Feuding Neighbors Thread

Well, it's off season and the thread needs some new blood every once-in-awhile. I know it's off-topic but wondering if anybody has any interesting stories about feuding with your neighbors, serious or funny. What have each done to each other to get back at each other or how bad does it get? Revenge tactics? Could be you feuding with a neighbor or other neighbors feuding.

I have one across the street that I may post later about. Just wondering about any or your experiences.
Waiting for your story Melrose.......
Ok, this was about 15 years ago.

Lived in a 1st floor apartment. Neighbors moved in above me at 3 in the morning. Who in the hell moves in at 3am? No big deal, it's a one time thing...

The wife/female apparently was running a daycare so there were kids jumping around and yelling constantly. No big deal except for the fact I worked late shifts and didn't get to bed around 2 am. I didn't complain to the landlord/apt leasing office until their kids starting playing in my patio and leaving all their shit in it. Of course, nothing was done and it continued on...

I was sitting there watching tv one night and all of a sudden I hear fireworks going off. Going off in the mothereffin hallway between the apartments. Keep in mind, this is an enclosed hallway with carpet. This was the 2nd time I called the landlord...

One day I go out on my patio and the big bush that was there apparently went up in flames. Called the landlord and she said the fire department told her that it looked like a cigarrette started it. I told her that was bullshit and reminded her that I called before about the fireworks. By this time I had already decided I was going to move out after my lease was up, but I wasn't sure if it would come soon enough.

About 7 or 8 months after I moved out, I was in the area to meet with someone and noticed a huge white tarp thing covering a large corner section of that same building. I asked the person I was meeting with if she knew what happened and I shit you not, she said the building caught fire.
If you have to live next to these folks (assuming you're not in a "mobile" home)... taking the high road will be the best move. Things will only get worse if you stir the pot...and unless you plan on moving, you'll have to live with it. FWIW
I will never live in an apartment complex or condo again. Plus, with condos who have to deal with associations, they are like dictators.
I live in one of the nicer neighborhoods in my town. This is a small town (6002, with 1002 of those in the prison). It is a blue collar type town.
Across the street and one house down we have a pedophile. He got caught twice with child porn on his computer. Girls under 10. We have a lot of girls in this part of the subdivision.
One morning getting ready for work, I notice a bunch of cars on the street. I went outside. I see a guy with a gun walking from my neighbors yard across the street. I ask him whats up? Didnt say much. Then we see the pedophile going out in handcuffs. He got 6 months and had to stay away for a year. Well, he is back.
During this time my neighbor across the street who lives next door to them, told the guys wife that he needs to go. He even had a hotel room waiting for him. His wife told my neighbor that he was cured. A verbal arguement occurred.
And she has 2 mentally disabled kids. Now in HS. Like burn your house down type disturbed. Cant figure out how they can afford to live here.
And then next to the pedophile one house down, is the crazy woman. After they built their house, they had complaints. And refused to live int he house. They pitched a tent in the back yard and lived there for a month.
When they come home from somewhere, they sit in their car for an hour. Sometimes her kids do their homework in the car. Not sure why they do this.
Oh and the Meth head daughter fo the neighbors 3 houses down. Last Summer she was trippin' and wandering the neighborhood saying there were people in the field behind our subdivision trying to get her.

Good times.
Not feuding but drunk. The neighbors wife was drunk, found out it was a 5th of Capt Morgan, straight out of the bottle. She was on the phone in her backyard, yelling at someone for a few minutes. She tried to get in the back door and couldn't even turn the handle. Finally got in. I would say 5 hours went by, my wife and I were on our porch having a beer when the neighbor comes over, still drunk, asking if we had a smoke. No we wuit several years ago, blah, blah, blah. She was mumbling something and made no sense. Now, her husband was on their porch watching this whole thing. I told her to leave and she refused he said he called the cops, and sure enough, they came. After a few minutes, the cops hauled her off my porch as other neighbors were all taping this on their phones. My neighbor kicked the officers yelling and screaming. She kicked in the grill of a car, pieces flying all over. Finally had an ambulance with paramedics having to sedate her and taking her away.

Crazy, but true....
Yep, let's hurt the pooch, not the owner. Your friend's a douchebag.
I've got a neighbor who kicked a yorkie across his yard and killed it for pooping in his yard. We call him dog killer. I believe it got national attention. I wanted to kick his ass big time. Not man enough to confront the dogs owner. What a big POS!!!!
Long time ago we had a town home and the adjoining walls weren't very well insulated.
Let's just say at first it was funny, then for the next year it became annoying because the neighbor lady was, let's call it "vocally appreciative" of her hubby. A lot.
Good grief, it was like that scene from The Secret of My Success where Michael J Fox is conducting the orchestra!
After reading this thread I realized two things:

A) People suck

B) I knew this before, but cops have to put up with a lot of bullshit, a lot of nonsense. A cop has sit down and file a report because someone is too lazy to cleanup after their dog. You wanted Marmaduke, now cleanup after his big turdfest.

I hate getting old, but now I least have respect for other people and their property. In my 20's I just didn't give a -----, now as a grown ass man I am willing to work things out, compromise.
while in college at Iowa (during summer time) I lived with some friends in an apartment. The couple above us had very loud "love making." So one night we took a recorder and microphone and put it in the ventilation area. We then rewound the audio of them and played it full blast through the vent while they had sex. Suddenly, there was dead silence, we laughed our butts off.

I'm a minority in my state. I have neighbors and people I meet at work and in public who are bilingual but refuse to speak English. I mean this is rapidly becoming the norm rather than the exception. It's an accepted (even encouraged) form of intolerance in my state. Feuds? Under Siege is my situation.


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I hate getting old, but now I least have respect for other people and their property. In my 20's I just didn't give a -----, now as a grown . . . ass man . . . I am willing to work things out, compromise.

So you're an ass man huh.
Waiting for your story Melrose.......

Ok, We have this middle aged woman living right across the street from us. She's single with no kids, never seen a guy or another woman around there, EVER. I've never seen relatives there. She's rather strange and admits she thinks the neighbor kids are kind of afraid of her. I'm not sure is she is a perfectionist, dealing with OCD, both or what. Her garage is packed along the walls with crap/bags/papers etc.. I've noticed her car is also stuffed with the same. My wife and I assumed she may be a bit of a hoarder but no proof. Her next door neighbor who moved away, who has actually been into her home commented a couple times that it's actually the opposite. So, not sure if she is a perfectionist or has OCD. But I do know her garage is messy and one vehicle at times. Always washed on outside, though.

She literally only really comes out really early in the morning to work in her yard or clean her cars, so that she doesn't have to socialize with people. Once the neighborhood starts to come alive she's back in her house, doors and drapes closed. I've never seen a window or door open in her house. When coming home at night I don't even see lights on but I can really only see the front of her house. Not sure if she just stays in the basement or her bedroom. Seriously, I've never seen a light on inside at night.

The only time I see her out socializing with anybody is Halloween during the kid's rush for 3 hrs. She's jovial and friendly with the kids as they come up to her steps. No crap! It's weird. She'll yell across the road and make conversation, especially with me as I've learned how to communicate with her to a point throughout the years, even moving her snow on occasion. She seems pleasant but just off.

YARD - A mess! This is a dandelion and weed factory like no other. Of course, all the seeds blow over to our house and I have to deal with keeping them in check in our yard. When we moved there, she was literally using a manual push mower, the kind without power/engine. She eventually broke down and bought a push mower with engine. She doesn't like when the neighborhood kids go into her lawn or driveway to retrieve balls etc.. She'll say something.

I would periodically park my vehicle in front of my house which would be right across from her driveway. This when my boys would want to play basketball in our driveway. I couldn't park down the street because the fire hydrant is there and I don't like to park in front of my next door neighbors house, so there is one spot I park in front of our home right across from her driveway. She once made this strange statement to my wife that she wishes I not park there. Then she went on to say that she worries that her car might accidentally roll down her driveway and hit it. What? What car is just going to jump out of "drive". Like that happens. So, I keep parking there because it's safer for my boys if they have to retrieve a ball in the road as they can see any cars coming from the main road to our road which is a cul-de-sac. If I parked down, then my car would cause a blind spot. I explained this to the neighbor.

So a week and a half or so after she states this my dad comes down to visit and parks on the street in front of our house, which is across the street from said neighbor. One morning, again really early, we get a knock on our door. It's the neighbor woman, frantic saying her car rolled down her driveway and ran into my dads car's front end. What!!? She said she was cleaning her car and lying on the passenger floor when she bumped the gear shift and it started rolling. She said she tried to hit the brake with her hand but had to roll out of the car while it rolled down her drive. Seriously, what are the odds after making the prior statement? Who knows. Dad got his car fixed and was actually able to get a something else fixed so all was good in the end.

I also got this city notice once because my utility trailer's tire was literally 4-6 inches on the grass. Letter explained to move the trailer completely off the grass or I would be getting a citation. I'm not sure who called in with a complaint but I have my suspicion.
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I used to live in a house with a roommate and together we had 5 vehicles so parking was a bit of an issue. We had a driveway that wasn't quite long enough to get two vehicles deep, but sometimes we would anyway and leave the back of a car over the sidewalk a bit.

One day a guy was walking by with his little girl and had to walk a couple steps around the car and started flipping serious shit at me like he was ready to fight over having to walk around my car. I felt bad because he had a little kid there but I was pretty annoyed, so my response was somewhere between trying to defuse the situation and telling him to F off. He kept yelling at me while he was walking away and I thought that was the end of it. Awhile later a cop showed up and asked me to move my vehicle.

Come to find out, this guy lived three blocks away from me which pissed me off even more because he doesn't even have to walk by if he doesn't want to so why cause such a big deal over someone who's not even that close to you. I wanted to get back at him but obviously didn't want to do anything like property damage or kick his ass. (OK I kinda wanted to kick his ass). So I did some brain storming and thought of something that killed two birds with one stone.

Like I said earlier I had an issue with parking space so I decided to start parking my piece of shit raper van I have for work in front of his house three blocks away. That way it cleared up my driveway and made him always have to stare at a shitty van outside his house.

The guy who worked for me met me every morning at my house anyway so he would pick me up, drive to their house, I would move my van and he would pull into my space until after work where I would drop him off and pull back into the space and he would give me a ride home. We did this for months. You could fit 2 cars in the street between the two driveways in front of his house so I would pull up just far enough so you couldn't fit in front of or behind me, essentially taking up two spaces. Whenever they were outside, I would just stare at them while I got out of my van and into my helpers car but words were never exchanged. It was such a petty thing to do yet such awesome and harmless revenge at someone being a total prick.
I used to live in a house with a roommate and together we had 5 vehicles so parking was a bit of an issue. We had a driveway that wasn't quite long enough to get two vehicles deep, but sometimes we would anyway and leave the back of a car over the sidewalk a bit.

One day a guy was walking by with his little girl and had to walk a couple steps around the car and started flipping serious shit at me like he was ready to fight over having to walk around my car. I felt bad because he had a little kid there but I was pretty annoyed, so my response was somewhere between trying to defuse the situation and telling him to F off. He kept yelling at me while he was walking away and I thought that was the end of it. Awhile later a cop showed up and asked me to move my vehicle.

Come to find out, this guy lived three blocks away from me which pissed me off even more because he doesn't even have to walk by if he doesn't want to so why cause such a big deal over someone who's not even that close to you. I wanted to get back at him but obviously didn't want to do anything like property damage or kick his ass. (OK I kinda wanted to kick his ass). So I did some brain storming and thought of something that killed two birds with one stone.

Like I said earlier I had an issue with parking space so I decided to start parking my piece of shit raper van I have for work in front of his house three blocks away. That way it cleared up my driveway and made him always have to stare at a shitty van outside his house.

The guy who worked for me met me every morning at my house anyway so he would pick me up, drive to their house, I would move my van and he would pull into my space until after work where I would drop him off and pull back into the space and he would give me a ride home. We did this for months. You could fit 2 cars in the street between the two driveways in front of his house so I would pull up just far enough so you couldn't fit in front of or behind me, essentially taking up two spaces. Whenever they were outside, I would just stare at them while I got out of my van and into my helpers car but words were never exchanged. It was such a petty thing to do yet such awesome and harmless revenge at someone being a total prick.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to park over a sidewalk being that it's a public walk place. My sister did that once at our parents house, a cop happened to drive by and gave her a ticket.
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I used to live in a house with a roommate and together we had 5 vehicles so parking was a bit of an issue. We had a driveway that wasn't quite long enough to get two vehicles deep, but sometimes we would anyway and leave the back of a car over the sidewalk a bit.

One day a guy was walking by with his little girl and had to walk a couple steps around the car and started flipping serious shit at me like he was ready to fight over having to walk around my car. I felt bad because he had a little kid there but I was pretty annoyed, so my response was somewhere between trying to defuse the situation and telling him to F off. He kept yelling at me while he was walking away and I thought that was the end of it. Awhile later a cop showed up and asked me to move my vehicle.

Come to find out, this guy lived three blocks away from me which pissed me off even more because he doesn't even have to walk by if he doesn't want to so why cause such a big deal over someone who's not even that close to you. I wanted to get back at him but obviously didn't want to do anything like property damage or kick his ass. (OK I kinda wanted to kick his ass). So I did some brain storming and thought of something that killed two birds with one stone.

Like I said earlier I had an issue with parking space so I decided to start parking my piece of shit raper van I have for work in front of his house three blocks away. That way it cleared up my driveway and made him always have to stare at a shitty van outside his house.

The guy who worked for me met me every morning at my house anyway so he would pick me up, drive to their house, I would move my van and he would pull into my space until after work where I would drop him off and pull back into the space and he would give me a ride home. We did this for months. You could fit 2 cars in the street between the two driveways in front of his house so I would pull up just far enough so you couldn't fit in front of or behind me, essentially taking up two spaces. Whenever they were outside, I would just stare at them while I got out of my van and into my helpers car but words were never exchanged. It was such a petty thing to do yet such awesome and harmless revenge at someone being a total prick.

Genius. That's friggin' awesome. Surprised he didn't say anything or do anything to your van. I think you humbled him and he got the point.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to park over a sidewalk being that it's a public walk place. My sister did that once at our parents house, a cop happened to drive by and gave her a ticket.

It is but rarely enforced.

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