Feuding Neighbors Thread

Oh, the old tree on one side over the line issue. Yea, that can be frustrating. Like you said, think your taking the bigger approach being the bigger man in this, especially if kids are involved and you will be living by them for who knows how long. I too would probably put the offer out there to just throw over and I would take care of it as it shows you are willing to work cordially with him, but I would also reinforce the fact you have been cleaning up branches for the last 5 yrs and this was the reason trimming was recommended at that time which you were willing to pay for. If city gets involved, I would also emphasize this with them, not that it would help but at least they would be aware.

Why such large branches falling all the time and so easy, I mean 5-6 footers falling regularly!?? What a pain.

I would consider building a pile somewhere that is visible to the neighborhood, but especially to that neighbor. Maybe put it right on your property line.
I would consider building a pile somewhere that is visible to the neighborhood, but especially to that neighbor. Maybe put it right on your property line.

I would buy like 25 wind chimes and line them up all on that property line on 8ft poles. One chime can be really beautiful to listen to but 25 random chimes would be annoying!
This thread is fun. My same neighbor as in earlier post also puts helpful notes in mailboxes like :your garbage can was out last night. You shouldn't put it out the night before." Or that bush on your front lawn looks like it could use a trim. One of my other neighbors caught her doing this.....

However, she did catch someone breaking into the house across the street from her so I guess there can be good coming from a Gladys Cravetts next door. (if you are old enough to remember Gladys)


I'm watching you.....!

Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...

Unless the law is vastly different where you live, ANYthing in your "airspace" is your "responsibility" and/or "right-to-safety".

We have some neighbors who are originally from Iran. Great people, and, on a hilarious note, they listen to the Spanish radio station when they work in the yard (per their daughter, they don't speak Spanish, and it cracked her up when I told her about it).

Basically, they HATE leaves in their yard and/or having to rake them. Darn near ANY time a branch starts to "cross" the invisible line, he has someone trim it. It never bothers me except when the (usually unlicensed and not very careful) folks he hires come onto our property and move stuff around or break it.

He hired a Haitian guy to do some "tree work" a couple years ago. The guy dropped a huge branch that pulled and broke our main power mast. Not cool, but he "owned" it and the guy came back with a buddy to do repairs. He said, "Mon ami, Ah can dew eet, no prob, mon". I called an electrician for "guidance" and he confirmed my suspicion that we needed to take the power all the way down, rewire/re-mast, etc. Power company would NOT turn off "temporary" and bring back up on a whim, but instead we needed a permit, etc. The Haitian said, "No problem, ah can dew eet wit-out permit". Uh, no thanks, Unlicensed and Somewhat Haphazard Dude.

Talked it over with wife. Neighbors are retired, old, on a fixed income and are really great neighbors. We needed to put in new electric panels, anyway, and were about to put on a new roof. So I told the Haitian dude, "Thanks for the offer, but..." and just rolled the $250 or so into our roof/electric/etc. budget we already had planned, and thanked God when no problems came of the broken power mast in the interim. But much as I get annoyed when they hire "questionable" labor around the house, they're also sweet, considerate, very family-oriented (we love the family members that visit, all friendly and engaging). They go for "cheap". I get it.

I am very watchful now, though, any time I see "work" trucks pull up to their place. My wife even sort of watches out for anything that looks like they might be getting ripped off. My concern, though, is the neighborhood exploding! They aren't in the best of health (although, given the numbers of ailments and ambulance visits, it amazes me how much he does himself around the house, and kind of makes me feel ashamed for being such a fumble-hand when it comes to basic home/yard maintenance), so I don't see the point in fighting with people that I like a hell of a lot.

It's all about picking the battles! :)
Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...
You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to pass up a free tree trimming offered by a neighbor. Whatta jackass.
Thankfully I don't really have any major neighbor stories to tell, but got me thinking about this show.. Great stuff.

People suck. I tend to avoid neighbors, because I know that "adults" can quickly start acting like children, it turns into a big d!ck measuring contest, and who knows where it can lead. I'd be happier living in the middle of nowhere, actually.

I love those people who are the ones breaking the rules and being inconsiderate, but get all hot & bothered when something is said to them. Like the laws don't apply to them - only everybody else. And if you have the nerve to call them on it...

Did I mention that people suck?

Thankfully I don't really have any major neighbor stories to tell, but got me thinking about this show.. Great stuff.

People suck. I tend to avoid neighbors, because I know that "adults" can quickly start acting like children, it turns into a big d!ck measuring contest, and who knows where it can lead. I'd be happier living in the middle of nowhere, actually.

I love those people who are the ones breaking the rules and being inconsiderate, but get all hot & bothered when something is said to them. Like the laws don't apply to them - only everybody else. And if you have the nerve to call them on it...

Did I mention that people suck?

while in college at Iowa (during summer time) I lived with some friends in an apartment. The couple above us had very loud "love making." So one night we took a recorder and microphone and put it in the ventilation area. We then rewound the audio of them and played it full blast through the vent while they had sex. Suddenly, there was dead silence, we laughed our butts off.

Long time ago we had a town home and the adjoining walls weren't very well insulated.
Let's just say at first it was funny, then for the next year it became annoying because the neighbor lady was, let's call it "vocally appreciative" of her hubby. A lot.
Good grief, it was like that scene from The Secret of My Success where Michael J Fox is conducting the orchestra!

Quite a few years ago, living with friends in the Drake Neighborhood, the folks in the attic apartment would go at it, rather vigorously. We would wait until they were through and would grab broomsticks and pound the ceiling, cheering and clapping in devout appreciation of the event.....

Didn't deter them at all, and we would wave to each other outside the building.....

Quite a few years ago, living with friends in the Drake Neighborhood, the folks in the attic apartment would go at it, rather vigorously. We would wait until they were through and would grab broomsticks and pound the ceiling, cheering and clapping in devout appreciation of the event.....

Didn't deter them at all, and we would wave to each other outside the building.....


Was she a hottie?
Welp, didn't have a story until this morning. We live in an older neighborhood with very mature, large trees. about 5-6 years ago we remodeled and added on to our house and decided to remove 3 enormous silver maples(each about 60 feet...huge). I thought i'd be a great neighbor and also ask the arborist to trim up the neighbors, as he had some dead/dying branches coming over our yard. Was gonna be and extra $500 but I figured what the hell, just spent $5k on the other 3 and it'll help the view (plus, always had to pick up falling twigs, branches, etc). As he starts to trim they run out at say 'but we want the shade'....uh...what shade, shade from the dead branches (long story but in the end they were being stupid about it). I told them the arborist recommended as it would help the trees and look better and ultimately they would start dying quicker if not trimmed...dude was a magician swinging around and felling this huge trees...but i digress. I said I would happily pay for it but they didn't want it...oh well...didn't need issues with them so I let it go, but again stated that we would only trim the dead/dying branches.....and that they need to have it done as i don't want larger branches falling in my yard. For the last five years i've had to clean up dead twigs up to about 6 foot dead branches almost every time I mow....if they are outside I make sure they see me cleaning them up and look and point at the dying limbs...

Fast forward to this morning, finishing 18 at the golf course, wife calls freaked out, someone pounding on the door...she didn't answer as she was home with my twin 4 year olds and didn't know who it was. What she didn't know was that last night I noticed a very large Dead branch in the yard (about 12 foot, 4-6 inches diameter)...yep...same part of the branch I was going to remove. it chunked up my yard and there were hundreds of broken twigs all over

So about 6 am, big branch ended up back in his yard. Well, he must have noticed it yesterday as my wife said (after the pounding on the door, which really scared her because apparently it was excessive(we have a doorbell by the way), there was a "NOTICE" of me violating city ordnance(yeah, he misspelled Ordinance) and a bunch of language he copy/pasted, highlighting the portion that talks about anything that falls "naturally" in my yard is my responsibility, and if this "act" occurs again charges will be filed. Also a bunch of other stuff about how it takes little effort to keep things safe for kids and how this portrays a negative perception....you kidding me...my yard and house is immaculate and well, his...isn't. Safety for kids??? How about the dead branches that could fall on my kids that you wouldn't let me Pay to Remove For You.

Technically, it is my responsibility....and as the branch had fallen...and wasn't quite against the fence(if it had damaged the fence it becomes his responsibility...go figure)...it was on me. It bothers me given the history, but the law technically is with him(mostly as I haven't made an issue of His dead branches over My yard)

He did this same thing to our other neighbor after a Huge branch(.another dead one) fell in there yard, hit their house and car, but he took zero responsibility and would help pay for it to be removed (about $300). Luckily no major damage was done.

Well, he might get a "NOTICE" of his own. I've had some time to cool down, and actually can understand him being pissed about me put His Dead Branch Back in His Yard, for Him to clean up. That said, he might get notice for either now him to trim his trees, or the City can take look at the dead branches and force him to clean them up...cause brotha, while they are on the tree, they are His responsibility.

He can put it back in my yard, and i'll cut it up, but he won't do that.

There's a ton more backstory on this tool, he was a big Ron Paul "don't tread on me" libertarian guy, but he wants it both ways, doesn't want to trim the trees....doesn't want to clean up the crap when they fall. Funny how that works. There's more I won't go into.

I won't put anything back in his yard, as much as I think the law is kinda missing the point here but this really gets me. If this was reversed, I would absolutely take care of it...and I have back when I had those huge maples.

We both have small children and I don't want some huge problem with the guy, so I will just let it go. But if he brings it up, I simply say throw it back in my yard and i'll take care of it....and you have 30 days to trim your trees.

By the way, if these were Healthy trees/branches, and I hadn't already offered to trim them(them saying no), and and "Act of God" made them fall...I wouldn't have an issue.

We'll see how it rolls I guess...

Well done, Walker.....

Few years ago I found a small Birch tree in my ditch. Didn't take Sherlock to figure where it came from. Only Birch trees in the neighborhood were directly across the street. Waited until the gentleman came out and dragged it out of my ditch and threw it into his ditch, waved to him and told him I was glad to lend a hand. Just stared at me, while I smiled and waved to him.....


Never had another problem with him,,,,,

Quite a few years ago, living with friends in the Drake Neighborhood, the folks in the attic apartment would go at it, rather vigorously. We would wait until they were through and would grab broomsticks and pound the ceiling, cheering and clapping in devout appreciation of the event.....

Didn't deter them at all, and we would wave to each other outside the building.....

That sounds like people I know. Was she a tall blonde?
There's a 17 year old kid who lives across the street. He parks his car in front of our house and we often wake up in the morning and find his fast food bags and other garbage in our yard. Last time I put them back on his car but next time I'm going to have to fight the temptation to go over and choke the **** out of him.
There's a 17 year old kid who lives across the street. He parks his car in front of our house and we often wake up in the morning and find his fast food bags and other garbage in our yard. Last time I put them back on his car but next time I'm going to have to fight the temptation to go over and choke the **** out of him.

Take the stem out of his tire.
Ok, We have this middle aged woman living right across the street from us. She's single with no kids, never seen a guy or another woman around there, EVER. I've never seen relatives there. She's rather strange and admits she thinks the neighbor kids are kind of afraid of her. I'm not sure is she is a perfectionist, dealing with OCD, both or what. Her garage is packed along the walls with crap/bags/papers etc.. I've noticed her car is also stuffed with the same. My wife and I assumed she may be a bit of a hoarder but no proof. Her next door neighbor who moved away, who has actually been into her home commented a couple times that it's actually the opposite. So, not sure if she is a perfectionist or has OCD. But I do know her garage is messy and one vehicle at times. Always washed on outside, though.

She literally only really comes out really early in the morning to work in her yard or clean her cars, so that she doesn't have to socialize with people. Once the neighborhood starts to come alive she's back in her house, doors and drapes closed. I've never seen a window or door open in her house. When coming home at night I don't even see lights on but I can really only see the front of her house. Not sure if she just stays in the basement or her bedroom. Seriously, I've never seen a light on inside at night.

The only time I see her out socializing with anybody is Halloween during the kid's rush for 3 hrs. She's jovial and friendly with the kids as they come up to her steps. No crap! It's weird. She'll yell across the road and make conversation, especially with me as I've learned how to communicate with her to a point throughout the years, even moving her snow on occasion. She seems pleasant but just off.

YARD - A mess! This is a dandelion and weed factory like no other. Of course, all the seeds blow over to our house and I have to deal with keeping them in check in our yard. When we moved there, she was literally using a manual push mower, the kind without power/engine. She eventually broke down and bought a push mower with engine. She doesn't like when the neighborhood kids go into her lawn or driveway to retrieve balls etc.. She'll say something.

I would periodically park my vehicle in front of my house which would be right across from her driveway. This when my boys would want to play basketball in our driveway. I couldn't park down the street because the fire hydrant is there and I don't like to park in front of my next door neighbors house, so there is one spot I park in front of our home right across from her driveway. She once made this strange statement to my wife that she wishes I not park there. Then she went on to say that she worries that her car might accidentally roll down her driveway and hit it. What? What car is just going to jump out of "drive". Like that happens. So, I keep parking there because it's safer for my boys if they have to retrieve a ball in the road as they can see any cars coming from the main road to our road which is a cul-de-sac. If I parked down, then my car would cause a blind spot. I explained this to the neighbor.

So a week and a half or so after she states this my dad comes down to visit and parks on the street in front of our house, which is across the street from said neighbor. One morning, again really early, we get a knock on our door. It's the neighbor woman, frantic saying her car rolled down her driveway and ran into my dads car's front end. What!!? She said she was cleaning her car and lying on the passenger floor when she bumped the gear shift and it started rolling. She said she tried to hit the brake with her hand but had to roll out of the car while it rolled down her drive. Seriously, what are the odds after making the prior statement? Who knows. Dad got his car fixed and was actually able to get a something else fixed so all was good in the end.

I also got this city notice once because my utility trailer's tire was literally 4-6 inches on the grass. Letter explained to move the trailer completely off the grass or I would be getting a citation. I'm not sure who called in with a complaint but I have my suspicion.

Have to be holding the brake to move a car out of gear unless hers is from the 60s
Thank goodness the contingent of Hawkeyes who like to hurt defenseless creatures contributed to this thread.

I wonder who still thinks decent people on this board need the approval of the brownshirts????

Amazing how few adults are within our cyber-fanbase.

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