Well-Known Member
I'm curious to know more about this "zone" that Kenny keeps talking about. It sounds like a fantastic place.
OKeefe is speaking a LOT of sense. People seem to be numb to the fact that government keeps finding ways to infringe on our rights.
If I'm harming someone then arrest me or ticket me. If I'm not, leave me alone.
People that use this kind of rhetoric frequently throw out the term "constitutional conservative" to describe themselves and thier beliefs.
Please tell me where in the constituion (federal or state) it says you have a right to consume alcohol on public sidewalks in Iowa City on game days.
Could you also show me the part that says people are allowed to occupy space on University property for an unlimited amount of time after the game while consuming alcohol. Kindly point out where it says that the legal drinking age shall be 21 except for people in the vicinity of Kinnick Stadium on game days. Lastly please show me where you are given the right to drive home from a game while under the influence of alcohol with impunity.
I guess put me in the group that fails to understand how holding tailgaters to the laws that apply to everyone else in Iowa City is an infringment of thier rights![]()
There it is, the old "if something isn't in the Constitution, it's not a right (unless it's abortion)" argument. The State has gone to great lengths to criminalize a plethora of harmless behaviors to justify massive spending on law enforcement because that is the only growth industry left in this country. It couldn't happen without freedom loathers like you. Thanks for your contribution. Just a quick question, when federal and state laws and regulations combined reach 10 million pages, will we have attained the statist utopia you desire or will it require more than 10 million pages? Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (9781594032554): Harvey A. Silverglate: Books
Thank you, now again please show me where any of those 4 things is a right despite the fact they aren't protected under any constitution or even legal under the IC municipal code.
How are safety checks constitutional?!? You can't just pull someone over by random without probable cause and then arrest them if something illegal is happening.
OKeefe is speaking a LOT of sense. People seem to be numb to the fact that government keeps finding ways to infringe on our rights.
If I'm harming someone then arrest me or ticket me. If I'm not, leave me alone.
How are safety checks constitutional?!? You can't just pull someone over by random without probable cause and then arrest them if something illegal is happening.
It's not random. They inspect/survey everyone who goes through the checkpoint and only pull over or examine further those who they suspect are impaired which becomes probable cause.