Feuding Neighbors Thread

People suck. I tend to avoid neighbors, because I know that "adults" can quickly start acting like children, it turns into a big d!ck measuring contest, and who knows where it can lead.

Mmmm d!ck measuring, hopefully ends up with you winning!
Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick - the girls are too scared to testify. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

Some more fun reading: Link
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Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

You win. Yea, I remember that story. There's been a couple of those around IC.
Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick - the girls are too scared to testify. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

Some more fun reading: Link
Never trust someone with 3 first names.
Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick - the girls are too scared to testify. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

Some more fun reading: Link

Wowza. This is not just some down-and-out junkie. Click on the second link. He is a practicing oncologist.
Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick - the girls are too scared to testify. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

Some more fun reading: Link

The Second Amendment will protect you. Just make sure to get rid of the "bait" after you shoot him for threatening you on your property.
My neighbors across the street and behind me are good neighbors mostly. On either side... not so much.One guy who is a very famous PhD agronomist is OCD. He also does a lot of jerky things. He has to have the best lawn on any given day. 1/2 acre lots. Whenever I mow, he's out there before I get done mowing his. When I had all 3 boys at home I'd send them out every day to mow just to drive him crazy as revenge. .One son one day and another the next and so on. We wore him ragged before I started feeling guilty. He didn't have any sons to mow to help him. He also not only was pushing his yard, but he'd go over it 2x from different directions for pattern.
We've lived in our current neighborhood for over 20 years and everyone has been super cool. I feel extremely lucky and can't imagine how terrible it must be to live next to jack-wagons.

BTW, 4 of my neighbors are big Hawkeye fans and we really don't have any ISU fans living anywhere nearby. UTOPIA!!
Think I got ya'll beat.. here's my neighbor: Link

Thankfully I don't have any daughters but my neighbor friends do. Gets repeatedly arrested for similar things but the charges never seem to stick - the girls are too scared to testify. The whole neighborhood is up in arms, but none of us have pitchforks. The dude seriously sits in his car and watches 10-14 year old girls jumping on a trampoline across the street. His property touches an elementary school too, it's disgusting.

Some more fun reading: Link

You and your neighbors can make his life really uncomfortable. Did you try putting a snake in his car yet?
We've lived in our current neighborhood for over 20 years and everyone has been super cool. I feel extremely lucky and can't imagine how terrible it must be to live next to jack-wagons.

BTW, 4 of my neighbors are big Hawkeye fans and we really don't have any ISU fans living anywhere nearby. UTOPIA!!

Yea, that is worth a lot, especially when investing in a home. Other than dingy across the street, everyone else is pretty cool. We have our neighborhood fires every so often.
Awhile back, had a neighbor who got a new dog and tied it up outside.

And it barked, and barked and barked and barked. Noon, midnight, didn't matter. If I could hear the dog from four houses away, how in the hell couldn't they hear it??

After about two weeks of this, I put a note in their mailbox, (clandestine of course...and yes, the dog barked at me)...asking them to be better neighbors and curtail the mutt. The next day, the dog wasn't tied up anymore.
Does sitting next to douche-bag 'fans' with FB season tickets count? Three years ago, had a husband/wife team who were wellll beyond tuned-up for every game, sitting next to me.

And I don't mean just loud and an occasional cuss word....it was falling over people, cussing every other word, chug-a-lug the entire game, groping each other, throwing things, seat encroachment, on and on and on.

A timely word to the U of Iowa FB security folks before the third game did the trick. Somebody talked to them and they somewhat calmed down for the third home game. Funny thing is, they didn't come back after the 3rd home game.... (yeah, I'm a covert prick I guess). ;)
Awhile back, had a neighbor who got a new dog and tied it up outside.

And it barked, and barked and barked and barked. Noon, midnight, didn't matter. If I could hear the dog from four houses away, how in the hell couldn't they hear it??

After about two weeks of this, I put a note in their mailbox, (clandestine of course...and yes, the dog barked at me)...asking them to be better neighbors and curtail the mutt. The next day, the dog wasn't tied up anymore.
I'll never understand why someone gets a dog just to keep the poor bastard tied up outside. Humans are pathetic.

Anybody else find this awkwardly erotic?
Does sitting next to douche-bag 'fans' with FB season tickets count? Three years ago, had a husband/wife team who were wellll beyond tuned-up for every game, sitting next to me.

And I don't mean just loud and an occasional cuss word....it was falling over people, cussing every other word, chug-a-lug the entire game, groping each other, throwing things, seat encroachment, on and on and on.

A timely word to the U of Iowa FB security folks before the third game did the trick. Somebody talked to them and they somewhat calmed down for the third home game. Funny thing is, they didn't come back after the 3rd home game.... (yeah, I'm a covert prick I guess). ;)

Awesome. Yea, we can do feuding neighbors or crappy stadium/arena experiences!!

Post em people!!
I'll never understand why someone gets a dog just to keep the poor bastard tied up outside. Humans are pathetic.

Agree. Cruel.

Our dog is so pampered. Has a run of the house while we are gone. No accidents and he's not a chewer so nothing to worry about there. Yes, you can get good dogs and breeds from a shelter.

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