Fan's temper worries me

If my lip reading skills are correct Fran said something to the effect of " I don't care if you're black or white, rich or poor, from California or Iowa I just want you to pull your heads out of your rear ends, get physical and make me SO PROUD!"
Melsahn Basabe on the Fran throwing the chair: "I would�ve done that, too, if I�d been watching what he had to watch. It was unacceptable.�Iowa loses 95-61 on road to No. 6 Michigan State | TheGazette
well Melsahn are you going to respond to it? or just agree and continue to do the same thing...because obviously it wasn't effective.

Now that you have hated on the entire team in the past 24 hrs do you feel better?
This is the first time they have ever been yelled at. Ever.

So look for the entire team to quit today due to "hurt feelings" and "soiled diapers".

This is D1 Big Ten basketball, not Pee Wee's Youth Basketball League where every participant gets a medal for being there.

If you cant man up and take coachs outburst, you cant man up and take the pressures of the league.

Exactly. I didn't think it was embarrassing at all. Now if he pulled a Bobby Knight and through it on the court then that would have been bad. We are better than what we played and we looked and played scared/timid. He is letting them know that he doesn't want to lose like this and they are better. Anyone who has played sports past high school would know what this is like.
8 losses this year and he has 5 T's in those losses. Any T's in wins? That's not good

I don't know the percentage but i would guess really high on coaches T's during wins and T's during losses. They are losing and either feel the refs suck or the team sucks and want to make it know. When you are winning then you don't really have a point to get across. I would say most coaches probably have 85% of their technicals during losses.
Exactly. I didn't think it was embarrassing at all. Now if he pulled a Bobby Knight and through it on the court then that would have been bad. We are better than what we played and we looked and played scared/timid. He is letting them know that he doesn't want to lose like this and they are better. Anyone who has played sports past high school would know what this is like.

this is what i`ve been telling people about wild bull pumfus we looked scared in that game. people have no clue what i said
not to pick on you but this is what I don't get....we get beat by 40 and some posters are like "We are just so far behind talent wise" and than someone complains about Fran and it's all of the sudden like "He's frustrated because they are so much better than that" well which way is it? are we a talent devoid team that can't even dribble a ball or are we under achievers?
There is no question Iowa lacks in overall talent, but they have shown positive flashes. I don't think they are even close to beating teams like Ohio State or Michigan State, but to get utterly blown out of the water like they did last night was disgusting.

Lick's teams competed better and they were far worse. I can handle losing, because Iowa doesn't have the guys to win these games, but getting steam rolled after they have shown they can play is just bad.

Next year help will arrive and fill some of those voids that Iowa needs. I think Iowa is decent enough now to compete. They are not deep or elite, but they aren't as bad as they played last night either. They showed they can play in the Purdue, UNI, and Wisconsin games. Even part of the Ohio State game they were hanging in there and they had a great showing against Bosie State as well.
Some of u guys on here that r embarrassed or don't like Fran's attitude r the same guys that prolly love it when KF just chomps his gum and writes in his notebook. Showing emotion is good...
my coach would scream and throw ***** all over the place and screams so loud but he couldnt hear because he`s deaf coach.if we made mistake he bench us on pine and freaking screams and screams over and over
Another thing to point out about Fran is you can tell he wants his kids to play well and win. Just watch that clip of the Iowa locker room celebration after they won at Wisconsin. This isn't just some guy who does nothing but yell and scream. He shows emotion on both ends. In celebration or frustration. You can tell the guy isn't blowing smoke when he talks about his team. He's got the passion to win and you know it just burns him when he's not getting 100% from them.

Fran isn't in the same realm as a Bobby Knight or Woody Hayes. He'll get mad and yell but he will also have fun with his guys.

People got on Lick because he wasn't vocal and looked dis-interested. Fran is the total opposite of Lick and he's getting some heat for being different?
Fran is a vocal and passionate leader of a young team experiencing severe growing pains. At this point in his effort to rebuild the program, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Those of you who aren't should probably just find a PBS documentary or a lame sitcom to watch.
Another thing to point out about Fran is you can tell he wants his kids to play well and win. Just watch that clip of the Iowa locker room celebration after they won at Wisconsin. This isn't just some guy who does nothing but yell and scream. He shows emotion on both ends. In celebration or frustration. You can tell the guy isn't blowing smoke when he talks about his team. He's got the passion to win and you know it just burns him when he's not getting 100% from them.

Fran isn't in the same realm as a Bobby Knight or Woody Hayes. He'll get mad and yell but he will also have fun with his guys.

People got on Lick because he wasn't vocal and looked dis-interested. Fran is the total opposite of Lick and he's getting some heat for being different?
thats why i love what kirk sparew brings from central florida. thats called wild bull pumfus !;)
Another thing to point out about Fran is you can tell he wants his kids to play well and win. Just watch that clip of the Iowa locker room celebration after they won at Wisconsin. This isn't just some guy who does nothing but yell and scream. He shows emotion on both ends. In celebration or frustration. You can tell the guy isn't blowing smoke when he talks about his team. He's got the passion to win and you know it just burns him when he's not getting 100% from them.

Fran isn't in the same realm as a Bobby Knight or Woody Hayes. He'll get mad and yell but he will also have fun with his guys.

People got on Lick because he wasn't vocal and looked dis-interested. Fran is the total opposite of Lick and he's getting some heat for being different?
this is why i never went to any of the games that todd licklighter coached. just my opinion....
Like losing by 34 isn't embarrassing? I'm glad he doesn't take it sitting down. They played like garbage today. I've still got plenty of faith in them for the future, but today they were terrible in every sense of the word.

When did I say the game wasn't also embarrassing? When you are getting your butts kicked the last thing you want to see is the head coach screaming and throwing chairs on the court.
When did I say the game wasn't also embarrassing? When you are getting your butts kicked the last thing you want to see is the head coach screaming and throwing chairs on the court.

I'm going to guess you also believe in participation ribbons for everyone. They played like crap and Fran let them have it and they will probably pay for it in practice today too.

I think it bothered you much more than it bothered anybody that the yelling was directed at.

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