For those interested in the tailgate rule changes...

I don't own a car or live in Iowa City. I don't drive drunk either, but when you and that jack booted thug above who claimed the police could compel a breathalyzer test teamed up with MADD to push the legal limit down to .08 and turned "drunk" driving into one of the State's largest profit centers, I undertook an in-depth exercise to educate myself and friends on the protections from government intrusions created thereby.

The guy who had a few beers before a ball game and then a victory beer after and gets into his car to drive a few hours on the freeway at 4 in the afternoon whilst carrying a BAC of .081 is not a threat to public safety. I'd much rather have him next to me on the road than a trucker working on 4 hours of sleep, the 78 year old dude driving a motorhome that's the size of a bus but doesn't require a CDL or the lady trying to put on makeup, talking on a cell phone and eating a Toaster Strudel.

Are you in a militia?
How many Iowa home games have you been too lately, crabs? You've really only got a reason to go every other year, so I'd be interested to see your response as long as someone else quotes it.

What exactly would the problems be?

I make it to one game a year with my family, two if ISU is playing in IC that year. we tailgate with some family friends off of melrose.

the problem is the dudes that get out of control drunk, and it isn't just the students. honestly IMO it is a lot of the stereotypical "tavern" fans that make iowa's entire fanbase look bad here. the guy that doesn't live in IC, never went to the university, and just comes up for the game to get hammered. this type of guy doesn't have near the respect for the town or the university as those who live there or attended the school do. so he ***** on everything and doesn't care... ******* out in the open, vomiting on someone elses stuff, cursing and yelling and making an *** of himself in front of a bunch of kids.

I love tailgating and drinking just as much as the next guy, but it can't just be a free for all. if changes aren't made to hopefully stop idiots from going too far, it will eventually look bad on the university when something drastic happens. people dying from alcohol related incidents doesn't usually reflect well on a university. I'm guessing some reactive rule changes from something like that would be much worse than the proactive ones they're currently making to prevent something from happening.
No, no, no....Barta was very clear. Alcohol related deaths are ok as long as you don't have an open container at the time of the incident and no alcohol related deaths are permitted one hour following the game.
I don't own a car or live in Iowa City. I don't drive drunk either, but when you and that jack booted thug above who claimed the police could compel a breathalyzer test teamed up with MADD to push the legal limit down to .08 and turned "drunk" driving into one of the State's largest profit centers, I undertook an in-depth exercise to educate myself and friends on the protections from government intrusions created thereby.

The guy who had a few beers before a ball game and then a victory beer after and gets into his car to drive a few hours on the freeway at 4 in the afternoon whilst carrying a BAC of .081 is not a threat to public safety. I'd much rather have him next to me on the road than a trucker working on 4 hours of sleep, the 78 year old dude driving a motorhome that's the size of a bus but doesn't require a CDL or the lady trying to put on makeup, talking on a cell phone and eating a Toaster Strudel.

I don't think I even lived in the state when they moved the legal limit down to .08, but thanks for the credit.

it's not "the guy that has a few beers" that is the problem here. it's the guy that tailgates his *** off for 6 hours prior to kick off, then gets in the car after the game and says "time to suck it up". Some people have to live in this town, many of us with children. the "inconvenience" of trying to weed out those that shouldn't be behind the wheel of a vehicle is well worth any property damage, accidents, or deaths that could be prevented by it.

If that makes me a "puss" or whatever then that's fine. what it comes down to is don't do anything wrong and you won't have a problem. ******* out in the open is against the law, as is walking down the street drinking a beer, or driving drunk. play by the rules or don't play at all. end of story.

why are you on here anyway, should't you be working on your fallout shelter for when the government turns on us, or making more armadillo helmets to stop "the man" from being able to control your thoughts? WERE ALL SHEEP.... SHEEP!
The guy who had a few beers before a ball game and then a victory beer after and gets into his car to drive a few hours on the freeway at 4 in the afternoon whilst carrying a BAC of .081 is not a threat to public safety. I'd much rather have him next to me on the road than a trucker working on 4 hours of sleep, the 78 year old dude driving a motorhome that's the size of a bus but doesn't require a CDL or the lady trying to put on makeup, talking on a cell phone and eating a Toaster Strudel.

Just so we are all clear here, the guy you are describing would have to have 11 beers before that would be a concern...

For the average american male one beer = .02 BAC. The human body can filter out roughly .02 BAC per hour provided a person is not consuming. Therefore in order to be above the limit of .08, on average, your guy would have to consume 4 beers more than the number of hours he has been drinking.

If you consider a reasonable start time of 8am, a game start time of 11am, a 3 hour game, and one hour to get to his car and roll through a checkpoint, its now 2pm, or 7 hours after he starts drinking. That means approximately he has had to have consumed about 11 beers to be legally drunk at that point.

Now when you consider they don't allow any beer inside the stadium he actually had to consume 11 beers in about 4 hours (unless you are sneaking in a flask or little airline bottles in your pockets).

Sooo basically your "guy" doesn't exist.

I'll tell you the guy who does exist (he's also the one going to have a problem with this), he shows up at 8am, downs 4 bloody marys between 8 and 10, he then loads up one beer in each pocket and one in his hand. From 10-11 he walks to Kinnick while consuming those 3 beers. Once inside he orders one coke per half putting a little bottle of rum in each one. He then walks back to his tailgate and has 3 more beers between 2:30 and 4pm before heading to the interstate. Unfortunately when THAT guy gets pulled over at 4:01 he's going to blow about .10 or just over the limit.

Ya know come to think of it, it seems like the new rules were invented for just that guy.
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and there have definitely been some things changed regarding VEISHEA over the years that needed to happen in order to curb stupidity.

but this isn't a once a year thing in IC, this is every home game.

and if you can sit here and honestly say that there isn't a problem and that things don't need to change, then you're probably part of the problem.

It's amazing what happens when you have a football team that people actually show up to see play on a consistent basis.
As far as these new rules I have been saying for a long time I don't like the slippery slope we are on. Personally they will have little effect on me. But there are some people it will.

As far as the drunk driving initiative. I find the vehicle safety check to be kind of a scare tactic. Doing something like that would be a logistic nightmare even if they were to do it randomly. The object is to get people out of IC quickly after the game. As far as more officers out looking for OWI offenders, don't have a problem with this. My theory is if you can't sober up in 3 hours you probably had WAAAAY to much to drink.
I don't think I even lived in the state when they moved the legal limit down to .08, but thanks for the credit.

Try not to think there, pal. I don't think you would have the mental capacity to understand whether or not your state lowered the legal from .10 to .08.
Just so we are all clear here, the guy you are describing would have to have 11 beers before that would be a concern...

For the average american male one beer = .02 BAC. The human body can filter out roughly .02 BAC per hour provided a person is not consuming. Therefore in order to be above the limit of .08, on average, your guy would have to consume 4 beers more than the number of hours he has been drinking.

If you consider a reasonable start time of 8am, a game start time of 11am, a 3 hour game, and one hour to get to his car and roll through a checkpoint, its now 2pm, or 7 hours after he starts drinking. That means approximately he has had to have consumed about 11 beers to be legally drunk at that point.

Now when you consider they don't allow any beer inside the stadium he actually had to consume 11 beers in about 4 hours (unless you are sneaking in a flask or little airline bottles in your pockets).

Sooo basically your "guy" doesn't exist.

I'll tell you the guy who does exist (he's also the one going to have a problem with this), he shows up at 8am, downs 4 bloody marys between 8 and 10, he then loads up one beer in each pocket and one in his hand. From 10-11 he walks to Kinnick while consuming those 3 beers. Once inside he orders one coke per half putting a little bottle of rum in each one. He then walks back to his tailgate and has 3 more beers between 2:30 and 4pm before heading to the interstate. Unfortunately when THAT guy gets pulled over at 4:01 he's going to blow about .10 or just over the limit.

Ya know come to think of it, it seems like the new rules were invented for just that guy.

Reading is "FUN"damental, pal. Where did I say what size the beers were? Someone can drink 2 forties and when asked how many beers they had, they can truthfully answer "2." And by the way, real Americans begin tailgating before 7, not at 8. Sorry if you hang with a bunch of losers who can't even show enough support for the team to get out to the Stadium at a reasonable hour. Maybe if you weren't such a wet blanket about everything, that would change.
I'm well aware that the legal limit is .08 which is why I said .10 was a little above the limit.

Yes, I assumed you were talking cans of beer. I did so because I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a 40 tailgating.

I'll even give you that "real tailgating" starts at 6am.

That being said your "guy" would now have to consume three 40's before the game, and one 40 after the game to blow above .08 by 3pm. Again I have no problem with that guy getting a DUI going through a checkpoint.

PS I'm also aware that someone could consume on 160oz mug in the shape of one of Pam Andersons breasts and be legally drunk after waiting 7 hours. Sadly that guy would be legally drunk after only having ONE!!!
Ohh also if the mug were both of her breasts they would be 320 oz and you could be drunk off one half a drink.
we have been spoiled for so long

iowa city is like vegas strip during a few days of the year. being able to drink walking to the game or another tailgate is fun in all but are we really going to need that extra beer. go to the tailgate earlier or drink faster once you get there that shouldnt be why ppl are upset
The enforcement will change nothing. Nothing at all. Puritanism rules. Knuckleheads will be as abundant as ever before. NOTHING WILL CHANGE
Reading is "FUN"damental, pal. Where did I say what size the beers were? Someone can drink 2 forties and when asked how many beers they had, they can truthfully answer "2." And by the way, real Americans begin tailgating before 7, not at 8. Sorry if you hang with a bunch of losers who can't even show enough support for the team to get out to the Stadium at a reasonable hour. Maybe if you weren't such a wet blanket about everything, that would change.

What is it that you're ****** about? From reading the article in the Gazette, it seems like the only thing IC police are doing is stepping up enforcement of laws that are all ready on the books.

Is having your "in the zone" beer that big of a deal to you that you have to stand on the soapbox and shout about the man keeping you down? What "zone" are you trying to get in?
we have been spoiled for so long

iowa city is like vegas strip during a few days of the year. being able to drink walking to the game or another tailgate is fun in all but are we really going to need that extra beer. go to the tailgate earlier or drink faster once you get there that shouldnt be why ppl are upset

I know I did after watching alot of JC's games. :(
What is it that you're ****** about? From reading the article in the Gazette, it seems like the only thing IC police are doing is stepping up enforcement of laws that are all ready on the books.

Is having your "in the zone" beer that big of a deal to you that you have to stand on the soapbox and shout about the man keeping you down? What "zone" are you trying to get in?

I'm sorry. I guess it's just a function of having lived in and visited places where people actually respected other peoples' freedoms and right to hang out and have a good time provided they aren't hurting anybody else. Is it legal to walk down the street carrying an open bottle of water? I just fail to see why it is illegal to walk down the street carrying an open can of beer. Can you explain the distinction to me? What societal harm is being prevented by prohibiting someone from carrying a can of water with a little hops and barley in it? Not everybody prays at the altar of big government, so I fail to see the distinction between the two behaviors and why the nanny state needs to make one illegal.

I mean, if someone throws the beer can in a yard, you charge them with littering because someone is harmed. If someone pees on someone else's yard, you charge them with public urination because someone is harmed. If someone is acting like an idiot and poses a threat to someone else because they are too drunk, you charge the person with public intox. But if someone is simply carrying and occassionally sipping from a beer can rather than a bottle of water, I just don't see the harm and the need to deviate from past practice of just allowing for ingress and egress so long as no one was being an idiot. I think it's just another revenue grab.

Oh well, when the Hawks go 8-4 because I'm not in the zone when the game starts and I can't get fully into the zone until after my halftime beers (don't worry proles, I actually make good money and have purchased drinking tickets just for that purpose so I don't have to smuggle booze into the Stadium, so always subtract 2 from the "official" attendance number - one for me and one for Happy Chef) we can all sit around and blame the City Council for the Hawks' poor performance, but I'm sure you proles will try to blame the record on O'Keefe.
Either move to one of those places or run for office here on the platform you propose.

Both of those are better options that ******** about it on an internet forum.
Either move to one of those places or run for office here on the platform you propose.

Both of those are better options that ******** about it on an internet forum.

Don't worry pal, I left Iowa a long time ago. With people like you and John Boy Walton advocating the freedom loathing policies of the state, it's easy figure out why 90% of the other people from Iowa with IQs north of 100 left, too. If the Czar of Iowa City gets ridiculous enough, I'll cut out my half a dozen or so mini vacations to Iowa City per year along with the cash I spend on a motel room, at Hy-Vee, the Ped Mall and Northern Exposure/Mount Joy on those trips. Iowa City doesn't need tourism dollars, though. After Ferentz leaves and GarBar hires the football equivalent of Alford, people will fill up the motel rooms at $250 a night like it's going out of style.

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