Feuding Neighbors Thread

This thread is fun. My same neighbor as in earlier post also puts helpful notes in mailboxes like :your garbage can was out last night. You shouldn't put it out the night before." Or that bush on your front lawn looks like it could use a trim. One of my other neighbors caught her doing this.....

However, she did catch someone breaking into the house across the street from her so I guess there can be good coming from a Gladys Cravetts next door. (if you are old enough to remember Gladys)
This thread is fun. My same neighbor as in earlier post also puts helpful notes in mailboxes like :your garbage can was out last night. You shouldn't put it out the night before." Or that bush on your front lawn looks like it could use a trim. One of my other neighbors caught her doing this.....

However, she did catch someone breaking into the house across the street from her so I guess there can be good coming from a Gladys Cravetts next door. (if you are old enough to remember Gladys)

That would be annoying.
Genius. That's friggin' awesome. Surprised he didn't say anything or do anything to your van. I think you humbled him and he got the point.

It is but rarely enforced.

I had a notice to tow sign on my van the first morning so I called in and asked them about it. They said as long is it moves every 48 hours (or whatever it was) they couldn't do anything. I asked how they know how its been moved and they said if someone calls in and complains they send someone out to measure exactly where it is, then measures again 48 hours later. After that first day I never heard anything again.
I always thought it would be funny for a practical joke or revenge just to simple put a sign on someone's car stating "I put a snake in your car."

then ........

about a week later put a snake skin in the car, like just sticking out from under the passenger or driver's seat.

I'm gunna do that some day.
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Yep, let's hurt the pooch, not the owner. Your friend's a douchebag.

Lol, yeah that's what INthoug
Yep, let's hurt the pooch, not the owner. Your friend's a douchebag.

Lol, well I guess you feels ok to hurt the owner instead. Or get in a big blow out with the dog owner and find your car keyed up or tires slashed. Think about the mindset if someone who repeatedly lets their dog litter someone's yard everyday. Sounds like a very selfish person.

A man's home is his castle and if you are going to invade someone's personal space I can see your point of addressing the dog owner. I have a pure breed miniature schnauzer that is 12 years old. Whenever we go out and walk her we take little bags and pick up after her after she goes. I guess really what we're talking about is people being considerate and respectful of other people's property. Unfortunately there are a lot of inconsiderate human beings.
Lol, yeah that's what INthoug

Lol, well I guess you feels ok to hurt the owner instead. Or get in a big blow out with the dog owner and find your car keyed up or tires slashed. Think about the mindset if someone who repeatedly lets their dog litter someone's yard everyday. Sounds like a very selfish person.

A man's home is his castle and if you are going to invade someone's personal space I can see your point of addressing the dog owner. I have a pure breed miniature schnauzer that is 12 years old. Whenever we go out and walk her we take little bags and pick up after her after she goes. I guess really what we're talking about is people being considerate and respectful of other people's property. Unfortunately there are a lot of inconsiderate human beings.
1. I Currently work in Seoul, south Korea

2. Neighbor used to leave his 3 dogs out all day, barking for hours ... one time, after reaching my limit I called him and asked if he can bring his dogs indoors. He stated he was on vacation and would not return home until the following week.
Once he got a job with the city, I utilized them deal with their new employee. Once his job was on the line ... everything fell into place .. for me.

3. A hard working guy who had 2 beautiful hound dogs ... left outside all day, nice suburban environment. Five hours a day of howling. After much complaining. Popo, etc didn't work. I started throwing the big Hershey chocolate bars and bags of KFC chicken wings into his yard. He didn't care about the neighbors, or the situation until he realized people were actively trying to kill his dogs. It worked.
This was a last resort thing, I certainly don't promote hurting the animals due to owner neglect.
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Thank goodness the contingent of Hawkeyes who like to hurt defenseless creatures contributed to this thread.

I wonder who still thinks decent people on this board need the approval of the brownshirts????

Amazing how few adults are within our cyber-fanbase.
I always thought it would be funny for a practical joke or revenge just to simple put a sign on someone's car stating "I just put a snake in your car."

then ........

about a week later put a snake skin in the car, like just sticking out from under the passenger or driver's seat.

I'm gunna do that some day.
Please remind me to never piss you off.
I live in one of the nicer neighborhoods in my town. This is a small town (6002, with 1002 of those in the prison). It is a blue collar type town.
Across the street and one house down we have a pedophile. He got caught twice with child porn on his computer. Girls under 10. We have a lot of girls in this part of the subdivision.
One morning getting ready for work, I notice a bunch of cars on the street. I went outside. I see a guy with a gun walking from my neighbors yard across the street. I ask him whats up? Didnt say much. Then we see the pedophile going out in handcuffs. He got 6 months and had to stay away for a year. Well, he is back.
During this time my neighbor across the street who lives next door to them, told the guys wife that he needs to go. He even had a hotel room waiting for him. His wife told my neighbor that he was cured. A verbal arguement occurred.
And she has 2 mentally disabled kids. Now in HS. Like burn your house down type disturbed. Cant figure out how they can afford to live here.
And then next to the pedophile one house down, is the crazy woman. After they built their house, they had complaints. And refused to live int he house. They pitched a tent in the back yard and lived there for a month.
When they come home from somewhere, they sit in their car for an hour. Sometimes her kids do their homework in the car. Not sure why they do this.
Oh and the Meth head daughter fo the neighbors 3 houses down. Last Summer she was trippin' and wandering the neighborhood saying there were people in the field behind our subdivision trying to get her.

Good times.
Signs of the time. You do realize our civilization is slowly collapsing, right?
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Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...
my neighbor gets very upset when people park in front of her house. I'm talking about our guests. one time her son parked his car in front of our driveway, rather than park in their driveway....cuz his car leaks oil (read in southern country accent). He could have also parked across the street.

When I knocked on the door, she started bitching at me about our guests parking in front of her house. Then my wife got into ither.

One of those rare times when grown ups actually say all the terrible things that they imagine saying.
Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...
In all seriousness, you don't want to get the govt involved, cuz you'll look suspicious if you end up having to take him and his family out. Just sayin.
Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...

Oh, the old tree on one side over the line issue. Yea, that can be frustrating. Like you said, think your taking the bigger approach being the bigger man in this, especially if kids are involved and you will be living by them for who knows how long. I too would probably put the offer out there to just throw over and I would take care of it as it shows you are willing to work cordially with him, but I would also reinforce the fact you have been cleaning up branches for the last 5 yrs and this was the reason trimming was recommended at that time which you were willing to pay for. If city gets involved, I would also emphasize this with them, not that it would help but at least they would be aware.

Why such large branches falling all the time and so easy, I mean 5-6 footers falling regularly!?? What a pain.
my neighbor gets very upset when people park in front of her house. I'm talking about our guests. one time her son parked his car in front of our driveway, rather than park in their driveway....cuz his car leaks oil (read in southern country accent). He could have also parked across the street.

When I knocked on the door, she started bitching at me about our guests parking in front of her house. Then my wife got into ither.

One of those rare times when grown ups actually say all the terrible things that they imagine saying.

Yea, that was a bullshit move by them.

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