Greg Garmon Arrested

Where's that damn thread on witch frosh was going to get more yards or PT this yr? I want to change my vote.....
The real question is...does he have good taste? Was it good pot? It really is bizarre though. How about if we change the designation from Running Back back to Half Back like the old days. They never used to get in troub.....oh wait....yeah they did. Get here soon Greg and work your *** off.

They all get 1 pass. KF's starting center, similar name, was just as stupid...but you have to learn and of course, pee clean from here on out.

Work hard and come ready.
1) Garmon is done at Iowa.
2) Does no one have the ******* 'talk' with these idiots the moment they step on campus?
3) Moron. Driving around smokin' weed with expired tags? Really?
AIRBHG waited until we were all ridin' high about Jarrod Uthoff and THEN kicked us in the seeds when we weren't looking...sounds just about right...AIRBHG has one f*cked up sense of humor...
Too bad he doesn't play for good ol' Paul Rhoads because he wouldn't have to worry about any sort of punishment then.

Really? Ferentz has been extremely lax with public punishment for players, as is Rhoads.

Neither one of them hands down much in terms of game suspensions for stuff like drug possession, DUI, Public Intox, MIP, etc.
Really? Ferentz has been extremely lax with public punishment for players, as is Rhoads.

Neither one of them hands down much in terms of game suspensions for stuff like drug possession, DUI, Public Intox, MIP, etc.

Ha ha. You're troll is bad and you should feel bad.
anyone saying it might be part of a cancer treatment?...this is getting ridiculous with iowa rbs now.
All of the talented RB's seem to have a run in with the law at some point. Maybe this just means we are on our way to being back?
Really? Ferentz has been extremely lax with public punishment for players, as is Rhoads.

Neither one of them hands down much in terms of game suspensions for stuff like drug possession, DUI, Public Intox, MIP, etc.

First off old friend, that’s a change for you and your cronies. At one time you jumped up and down shouting to the world how much of a moral stud PR was (and the Chiz before him ironically enuff…..:D) And while KF has his failings he is pretty definitive with his suspensions whether you choose to believe it or not…PR has not been and the supreme irony being….they have become famous for handling things “in house” which…again you guys shouted to the heavens about. So before you say anything else you should say…..”uh yeah your right….!”
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There was only one way to stop AIRBHG, but guys got all pi$$y at the mere suggestion of sacrificing a virgin...

Edit: Nevermind...just remembered everyone got pi$$y because we couldn't find one.

06-07-2012 05:22 PMGhostofBTT
Misleading headline worried me for a sec. I thought he was on drugs, not weed.

Yea. A lot of people still believe that weed is like meth or heroin. I think I read somewhere every 30 seconds someone in the US is arrested for possession. Unreal.

Rhoads even kicks guys off of the team for being injured and before the school has to foot the bill for the surgery.

Although I'm sure there is more to the story, I've personally have been around Young, and he was very spiteful towards Rhoads, whether it is worthy or not. We'll never know because the Athletic Department nor CPR have said anything about it. But he at least did get his two years of college education paid for.
Although I'm sure there is more to the story, I've personally have been around Young, and he was very spiteful towards Rhoads, whether it is worthy or not. We'll never know because the Athletic Department nor CPR have said anything about it. But he at least did get his two years of college education paid for.

Which would be all well and good if he wasn't walking around on a bum knee with a year of eligibility left. I'd still like to know the REST...of the story.
Ha ha. You're troll is bad and you should feel bad.

Am I trolling, or just pointing out what a dumb *** HawkeyeRyno is?

Rhoads is not a disciplinarian when it comes to public suspensions and crap like that. Any ISU fan who acts like he is is an idiot. If you point to Fanatic, you only back up my point. A lot of those guys are idiots.

Any Iowa fan that thinks Ferentz is a disciplinarian in the same vein is an idiot too.

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