Feuding Neighbors Thread

Agree. Cruel.

Our dog is so pampered. Has a run of the house while we are gone. No accidents and he's not a chewer so nothing to worry about there. Yes, you can get good dogs and breeds from a shelter.

Likewise. We rescued a Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd and they're super pampered. I work from home so they've got it made. Only spend time outside when they want to.
Likewise. We rescued a Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd and they're super pampered. I work from home so they've got it made. Only spend time outside when they want to.

Those are two solid dogs. Had a buddy who had 4 shepherds at one time. I remember his homeowner's insurance company didn't like him too much. He had trouble finding coverage because they said he had a pack of dogs.
Does sitting next to douche-bag 'fans' with FB season tickets count? Three years ago, had a husband/wife team who were wellll beyond tuned-up for every game, sitting next to me.

And I don't mean just loud and an occasional cuss word....it was falling over people, cussing every other word, chug-a-lug the entire game, groping each other, throwing things, seat encroachment, on and on and on.

A timely word to the U of Iowa FB security folks before the third game did the trick. Somebody talked to them and they somewhat calmed down for the third home game. Funny thing is, they didn't come back after the 3rd home game.... (yeah, I'm a covert prick I guess). ;)

I had UCF season tix when they still played in the Citrus Bowl. A couple of sisters sat two rows in front of us. Both had GINORMOUS juggs. Apparently, they were used to store and IV-feed high-proof spirits throughout the game, because they inevitably plowed through other fans, fell numerous times per game and yet, because they were so hot-looking, managed to avoid being routinely pummeled on a weekly basis. It was ALMOST humorous, except it became the focus each and every home game in the section.

"When will they get here? 50 bucks says they miss kick-off" "Which one falls first?" "Good Lord, they're leaving to get MORE?! "Think either one will puke?"

Amazingly, puking is the one thing neither of them did!

We named them "Drunk and Drunker".

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