Don't know if this has been posted, but Hawks blame some of poor play on Social Media

I found these in the online book stores. Perhaps Fran could put out a few bucks of his lucrative salary and buy a couple dozen for his team.



No Dummies books, tho...
No books on surviving social media for college athletes?
obviously.... we're really splitting hairs here, which goes back to the my point that you are focused unnecessarily on a point I care less about. I didn't honestly know how it came up. I see that you mentioned how Kreiner brought it up when asked about the toughest part of the year. Was RK the first person interviewed? I dunno. The article didn't straight up say it was or wasn't asked asked, I didn't watch the video...which is why I said it was either asked or brought up by the players in an earlier response. It sounds like they brought it up. Still don't care, still not my point in any of this and it's been really hard to get that across to you.
I know what your point is and what it was the whole time. You’re backing the players up, that’s fine it really doesn’t bother me. It does bother me when you say they were asked as if it were fact, but it isn’t.
I know what your point is and what it was the whole time. You’re backing the players up, that’s fine it really doesn’t bother me. It does bother me when you say they were asked as if it were fact, but it isn’t.

You could have said anything on the first 6 pages of this thread and I still don’t care. On page 7 you said “read the article. They were asked about it.” So then I read the article and watched the videos only to find out that wasn’t true. Then when I pressed you on it you didn’t respond. If you simply would have admitted you misspoke I really wouldn’t have cared at all.
You could have said anything on the first 6 pages of this thread and I still don’t care. On page 7 you said “read the article. They were asked about it.” So then I read the article and watched the videos only to find out that wasn’t true. Then when I pressed you on it you didn’t respond. If you simply would have admitted you misspoke I really wouldn’t have cared at all.

I have literally admitted that to you now in like 18 posts this afternoon along with an explanation that what I meant was (and typed if you look at my exact words) the only thing that says the players are blaming this season on social media is the TITLE of this thread. Read the article.

I furthermore went on to tell you that it didn't even really matter to me either way - it was a moot point because it wasn't even something I felt was worth arguing and felt it was such a non conversation point that I didn't feel the need to respond to you.....I get it, you don't agree with some of my takes, you can let me out of your cross hairs for a few ... good talk

I don’t buy the argument these guys are just precious kids who were affected by mean posters on social media while playing in the brightest spotlight they’ve ever been in. These guys grew up on social media. They likely all have accounts on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram (I doubt many are on Facebook). They read online garbage known as sports message boards. In junior high and high school, they likely were the top players on their teams with all the attention and publicity that yields. Their recruitment put them on a national stage, and their commitment to play at a B1G program was big news.

So the spotlight is hardly new or that hot.

These guys all need to learn to grow a pair, not let outside noise and distractions get in their heads and to play Chris Street hard-nosed ball.
I think you hit on it in this comment. They were always the best player/big fish in their small pond. Probably treated like royalty, for the most part. This season might be the toughest and most criticism that some of them have ever seen. Not saying they shouldn't grow a pair, just pointing out what I think might be the scenario.
These players want followers and "fake friends" on Twitter but can't handle the other side of it. It really isn't that hard. I'm not THAT old. I'm not a fuddy duddy. I do use social media sparingly but increasingly it is just cancer and more more people I know are turning it off. Hopefully we're actually in the waning days of social media being such a big thing.

<<Hopefully we're in the waning days of social media being such a big thing.>>

I truly hope you're on to something. It amazes me what one can see on Twitter. Though I have an account, I rarely tweet, although I will sometimes reply to a tweet. When I do blog posts for my company I will post the link to Facebook and Twitter. I even paid (admittedly, a very small sum) to get more exposure via Facebook. All it got was a constant barrage from The Facebook Team to pay more to keep doing what didn't work (I didn't expect much).

Social media certainly has its place. And, as a "quick updater from the inside" Twitter is a great source of breaking news/info. But what we are seeing in the political area, alone, makes me question the wisdom of having a Twitter account for ANYthing other than relaying basic news/weather/sports updates.

If I were "supreme being", of the USA at least, I would ban anyone in Washington/DC, Hollywood and anyone associated with ESPN from ever using it. :)
Read the article. They were asked about it - they responded that it did take a toll. It probably did.

I have literally admitted that to you now in like 18 posts this afternoon along with an explanation that what I meant was (and typed if you look at my exact words) the only thing that says the players are blaming this season on social media is the TITLE of this thread. Read the article.
This is what I just can’t understand. You still won’t give it up.

I know you say you only went to community college so let’s dive into your sentence structure in the first post:

Read the article. (Period, which notes the end of a sentence)

They were asked about it - they responded that it did take a toll. (Period, which notes the end of your next stream of thoughts).

So you then say you’ve admitted it 18 times but then backpedal from it. I really wasn’t looking to get into a huge argument over this but you’ve kind of brought it on yourself.
This is what I just can’t understand. You still won’t give it up.

I know you say you only went to community college so let’s dive into your sentence structure in the first post:

Read the article. (Period, which notes the end of a sentence)

They were asked about it - they responded that it did take a toll. (Period, which notes the end of your next stream of thoughts).

So you then say you’ve admitted it 18 times but then backpedal from it. I really wasn’t looking to get into a huge argument over this but you’ve kind of brought it on yourself.

I brought on you breaking down a paragraph I wrote on the internet?
This is what I just can’t understand. You still won’t give it up.

I know you say you only went to community college so let’s dive into your sentence structure in the first post:

Read the article. (Period, which notes the end of a sentence)

They were asked about it - they responded that it did take a toll. (Period, which notes the end of your next stream of thoughts).

So you then say you’ve admitted it 18 times but then backpedal from it. I really wasn’t looking to get into a huge argument over this but you’ve kind of brought it on yourself.

Ironically, this argument demonstrates one of the negative aspects of social media.
Ironically, this argument demonstrates one of the negative aspects of social media.

It's unreal. I said something, I tried to explain that I meant, " none of the players are blaming this season on social media. read the article" ya know exactly what I wrote, and I even wrote that the players could have brought it up, i didn't know, I said I was wrong. I would like to move on now. What else can I do? I just need to ignore it I guess, my encounters with Nike in the past have been much more reasonable.
This is what I just can’t understand. You still won’t give it up.

I know you say you only went to community college so let’s dive into your sentence structure in the first post:

Read the article. (Period, which notes the end of a sentence)

They were asked about it - they responded that it did take a toll. (Period, which notes the end of your next stream of thoughts).

So you then say you’ve admitted it 18 times but then backpedal from it. I really wasn’t looking to get into a huge argument over this but you’ve kind of brought it on yourself.

Come on man, you're looking like 5656. He already said multiple times what he meant by his post. Maybe he was busy with something else while he was posting and brain farted. Who cares. He told you what he really meant by it. Isn't that enough?
All I know is I've read enough stories about kids killing themselves over social media to not be surprised that being bashed the whole season bothered some players. I'd be more surprised if they hooked themselves up to a lie detector and truthfully said it didn't bother them at all. Of course it bothered them. But once again, the only one blaming it for the bad play is the op in the thread title. It's crazy how quick someone making up a stupid title can get a false narrative going.
Given how defensive a number of posters are on this site, I find it ironic that we are debating the responses that Iowa basketball players are having to criticism on social media.
Come on man, you're looking like 5656. He already said multiple times what he meant by his post. Maybe he was busy with something else while he was posting and brain farted. Who cares. He told you what he really meant by it. Isn't that enough?
When he starts arguing that Bohannan's assists didn't count as much as Tony Carr's because they weren't spectacular enough then we'll know he's looking like 5656.