The goal of that drive always was and always should have been to win the game. You win the game with a FG and your % of getting a FG are much, much greater than a TD, it isn't even close...
If you are complaining about this it simply means you are grinding your axe, or don't know shit about football. Either way not a good look for you while the entire football program, the national pundits, and the rest of us fans are basking in the victory.
Ahead by 20 points and on defense/offense? KF milks the game clock.
Behind by 20 points and on defense/offense? KF milks the game clock.
Tied and on defense/offense? KF milks the game clock.
Behind with little time on the game clock and on defense/offense? KF milks the game clock.
Ahead with little time on the game clock and on defense/offense? KF milks the game clock.
MILK THE GAME CLOCK is KF's mantra throughout the entire game under all circumstances. Why do you give KF credit, here, for milking the game clock at the end of the Michigan game?
This is like complimenting the sun for coming up in the morning and going down in the evening.
That's what it's gonna do anyway. Just like KF taking time off the game clock, No specific strategy for the end of the game. That's what KF is gonna do anyway.
Side note: Can you imagine what transpires if the OC suggests no-huddle offense? Does it take time off the game clock? There's your answer.
Can you imagine what transpires if the OC suggests a faster, less sturdy and more elusive running back that doesn't block like a O Lineman? Does it take time off the game clock? There's your answer.
Can you imagine what transpires if the OC suggests taking shots down the field? Does it take time off the game clock? There's you answer.
Stop blaming every Iowa offensive foible on the OC.