Has PJ Fleck taken the FSU job yet?

Amen to that. Wisky comes to mind of having changed coaches a couple times since the dude with the ankle tattoo was there and have very little to no drop off due to it. But that's the anomaly. Programs like MN ISU Purdue we want them flipping the next MAC coach over and over. The longer their coaches are there the worse it is for all of us no doubt about it.

Wisconsin does as good as job as anybody or most transitioning coaches. They could write the manual on that. They seem to do it seamlessly.
Word is the U of M is planning to throw a bunch of money at Fleck to keep him. So he'll have to decide sooner rather than later if he wants to stay or pursue a premier job. (the buyout attached to a new deal would likely be prohibitive). This could backfire on Minnesota as his agent may say Thanks but we're not signing without an escape clause. Once that leaks out...the writing is on the wall.

Whether you like his over-the-top motivational style or not, it appears he can coach and knows how to build a program. He's gotten the kind of players he wants and they're playing for him. It'll be interesting to see if he plans to stay long term in Minneapolis. A Big Ten program is always a good gig and you could live in worse places (West Lafayette, Lincoln). The catch is...this is a Vikings town. Gopher fans jump on and off the bandwagon like few you'll see.

It'll be interesting.
If Fleck leaves, what happens to all of those oars for sale? The Gophers would be reduced to promoting this:

No, it's totally racism, dude, and it's racist for you to disagree. Florida State has a long history of retaining white coaches who put up dismal records against soft ACC competition. If Taggart was white, recurring 4 to 6 win seasons would absolutely be tolerated.

You're being sarcastic, right?

FSU's last two coaches had .783 and .756 winning percentages. Taggart is .429. The 2 coaches before Bobby Bowden (pre 1976) were white guys who were fired after year 2 and year 3.
in Fleck-related news... It was just announced that Minnesota gave Fleck a 7 year extension. No terms available yet.
in Fleck-related news... It was just announced that Minnesota gave Fleck a 7 year extension. No terms available yet.
Whulp. There's that. Scratch that domino off the board. Ball is in Campbells court I suppose. Bob Stoops I believe shot it down as well.
Fleck played his hand pretty well. Of course, Minnesota is a stooge, a patsy, a rube, a pigeon, but he still got them to fold before he had to even play his next 4 cards. They were so desperate, they saw nothing but a string of Tim Brewsters on the horizon.
As far as Meyer goes, unless Notre Dame runs the table in a dominant fashion, my gut instinct is that ND will jettison Kelly after this season and make a run at Meyer. That's always been a program of high interest to Meyer, and I definitely could see it happening.
I have quite a few Minnesota fan friends, I really think Fleck is in this for the long haul up there. That fan base worships him more than the clowns worship Campbell, and if you follow Fleck's twitter he and his wife just seem sooooooooooo invested in the Minnesota culture. I mean you would easily think that he, his wife, and about two generations back were all native-born alumni.

I know coaches have to do that to a degree, but I just get the vibe that he likes it where he's at. He can have a long career of mediocrity if he wants, and to be honest I think coaches are seeing what's happened with Frost as a warning not to go out looking for some stray ass.

Yeah...well...Fleck's wife is sitting in Minnesota because prior to this year, the lead bow rower had nowhere else to go.
Because the scheduling gods lined up a cupcake schedule, Fleck is somewhat relevant. I give it a few more winters for them to start thinking..."you know, they play football in California and Florida too."

I can hear Fleck now, "you know, I came to the Land of 10000 Lakes to row my boat every day...but I've always had the dream of rowing a boat in the Ocean...I'm in California suckas".

This week the State of Minnesota finds out that PT Barnum is running their football program.
Whulp. There's that. Scratch that domino off the board. Ball is in Campbells court I suppose. Bob Stoops I believe shot it down as well.

Contracts are only security for coaches. If Minnesota negotiated a large buyout then they have some security but unless that number increased dramatically from the current terms, PJ can still bolt whenever he wants.

Really a smart move by PJ with the timing. If PSU exposes them on Saturday the ink will already be dry.
This week the State of Minnesota finds out that PT Barnum is running their football program.

I hope they win and beat Wisconsin, but lose to Iowa and have to go be the sacrificial lamb against Ohio State in the conference title game. Watching them get embarrassed on that large of a stage would be hilarious and I certainly don't want Iowa to go lose that game 59-0.
Yeah...well...Fleck's wife is sitting in Minnesota because prior to this year, the lead bow rower had nowhere else to go.
Because the scheduling gods lined up a cupcake schedule, Fleck is somewhat relevant. I give it a few more winters for them to start thinking..."you know, they play football in California and Florida too."

I can hear Fleck now, "you know, I came to the Land of 10000 Lakes to row my boat every day...but I've always had the dream of rowing a boat in the Ocean...I'm in California suckas".

This week the State of Minnesota finds out that PT Barnum is running their football program.
Doesn’t matter. They love him where he’s at and his job is just as safe as Kirk’s.

Did you not see he just got a seven year extension today?

You can give him a few more winters if you want, but that dude ain’t goin anywhere.
Fleck's buyout if he leaves after this season is 10 million. It drops to 4.5 after that. Like most coaching contracts it means shit to the school and everything to the coach.
You're being sarcastic, right?

FSU's last two coaches had .783 and .756 winning percentages. Taggart is .429. The 2 coaches before Bobby Bowden (pre 1976) were white guys who were fired after year 2 and year 3.
Its not easy to replace an institution, not to mention recruit against the U, Florida, and UCF just for in state players.

It took Alabama a quarter century to replace their legend, during which time they ceded power in the conference to Auburn, LSU, Florida and Tennessee at different times. And they were one of the lucky ones.

I pointed out about six weeks ago in a thread, and it was brought up earlier in this one, that attendance at FSU games is in the tank. Just a bad look all-around, a lot of disgruntled fans, alumni, and boosters.
No, it's totally racism, dude, and it's racist for you to disagree. Florida State has a long history of retaining white coaches who put up dismal records against soft ACC competition. If Taggart was white, recurring 4 to 6 win seasons would absolutely be tolerated.

Actually, look at it historically. How long was Darrell Hazell given at Purdue? Charlie Strong at Texas? Ty Willingham at ND? Turner Gill at Kansas? Dennis Green may have had some longer stints, but the second he had losing seasons, he was usually cut loose.

I loathe seeing/hearing the playing of the race card. But when it comes to football coaches, it's kind of a disturbing trend. Then again, at least he GOT a HC gig at FSU. Would never happen at Bama or UGa.

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