For those interested in the tailgate rule changes...

People are probably just going to start cutting across yards now while walking down Melrose. They can't cite people for open container if they aren't on city land.

Also, what if you tailgate on Melrose in somebody's yard and your tailgate spills out onto the sidewalk? Can they cite you or make you pour the beer out if you're just standing on the sidewalk?

Technically, the sidewalk is public property, even though the homeowner is responsible for it's maintenance. I can't imagine the police would make someone pour out a beer if they're standing on the sidewalk, probably just a reminder (if they say anything at all) to get back on the grass.

Now, if you were to set up bags and chairs in the ROW, it might be a different story.
If that the case, what are your feelings about the DUI checkpoints that are going to be set up?

IMO the whole "guilty until proven innocent" type of mentality is a massive infringement on our civil liberties.

Since I won't be driving drunk, I will more than likely require them to get a warrant before testing me.
IMO the whole "guilty until proven innocent" type of mentality is a massive infringement on our civil liberties.

Since I won't be driving drunk, I will more than likely require them to get a warrant before testing me.

They don't need one. Read your drivers license.

EDIT: I guess it isn't actually on your license.
It'll be interesting to see if they translate this to "ALL" university lots or just the ones where the peons hang out. I know a couple big name donors that park right in front of the press box and they have huge spreads and tailgate long after the game is over. I want to see if the university is actually going to tell those guys, the ones that pretty much funded Kinnick's renovations, to leave when the two hour limit is up.
IMO the whole "guilty until proven innocent" type of mentality is a massive infringement on our civil liberties.

Since I won't be driving drunk, I will more than likely require them to get a warrant before testing me.

Reading the article in the Gazette, it sure didn't sound like they're going to be stopping everyone and testing them; it said that there would be extra patrols looking for intoxicated people, and cops aren't going to pull someone over if they're not driving like a *******, so if you're stone sober you shouldn't have any problems unless you're a really bad driver.

If pulling drunks off the road is an infringement of my civil rights, I say infringe away.

Also, cops don't need a warrant to breathalyze someone. Something called probable cause.
Also, cops don't need a warrant to breathalyze someone. Something called probable cause.

Um, they need consent or a warrant. If you refuse consent, you lose your license, but they would then need a warrant to test your BAC. Maybe things have changed with the economy going to crap, but it used to be that a judge would only be called at night or on the weekend to issue a warrant if the alleged drunk driver was involved in an accident. Remember folks, the field breathalyzer is NOT admissible in court, so go ahead and blow in that one unless you are sure you are going to blow like a .19 or something. Refuse to blow at the station and stall, stall, stall if you are clearly drunk or right around the limit and want to press your luck. I think you get 2 hours from the time you got pulled over.
This could also backfire if you get caught right after pounding some vodka. Your BAL will likely go up the longer you wait so blow blow blow!
Um, they need consent or a warrant. If you refuse consent, you lose your license, but they would then need a warrant to test your BAC. Maybe things have changed with the economy going to crap, but it used to be that a judge would only be called at night or on the weekend to issue a warrant if the alleged drunk driver was involved in an accident. Remember folks, the field breathalyzer is NOT admissible in court, so go ahead and blow in that one unless you are sure you are going to blow like a .19 or something. Refuse to blow at the station and stall, stall, stall if you are clearly drunk or right around the limit and want to press your luck. I think you get 2 hours from the time you got pulled over.

First hand knowledge? Been through this more than a few times?
It'll be interesting to see if they translate this to "ALL" university lots or just the ones where the peons hang out. I know a couple big name donors that park right in front of the press box and they have huge spreads and tailgate long after the game is over. I want to see if the university is actually going to tell those guys, the ones that pretty much funded Kinnick's renovations, to leave when the two hour limit is up.

I think we all know the answer to this question.
Um, they need consent or a warrant. If you refuse consent, you lose your license, but they would then need a warrant to test your BAC. Maybe things have changed with the economy going to crap, but it used to be that a judge would only be called at night or on the weekend to issue a warrant if the alleged drunk driver was involved in an accident. Remember folks, the field breathalyzer is NOT admissible in court, so go ahead and blow in that one unless you are sure you are going to blow like a .19 or something. Refuse to blow at the station and stall, stall, stall if you are clearly drunk or right around the limit and want to press your luck. I think you get 2 hours from the time you got pulled over.

so instead of just not drinking and driving, it's better to figure out the loopholes?

who says there is alcohol issues that need to be addressed in IC?

I don't think people really care so much about not being able to drink on the sidewalk, i think it's more just how stupid and basically pointless some of these new rules are.

I do. Mainly because i live just off melrose and a 5 minute walk to the game. Always nice to crack that 1st brew on the walk down and soak in the atmosphere.
Been to VEISHA lately?

and there have definitely been some things changed regarding VEISHEA over the years that needed to happen in order to curb stupidity.

but this isn't a once a year thing in IC, this is every home game.

and if you can sit here and honestly say that there isn't a problem and that things don't need to change, then you're probably part of the problem.
and there have definitely been some things changed regarding VEISHEA over the years that needed to happen in order to curb stupidity.

but this isn't a once a year thing in IC, this is every home game.

and if you can sit here and honestly say that there isn't a problem and that things don't need to change, then you're probably part of the problem.

Been to a college football game anywhere else lately? Georgia/Florida for example?
How many Iowa home games have you been too lately, crabs? You've really only got a reason to go every other year, so I'd be interested to see your response as long as someone else quotes it.

What exactly would the problems be?
so instead of just not drinking and driving, it's better to figure out the loopholes?

who says there is alcohol issues that need to be addressed in IC?


I don't own a car or live in Iowa City. I don't drive drunk either, but when you and that jack booted thug above who claimed the police could compel a breathalyzer test teamed up with MADD to push the legal limit down to .08 and turned "drunk" driving into one of the State's largest profit centers, I undertook an in-depth exercise to educate myself and friends on the protections from government intrusions created thereby.

The guy who had a few beers before a ball game and then a victory beer after and gets into his car to drive a few hours on the freeway at 4 in the afternoon whilst carrying a BAC of .081 is not a threat to public safety. I'd much rather have him next to me on the road than a trucker working on 4 hours of sleep, the 78 year old dude driving a motorhome that's the size of a bus but doesn't require a CDL or the lady trying to put on makeup, talking on a cell phone and eating a Toaster Strudel.

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