run table then get rolled in Indy, we would almost be a lock for Orlando. They would love a 9-3 Iowa that made it to Indy.

Really hard to get up for the last four games knowing what "could" happen, starting this week. Even winning this week would not leave me that enthused, UNLESS Minny loses to P$U.
I have not read this thread. But the major buzz around the program is Bob Stoops.
We will see.

I'm sure it hasn't been forgotten that Stoops was DC at Florida under the Old Ball coach before he took his dream Oklahoma gig.

I think the only gig Stoops would accept would be Notre Dame. That would seem a natural for a native Midwest Catholic. But then again I thought the same thing the last two times that job opened up.
And then get killed in another Rose Bowl by 35 points.

If we make it to Indy and get rolled (assuming P$Us only loss is to O$U), P$U is going to NY6. We'll be headed to Orlando. Then again, I just don't see us winning this weekend, so it's all moot as far as I'm concerned.
We will see.

I'm sure it hasn't been forgotten that Stoops was DC at Florida under the Old Ball coach before he took his dream Oklahoma gig.

I think the only gig Stoops would accept would be Notre Dame. That would seem a natural for a native Midwest Catholic. But then again I thought the same thing the last two times that job opened up.

What an Iowa coach he would be. Too bad Gary Barta is as dumb as his teeth are rotten. Ot maybe its his teeth are as rotten as his programs are rotten? No. Okay Barta sucks as much dick as his lesbian lawsuit allowed? No? Barta fucked KFs wife and his buy off is these contracts?

Shoot. Who knows anymore.
I'm sure he's on the list after Meyer who will tell them no. Maybe Matt Campbell too? With FSU showing that $ is no object to them they won't be scared of whatever buyout he's got that ISU fans seem to think will keep him there for awhile.

For Fleck this is his chance. With MN having the season they are this is it. Turning down a gig like that or similar would be like Brohm turning down the TN job and others like he did. I don't hear Brohms name being thrown out there anymore so much. Once you turn down gigs to stay at places like Purdue and MN.... That shine comes off the rose. I don't think the window closes completely for any of them but it don't stay the same
Neither one are anything close to the right profile for that job
Which is the same thing people said about IOWA in 2015. We'll see. I wouldn't be surprised if the Goophs steal one in Kinnick. We'll know a bit more about them after this weekend.
They were wrong when they said it though because we had beaten two ranked teams on the road up to this point, Minnesota hasn't.

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