Don't know if this has been posted, but Hawks blame some of poor play on Social Media

From a logic standpoint this statement is not wrong. I think most adults see Twitter, Snap chat, Facebook and all the others for the vain and fake circuses that they are. However this is not a reasonable perspective from younger generations. They view social media as a vital means of communication and validation. To simply say "turn it off" is asking the majority of them to sacrifice something they deem as important. All because actual adults can't control themselves and act with proper decorum. Just yet another sad example of humanity at its finest. Meanwhile we all just accept it with our evening news.

Some posters on here even likened rooting for a mediocre sports program to be "accepting mediocrity". Yet some of the very same people are so willing to accept our societies mediocrity. They will stand against University injustice. Teeth sharpened, gnashing at flesh over a perceived state of mediocrity. Bound and determined to inspire change through revolt. Those same people can't even muster 1 ounce of compassion for a young adult struggling with having themselves slandered all over a social club that they hold in high regard. It's all good though. They sucked so they deserve it.
Yeah I guess I completely disagree with your premise that kids just can't help themselves. Many don't shoplift yet their friends might do this regularly, many don't drink or smoke or do weed because their friends do. So, they can manage enough restraint to NOT do those things yet they can't pick their damn heads up out of their cell phones?! Maybe that's an indictment of parenting. MY expectation of my kids is that when we are at dinner etc. put the damn phone away or TURN IT OFF. I myself have a need to be on twitter but the negatives outweighed the positives so I de-activated the account. I also de-activated my Facebook account even though I used it every day because while it was great to keep in touch with childhood friends but the anti-Trump haters can't get over an election that occurred forever ago so I de-activated that account as well. So, again I think people who can't turn it off or can't use it appropriately shouldn't have it period.

What I'm amazed at is Fran's staff being so poor at COACHING defense. I must say, and I won't bag on any kid, when people are too lazy to box out or can't stay in front of anyone driving to the basket that's a fundamentals problem.
I appreciate your comments but to me you have extremely dramatized the situation. There are many evils in this world, and a few kids getting told they suck at basketball on Twitter hardly ranks up there in my opinion. Good luck in your utopian quest.

You're right. This issue doesn't even register on the human atrocities scale.

A kid falls off their bike and scrapes their knee. Will they die? Nah. Could they grow tougher from it? Sure. Will they probably learn how to ride a bike better? Hope so. Does that mean I have no empathy for their pain? No.

Of course at the end of the day all we are discussing is hurt feelings here. I'm not a loon. These kids will all be fine no matter how much bad shit they read about themselves on the Twitter verse. My disgust stems from grown adults here justifying the comments or blaming the players for reading it. They aren't showing any compassion. They don't seem to feel bad for the players. It's completely cruel and cold hearted. It paints some of these people in a pretty monstrous light.

P.S. everyone here is completely open to criticism since we are all here entering into public forum voluntarily. So noone should be suprised when they are told they are a piece of shit for their sociopathic perspectives. As I will not be suprised when those individuals fire back. Surely they would never actually contemplate deeply about the topic and find that they were insensitive assholes in the first place.

Lastly, I am on no quest my friend. I merely reviewed one of my favored pastimes and to my shock and awe found so many heartless comments about young men facing real world trial and tribulations. I felt compelled to speak out of face the thought of being an accessory to it by remaining silent. I am still, unfortunately talking about it because apparently I am one of the very few who is dismayed at the lack of basic compassion.
This thread jumped the shark when someone compared getting put on blast on twitter to rape victims. Just shut it down.
Yeah I guess I completely disagree with your premise that kids just can't help themselves. Many don't shoplift yet their friends might do this regularly, many don't drink or smoke or do weed because their friends do. So, they can manage enough restraint to NOT do those things yet they can't pick their damn heads up out of their cell phones?! Maybe that's an indictment of parenting. MY expectation of my kids is that when we are at dinner etc. put the damn phone away or TURN IT OFF. I myself have a need to be on twitter but the negatives outweighed the positives so I de-activated the account. I also de-activated my Facebook account even though I used it every day because while it was great to keep in touch with childhood friends but the anti-Trump haters can't get over an election that occurred forever ago so I de-activated that account as well. So, again I think people who can't turn it off or can't use it appropriately shouldn't have it period.

What I'm amazed at is Fran's staff being so poor at COACHING defense. I must say, and I won't bag on any kid, when people are too lazy to box out or can't stay in front of anyone driving to the basket that's a fundamentals problem.

Never said they couldn't help themselves. Social media is not a crime. It isn't something that society has taught kids is bad for them. They should have no reason to avoid it. There is no control issue. What I actually said is they place a social value in it. A social value that you dismiss quickly because you are a rational pragmatic (I assume) adult. The point was that you are saying it should be easy to give up something like social media. I'm saying that to a kid or young adult or even a full adult. They are not getting rid of Twitter or Facebook because it is a danger to their health. In your proposal they would get rid of it to avoid negativity towards themselves. That seems right to you? Thats what you want for your children? You want them to be forced to make personal sacrifices by out of control people? Its a simple right and wrong scenario no matter what the layers are.
Actually you said they view social media as a VITAL means of communication and validation. I stand by my earlier post. NO social media is not a CRIME but bullying actually is and it occurs on social media and we have taught them bullying is bad so your argument falls apart there. Food and shelter are VITAL not freaking social media and again if that's your true self worth THEN THEIR PARENTS HAVE FAILED.
This thread jumped the shark when someone compared getting put on blast on twitter to rape victims. Just shut it down.

That actually never happened. Maybe I should dedicate some time into belittling you. A good starting point might be reading comprehension. Maybe I should find a place to demean you to your family and friends. Doesn't even matter if its true. Maybe you feel real good about yourself afterwords.

See how easy it is to be an unnecessary prick. I already feel bad. Just thought about deleting this reply, but nope I'm gonna show my ass since its cool with everyone...right?
That actually never happened. Maybe I should dedicate some time into belittling you. A good starting point might be reading comprehension. Maybe I should find a place to demean you to your family and friends. Doesn't even matter if its true. Maybe you feel real good about yourself afterwords.

See how easy it is to be an unnecessary prick. I already feel bad. Just thought about deleting this reply, but nope I'm gonna show my ass since its cool with everyone...right?
It's fine with me. I'm not going to go lose a basketball game now because of this post.
This happens EVERYWHERE. Nobody should ever @ someone on Twitter but fans are going to react on message boards good or bad. When Bohannon says things like 'relax' and talks 'final-four' he kind of brings it on himself too. Twitter is toxic so toughen up or stay off it. Every team has to deal with this, it's no excuse.
Actually you said they view social media as a VITAL means of communication and validation. I stand by my earlier post. NO social media is not a CRIME but bullying actually is and it occurs on social media and we have taught them bullying is bad so your argument falls apart there. Food and shelter are VITAL not freaking social media and again if that's your true self worth THEN THEIR PARENTS HAVE FAILED.

I don't disagree that social media is a hyped up turd. That is beside the point though. My comparison is based on something that should not have to be given up. Kids shouldn't have to unplug to avoid bullying (especially from adults). Is bullying in schools ok? Is bullying in a professional work place ok? Again all I want is for people to admit that it's freaking wrong. That doesn't change the practical fact of what they must do to avoid it, but acting like it's not wrong and then advising people to avoid it is inherently flawed.
That actually never happened. Maybe I should dedicate some time into belittling you. A good starting point might be reading comprehension. Maybe I should find a place to demean you to your family and friends. Doesn't even matter if its true. Maybe you feel real good about yourself afterwords.

See how easy it is to be an unnecessary prick. I already feel bad. Just thought about deleting this reply, but nope I'm gonna show my ass since its cool with everyone...right?
No actually you should go back and look at your own posts and what you say BTW while you are busy being a P***K about someone else reading comprehension perhaps you should learn how to SPELL it's afterwards NOT AFTERWORDS
That also was never said. Jeesh.
I don't disagree that social media is a hyped up turd. That is beside the point though. My comparison is based on something that should not have to be given up. Kids shouldn't have to unplug to avoid bullying (especially from adults). Is bullying in schools ok? Is bullying in a professional work place ok? Again all I want is for people to admit that it's freaking wrong. That doesn't change the practical fact of what they must do to avoid it, but acting like it's not wrong and then advising people to avoid it is inherently flawed.
Then don't bitch and blame failure on a bunch of useless comments by anonymous knuckleheads that may have posted drunk. Fine don't give it up but don't bitch about idiots reaching out to you on's actually very simple. You are making it much harder than it needs to be.
No actually you should go back and look at your own posts and what you say BTW while you are busy being a P***K about someone else reading comprehension perhaps you should learn how to SPELL it's afterwards NOT AFTERWORDS

What this paragraph?

The thing that bothers me the most is the compassionless pile on demonstrated in this thread. It is one thing to acknowledge the wrong doing but profess that resistance is futile. It is another thing completely to accept the wrong doing as a norm and blame the accosted for subjecting themselves to it. It's the same nature of argument that is used against rape victims. Saying dressing provocatively invites the violent act against them. While the argument may hold some baseline of truth it is in fact a method of denial of the wrong doing.

I fail to see any reference to cyber bullying being similar in action to rape? I do see however the well thought out argument that highlights the thought of placing the burden of avoidance on the victim simply because other people are savages.

But hey, cheers on the spelling.
Then don't bitch and blame failure on a bunch of useless comments by anonymous knuckleheads that may have posted drunk. Fine don't give it up but don't bitch about idiots reaching out to you on's actually very simple. You are making it much harder than it needs to be.

Of course I am. The solution is very simple. To me it would take less than 1 minute of deliberation. However that doesn't make it fair or right to someone who actually gives a flying f about it. Again I'm simply saying there is no reason to be hateful towards the players. They sucked. They know it. We know it. The people who message them mean things are wrong and the people on here that don't feel bad for them are assholes.
No way I can defend the players for this. I’m actually blown away that they even went there with this to the Media. Seriously I’m more concerned now with the future than I was. Hopefully Iowa has players coming in ready to lead and play some ball..
No way I can defend the players for this. I’m actually blown away that they even went there with this to the Media. Seriously I’m more concerned now with the future than I was. Hopefully Iowa has players coming in ready to lead and play some ball..
Not trying to start anything, but anyone that followed the players on twitter knew they were on there way too often. Many times just before a game and immediately after the game. I can only imagine how much time they waste on FB and/or Snapchat.