Explosive players..

Nebraska would have destroyed Iowa. Period. Fact. End of story.

and fyi--that jerk comment really hurt my feelings. you're mean.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... you sound like an ISU fan. By the way, how did that work out for you agains ISU. Destroy them too?
Woulda, coulda, shoulda... you sound like an ISU fan. By the way, how did that work out for you agains ISU. Destroy them too?

Hey rockstar---the would coulda shoulda was started by your fanbase in this very thread. Stones in glass houses, my friend. Don't throw 'em. You sound like a hawk fan.

And we can talk about records against the clones anytime you want. Care to compare the last 10 years? Thought not.
I can handle truth. Let me know when it comes out. Because comparing UNI to Arkansas is just stoopid. Period. And any normal person would recognize that. But then again, I'm on hawk message board, so I can see why you'd compare the razorbacks to the panthers and think they're on equal footing.

Stupid (that's the proper spelling - btw) is talking smack about our program on our site... especially when the national media is talking Iowa as a potential NC contender whereas Nebraska is no where in the discussions.
+1 Just ask PSU about that...

Exactly. PSU thought they were just going to come into the league & "rule the roost" if you will. Ohio St is clearly the top of the conference & Penn St is pretty much tied with Wisconsin & Iowa for Big10 championships. I'm not going to look up the specifics, but give one here & one there for each team. Point is that Penn St & the other top 2-3 have been on similar levels.

It will be interesting to see how Nebby does on the road in the Big10. I don't know if anyone has really made a point of this, but the Big10 annually tops all other conferences for fan attendance & boasts most of the "jumbo" stadiums in the country.

There is no way Nebby would have done better than Iowa last year with Iowa's road schedule to Penn St, Mich St, Wisky & Ohio St. Not many would have.
Stupid (that's the proper spelling - btw) is talking smack about our program on our site... especially when the national media is talking Iowa as a potential NC contender whereas Nebraska is no where in the discussions.

Thanks for that "proper" spelling. I was in no way being sarcastic by spelling it 'stoopid'. (sadly shakes head, again)

The national media is talking about it? The Cedar Rapids rag is not "national media".
Nebraska would have destroyed Iowa. Period. Fact. End of story.

and fyi--that jerk comment really hurt my feelings. you're mean.

OK, nuts & bolts time.

How would have Nebby destroyed Iowa? Seriously, where would Nebby have exploited Iowa?

What kind of score would it have been?
THH what do you think of Nebraska's offense this year? What is the feeling in Husker land on Rodney Coe? Do Husker fans feel Iowa will be Nebraska's biggest rival in the big 10,11,12?
Exactly. PSU thought they were just going to come into the league & "rule the roost" if you will. Ohio St is clearly the top of the conference & Penn St is pretty much tied with Wisconsin & Iowa for Big10 championships. I'm not going to look up the specifics, but give one here & one there for each team. Point is that Penn St & the other top 2-3 have been on similar levels.

It will be interesting to see how Nebby does on the road in the Big10. I don't know if anyone has really made a point of this, but the Big10 annually tops all other conferences for fan attendance & boasts most of the "jumbo" stadiums in the country.

There is no way Nebby would have done better than Iowa last year with Iowa's road schedule to Penn St, Mich St, Wisky & Ohio St. Not many would have.

The thing is, this is a message board, so I understand the passion. But you can't just make definitive declarations like that and expect others to take them at face value. You have no freaking clue what would have happened and frankly neither do I. Do I think the huskers would have won those games? Absolutely. You think they wouldn't have. Fine. I guess for the truth to be known, we'll have to wait a few seasons. For the record, I'm not worried.
Nebraska would have destroyed Iowa. Period. Fact. End of story.

and fyi--that jerk comment really hurt my feelings. you're mean.

I just laid out Iowa's 2009-2010 season's resume for you. You please do the same for Nebby for comparison.
Thanks for that "proper" spelling. I was in no way being sarcastic by spelling it 'stoopid'. (sadly shakes head, again)

The national media is talking about it? The Cedar Rapids rag is not "national media".

Excuses, excuses... sarcasm is always the perfect scapegoat...

Ignorance is bliss... last I heard, Cowherd works for ESPN, to name one of many... Outside of Nebraska, name a media outlet that thinks Nebraska will be a NC contender.
THH what do you think of Nebraska's offense this year? What is the feeling in Husker land on Rodney Coe? Do Husker fans feel Iowa will be Nebraska's biggest rival in the big 10,11,12?

I think Nebraska's offense this year will take a few game to get humming. By the Washington game we'll know where we stand and what adjustments need to be made. It is going to come down to a qb for us that doesn't hurt us. Helu and Burkhead (yay white guy at running back!) are going to be great. Niles Paul will be one of the better B12 recievers this year. With Mike McNeil lining up more often now that he isn't stuck soley in the tight end spot we're going to have another experienced play making option out there on the field more often.
Excuses, excuses... sarcasm is always the perfect scapegoat...

Ignorance is bliss... last I heard, Cowherd works for ESPN, to name one of many... Outside of Nebraska, name a media outlet that thinks Nebraska will be a NC contender.

Why would I try to name one? I have yet to make that claim. That be no different then me asking you to name a media outlet that says your basketball team will make the post season any time soon.
Hey rockstar---the would coulda shoulda was started by your fanbase in this very thread. Stones in glass houses, my friend. Don't throw 'em. You sound like a hawk fan.

And we can talk about records against the clones anytime you want. Care to compare the last 10 years? Thought not.

If your going to go back 10 yrs, isn't it more reflective & accurate to review the overall success of the team's season's than just one game each season for a team.

Hell, we can compare Iowa with Nebraska in the decade of the 2000's, I don't care. I really don't get your point.

It's like taking candy from a baby. Kind of fun in fact.;)
If your going to go back 10 yrs, isn't it more reflective & accurate to review the overall success of the team's season's than just one game each season for a team.

Hell, we can compare Iowa with Nebraska in the decade of the 2000's, I don't care. I really don't get your point.

It's like taking candy from a baby. Kind of fun in fact.;)

Sure, we can compare each team's success level.

Have at it. Get back to me when you can show me which year you guys won a national championship.

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