Fan's temper worries me

but fans also say kirks demeanor is a good thing and some fans say Frans fire is a good thing. its not like all fans hate kirks calmness and all fans hate Frans fire

I like Kirk's demeanor...I have complaints with the program but how he acts on the sideline isn't one of them...He's classy but when he needs to he really lets into officials. He just picks his times, and doesn't let it destroy the team.
What Sparty got away with last night was a total crime. It began within seconds of the opening tip when the MSU players were handchecking and holding beyond what should be allowed. On Iowa's first shot, did anyone notice how an MSU player totally shoved an Iowa player (I think it was McCabe) in the back and out of bounds going for the rebound? "It's going to be that kind of night," I said to myself and shook my head. And it was.

I'm OK with Fran getting T's, especially in hostile environments where we are getting hosed as we were last night. Had this been a 1- or 2-point game at that point, I might feel differently and I'm going to bet Fran would have kept his comments more in check in that situation.
fiery coach who care about their players and getting a fair shake, we are so used to Mr. Davis, Alford and Lickliter, who very rarely got a T
this team is getting better but they don't get the calls and MSU was hacking, reaching, go over the back on rebounds there were at least 2 time they under cut a player on a made basket
the play that got him the T was on a inbound play where the MSU player flat out grabbed Gatens and didn't let go with the official right there, plus it was in front of the Iowa bench.
and if you notice the entire coaching staff was yelling at the officials and then they all got on the players for their lazy play, the slamming of the chair was over the top but it got the players attention, we will see against Michigan how they react if they come out lazey or with some energy
as for the T's most coaches get them to get the Ref's attention because all T's get reviewed by the league, i don't recall that many T's called on Fran this season 3 maybe 4
somebody that is keeping track please show when and against who
UNI and MSU stand out to me

Fran has at least 5 Ts.
It will be fun to watch where it goes. I remember Bobby Knight...each year he seemed to lose more and more control until they had to fire him. I see Fran's behavior as out of control, he looked like a lunatic last night. Will be fun to see if it escalates... feel sorry for players. Nobody likes to screamed at from a crazy ***.
If young men can not handled being yelled at then bye bye! Our country is much worse off then I thought if we are worried about peoples feelings after getting an ear full for not playing to their potential.

Iowa may not be as talented as MSU, but they can shoot better then that. Missing open layups not steeping up on D when the refs are not blowing the whistle.

I like Fran and have no problem with the Ts, the yelling, the chair slam. He dose not do this when the team is playing to their full potential.

Then again I also believe that the lack of respect children have for authority is because we cant spank a child. We are raising children that can't handle being yelled at. The whole everyone gets playing time, and wins a ribbon is BS! Who was it Rendell I believe wussification of america.
If young men can not handled being yelled at then bye bye! Our country is much worse off then I thought if we are worried about peoples feelings after getting an ear full for not playing to their potential.

Iowa may not be as talented as MSU, but they can shoot better then that. Missing open layups not steeping up on D when the refs are not blowing the whistle.

I like Fran and have no problem with the Ts, the yelling, the chair slam. He dose not do this when the team is playing to their full potential.

Then again I also believe that the lack of respect children have for authority is because we cant spank a child. We are raising children that can't handle being yelled at. The whole everyone gets playing time, and wins a ribbon is BS! Who was it Rendell I believe wussification of america.

If Fran wasn't the coach at Iowa you all would hate him just like you all despise Bo Ryan. (ok maybe not because if we were winning by 45 I doubt you hate him...probably just call him a lunatic.)
And only the one durning the UNI game hurt the team/flow of the game.

I think Frans temper gets a bit overblown around these parts.

Couldn't agree more.
And the real issue with the UNI techs is that they are were both completely justifiable. Not because it hurt Iowa, obviously, but because the refs were truly affecting the game. But, yes, those techs really hurt Iowa in that game, they never recovered.
What Sparty got away with last night was a total crime. It began within seconds of the opening tip when the MSU players were handchecking and holding beyond what should be allowed. On Iowa's first shot, did anyone notice how an MSU player totally shoved an Iowa player (I think it was McCabe) in the back and out of bounds going for the rebound? "It's going to be that kind of night," I said to myself and shook my head. And it was.

I'm OK with Fran getting T's, especially in hostile environments where we are getting hosed as we were last night. Had this been a 1- or 2-point game at that point, I might feel differently and I'm going to bet Fran would have kept his comments more in check in that situation.

It was being called that way(or not called). If it is being called like that, Iowa needs to play the same way, they need to push Michigan St around on their defensive end. Iowa didnt do that, they just let MSU push them out of the way and get layups or uncontested 3's. The problem happens when officials are calling the game one way on one end and another way on the other, they werent doing that last night. Iowa needs to develop some toughness and adjust to playing physical if thats the way the game is being called. Just dont sit back and take it. I think thats where a lot of Fran's frustrations came from last night, his team just backing off and not delivering any blows back.
If Fran wasn't the coach at Iowa you all would hate him just like you all despise Bo Ryan. (ok maybe not because if we were winning by 45 I doubt you hate him...probably just call him a lunatic.)

Nope I don't have a problem with Bo. In fact always wish that Iowa had a coach as fiery as him. If Fran is laying into the refs and kids for nonsense then fine, but I feel he is justified in his actions.

Fran is a very intelligent man and he knows what he is doing. He is not "out of control" I think it is the opposite. Fran is very calculated in how he goes about what he does. Top to bottom I like Fran, if a had a talented kid I would encourage him to go play for Fran. Fran will take a kid and make him a man.
Here's what gets me...

Fans **** and moan about Ferentz - he doesn't get riled up, he doesn't talk to the media, etc..

Here Iowa has a coach that gets fired up, that is intense, is great with the media and discloses information. He's closer to Brands than Ferentz, something fans were pining for.

Now all of the sudden he has anger problems, is embarrassing, et al? Please. If Iowa is putting up 11-12 win seasons and he's acting like this fine, but if he is able to turn this around (which he is trying to do) - how can you hate on that passion?

This. Well said.
I like Kirk's demeanor...I have complaints with the program but how he acts on the sideline isn't one of them...He's classy but when he needs to he really lets into officials. He just picks his times, and doesn't let it destroy the team.


guys who want him acting like stoops wouldn't want him acting like stoops once stoops behavior started.

the bit about 'ferentz doesn't care' because he is calm on the sidelines is 'fill in the word to best describe a shallow thinker'.......

if your demeanor is a screamer - that will lose it's effect in short order. better to pick your spots and make that action effective.
so Fran has gotten T'd up in 4 games out of 18 not bad considering how many he got last year
and the OSU and MSU game the T's had no effect on the outcome

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