Fan's temper worries me

When you are playing sloppy, uninspired basketball, you probably should get an earful from your coach.

There was a faction of Sienna fans that were verbal about how they didn't like how many technicals Fran got.

I don't have an issue with the one he picked up vs. MSU. He was protecting a player was was undercut and slammed to the court.
I really don't mine Fran showing a lot of emotion and yelling and all that but that chair could have taken an ugly bounce or he could have missed the floor and could have hurt someone. He doesn't need to be throwing things like a two year old having a tantrum.
Stormin do you know the stats by chance? It seems like Fran has been picking them up at a rate of 1-2 technicals per game for a couple games now (he was held "T-less" against Minny maybe?)

I just would like to see it, I am not sure anyone even tracks that...maybe we should.
He was very upset because he thought a technical foul should have been assessed to MSU, Speraw and Francis argued it too.
Stormin do you know the stats by chance? It seems like Fran has been picking them up at a rate of 1-2 technicals per game for a couple games now (he was held "T-less" against Minny maybe?)

I just would like to see it, I am not sure anyone even tracks that...maybe we should.
It gets tracked, but I dont have the info handy. He doesn't average a T a game though.
It gets tracked, but I dont have the info handy. He doesn't average a T a game though.

That's alright, I agree with MNHawk my bball coach would yell and scream and stuff, I have NO issue at all with the yelling at the players or officials, however I also know a line will be crosses and if you start becoming a habitual "official rider" there will be many refs who will be looking for an excuse to put you in your place, and those can come at the wrong time in a tight game down the road. But I do feel like slamming a chair is crossing a line.
From hanging on the rim?

I'd have to look back at the play before it leading up to the T. I thought it was on Iowa's possession, Marble went up was uncut then fell to the floor. The staff went nuts, nothing called. Then the next trip Fran was still in the ear of the official when he got T'ed up.
Did he get undercut? I just saw Marble get absolutely mugged and they just played on, you could hear the slap on tv. I didnt know if Fran was Po'd about the MSU player hanging on the rim after the alley oop in the 2nd half.
Here's what gets me...

Fans **** and moan about Ferentz - he doesn't get riled up, he doesn't talk to the media, etc..

Here Iowa has a coach that gets fired up, that is intense, is great with the media and discloses information. He's closer to Brands than Ferentz, something fans were pining for.

Now all of the sudden he has anger problems, is embarrassing, et al? Please. If Iowa is putting up 11-12 win seasons and he's acting like this fine, but if he is able to turn this around (which he is trying to do) - how can you hate on that passion?
however I also know a line will be crosses and if you start becoming a habitual "official rider" there will be many refs who will be looking for an excuse to put you in your place

Like they do with Izzo, Ryan, Weber, Beilein, Matta and Painter?
Here's what gets me...

Fans **** and moan about Ferentz - he doesn't get riled up, he doesn't talk to the media, etc..

Here Iowa has a coach that gets fired up, that is intense, is great with the media and discloses information. He's closer to Brands than Ferentz, something fans were pining for.

Now all of the sudden he has anger problems, is embarrassing, et al? Please. If Iowa is putting up 11-12 win seasons and he's acting like this fine, but if he is able to turn this around (which he is trying to do) - how can you hate on that passion?

Agree to a point. Nothing wrong with Fran showing emotion and getting a tech. But control your damn staff! There is no reason that the entire staff should be yelling at the official and nobody coaching up the players. Assistant coaches yelling at refs after a timeout is the equivilant of a kicker talking **** after making a PAT.
Fran's the man. He wont stand for crap like Iowa put on the floor last night. Its not even close to acceptable for him. Hes trying to change a god awful run of Iowa basketball and this wont be the same old crap the previous regime let happen.
Agree to a point. Nothing wrong with Fran showing emotion and getting a tech. But control your damn staff! There is no reason that the entire staff should be yelling at the official and nobody coaching up the players. Assistant coaches yelling at refs after a timeout is the equivilant of a kicker talking **** after making a PAT.
I agree, but Speraw was a former HC and has his opinions too. It wouldn't be the first time Iowa almost got a double tech on the bench.
Agree to a point. Nothing wrong with Fran showing emotion and getting a tech. But control your damn staff! There is no reason that the entire staff should be yelling at the official and nobody coaching up the players. Assistant coaches yelling at refs after a timeout is the equivilant of a kicker talking **** after making a PAT.

This I can agree with. The only one who should be riding the officials is the head coach, not the assistants and not the players.
fiery coach who care about their players and getting a fair shake, we are so used to Mr. Davis, Alford and Lickliter, who very rarely got a T
this team is getting better but they don't get the calls and MSU was hacking, reaching, go over the back on rebounds there were at least 2 time they under cut a player on a made basket
the play that got him the T was on a inbound play where the MSU player flat out grabbed Gatens and didn't let go with the official right there, plus it was in front of the Iowa bench.
and if you notice the entire coaching staff was yelling at the officials and then they all got on the players for their lazy play, the slamming of the chair was over the top but it got the players attention, we will see against Michigan how they react if they come out lazey or with some energy
as for the T's most coaches get them to get the Ref's attention because all T's get reviewed by the league, i don't recall that many T's called on Fran this season 3 maybe 4
somebody that is keeping track please show when and against who
UNI and MSU stand out to me
I agree, but Speraw was a former HC and has his opinions too. It wouldn't be the first time Iowa almost got a double tech on the bench.

I get Speraw was an ex HC. I would be ok if he argued a bit here or there. But last night all 4 coaches were arguing with the official. Should never happen and I'm hopeful that Fran realizes that and has a talk with them.
Nothing was more embarrassing last night than Iowa's play. The kids were terrible last night.Fran knows they are better than that. That's what is so frustrating.
not to pick on you but this is what I don't get....we get beat by 40 and some posters are like "We are just so far behind talent wise" and than someone complains about Fran and it's all of the sudden like "He's frustrated because they are so much better than that" well which way is it? are we a talent devoid team that can't even dribble a ball or are we under achievers?

with this game it was a combination of both
Here's what gets me...Fans **** and moan about Ferentz - he doesn't get riled up, he doesn't talk to the media, etc..Here Iowa has a coach that gets fired up, that is intense, is great with the media and discloses information. He's closer to Brands than Ferentz, something fans were pining for.Now all of the sudden he has anger problems, is embarrassing, et al? Please. If Iowa is putting up 11-12 win seasons and he's acting like this fine, but if he is able to turn this around (which he is trying to do) - how can you hate on that passion?

but fans also say kirks demeanor is a good thing and some fans say Frans fire is a good thing. its not like all fans hate kirks calmness and all fans hate Frans fire

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