QB play has held LSU back.
God help college football if it hadn't.
Also "not that good of a coach" - ha beaten our win total almost every single year during his conference and division's golden age, as well as amassing the best win percentage at a historically top 15 school.
He got fired because he couldn't beat Saban, and that program DOES NOT SETTLE FOR SECOND PLACE, PERIOD.
There's no other reason. They thought losing to Wisconsin was a worse offense than losing to:
Wrstern Michigan
Iowa State
and a host of other unmentionables Iowa has lost to under KF that they had 0 business losing to. It happens almost every year here.
Had Hayden not aged out, he would have never allowed ISU to climb back into the rivalry. He would have curb stomped NW.
Our coach is good at one thing - keeping games very close. Because he plays mathematical, calculated, by the numbers NFL football. Sometimes they get the breaks, sometimes they don't. Talent almost doesn't matter because of the control over the style of play, the drilled execution, the statistical zeal of the play calls.
Put Miles in here, and the qb play would be better immediately - because of the wrs he'd get.