Fran told to cool it

Couple of thngs from this that catches your attention.

First, as many on here have said, if you are going to send a message like this, you have to know it will be questioned as to why other coaches haven't been told to simmer down in the past. Bo Ryan cursing the refs out on TV would seem to be worse than a coach slamming a chair down.

Also, why make this so public? It's always best to discipline in private and praise in public. Just makes you wonder why make this so public. Because as I said above, it's going to get picked apart and analyzed as to whether it is fair or not. Just seems like it would be something you would do, but not let it get out there.

I don't know whether Fran should have slammed the chair or not. Probably shouldn't have, but I'm sure Big Jim telling him to cool it isn't going to affect him that much.
I'm guessing Delaney made it public as an answer to the negative publicity this stunt received. I also think this is a reminder to all teams to cool it.
I'm in the minority that thought Alford had become a very, very good coach by the time he left. He did a terrific coaching job in his last year here, leading the Smith-Haluska team to 4th place in the B10. But the fanbase had become too fractured by that point, and there was no way it was going to come back together while he was still the coach.

But to say it Alford was a once in a generation coaching talent and claiming he left for a "better job" in New Mexico is the definition of trolling, plus anyone that reads this site regularly knows exactly what your shtick is.

Lute was a great coach and it was not until toward the end of Alford's tenure that I felt like we got back to that level, all things considered. Mr. Davis did not have to deal with the rise of the so-called "mid major" (anyone remember UNI beating Kansas?). North Mexico, all things considered, was a better job at the time Alford left. Iowa crippled the guy with ultimatums and refusals to extend that would have hobbled recruiting, NM paid him more and NM committed to make capital expenditures that suited Alford's liking. Steve Alford was also a religious guy and we have nutjobs on this board posting like 50 atheist anti-Tebow rants a week, no wonder he didn't feel comfortable here.

Mr. Davis was a good coach and he really pulled the team and fanbase through after the passing of Chris Street, but I didn't see him taking us to the promiseland, and I thought Alford could have, even in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Guess you didn't watch Iowa basketball in 2001 or 2006. Oh, let me guess, you're going to declare 7-1 regular season Michigan State the 2011 Big Ten football champions, too, right? Guess that 'splains how Wisconsin went to the Rose Bowl.

Alford cutting the Walk-on program help establish UNI for who they are today.

UNI from 1980 to Pre-Alford averaged less then 13 wins a season.
UNI since... Over 18
(since PP nearly 22 w/year)
I can just see how this conversation went down between Barta and Fran: GB(sticking head in Fran's open office door and knocking), "Hey coach, you got a minute?"Fran, "I'm a little busy preparing for Purdue."GB, "This will just ttttake(voice shaking) a minute."Fran(looks at watch), "What's up?"GB, "Ummmm just got a call from the higher ups in the B1G and they were do I put this(nervous laughter)...they want me to ask you to tone it down a bit." 30 seconds of uncomfortable silence Fran, "we done here?"GB, "Yep, great win on Saturday coach."Fran(pointing at empty coffee cup), "You want to pitch that in the trash on your way out?"
That's priceless. I don't see fran like that at all but very funny nonetheless.
Why do you think I'm trolling? Going back to the old JD Miller site, I was in the vast minority of Alford supporters. I think Alford was too immature when we hired him, but I thought he started coming into his own. He had issues with getting guys qualified and keeping them in the program (sounds kind of like Kurt), but I thought (and still think) the trajectory of Iowa basketball would have been far better if we had kept him. Losing his recruiting class hurt us pretty bad and Lick was an unmitigated disaster. I am now 100% behind Fran.

I didnt mind Steve either. If he didnt have bad luck at Iowa, he wouldnt have had any at all. The Pierce incident both times(probably should have booted him the first time), Recker breaking his knee, The Iowa players coming completely unraveled against NW State down the stretch. Iowa had veteran players against NW State and some of the stupid decisions senior leaders were making on the floor were not Alford's fault, he cant run out there and play for them. I think with Neal next to him and Steve having good experience learning on the job at Iowa, he would have turned into a very solid coach at Iowa. It just didnt work out while he was here and its really to bad. Love Mccaffery though and wouldnt trade him, thats for sure.
My recollection was that he was making $950k at Iowa and North Mexico gave him $975k and committed to a facilities upgrade. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I seem to remember him getting a $25k raise when he left.

My recollection was that he was making $975 at Iowa and was making less than $900 at UNM, and the locals in ABQ had a fit that he was making that much.
The great Tom Davis's awesome NCAA tourney performance with a 5 seed:

[ame=]Drake vs Western Kentucky 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
Look, can you guys just cool the Alford talk? I just used Alford as an example that when we have good coaches, other programs will go after them and how that if Fran leaves, it is going to be because another team comes calling, not because Delany sends him snarky letters.

Oh please using Alf as an example of a good coach that got poached by another program is absurd. He got bailed out when Coach Knight strong armed his buddy at UNM to give Alf a job to save him the embarrassment of being fired.
My guess is Fran isn't going to change a thing. I also doubt there would have been another chair slam in his career with or without a note from Delany.
Lute was a great coach and it was not until toward the end of Alford's tenure that I felt like we got back to that level, all things considered. Mr. Davis did not have to deal with the rise of the so-called "mid major" (anyone remember UNI beating Kansas?). North Mexico, all things considered, was a better job at the time Alford left. Iowa crippled the guy with ultimatums and refusals to extend that would have hobbled recruiting, NM paid him more and NM committed to make capital expenditures that suited Alford's liking. Steve Alford was also a religious guy and we have nutjobs on this board posting like 50 atheist anti-Tebow rants a week, no wonder he didn't feel comfortable here.

Mr. Davis was a good coach and he really pulled the team and fanbase through after the passing of Chris Street, but I didn't see him taking us to the promiseland, and I thought Alford could have, even in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Yeah, he was so religious he found plenty of time to hang out with the church secretary in a hot tub.........naked. :rolleyes:
That was a great game, against a very good Western Kentucky team. Too bad Tom Davis wasn't coaching that game.

Yeah, you're right, Tom would have never gotten them to a 5 seed. Point is, sometimes there are upsets in the Tournament. That's basketball.
No, you've got it backwards. He got $975k at NM. He's now over a milski.

I will have to go back and do a little digging, but I am quite certain you are wrong about the pay differential, just as you have always been wrong about alfs ability to coach.;)
Yeah, you're right, Tom would have never gotten them to a 5 seed. Point is, sometimes there are upsets in the Tournament. That's basketball.

That's true. And Alford knows that all too well, after all without B10 tournament upsets, he may have only got us to the NCAA's one time.

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