Does it seem like this board is dead, considering how close we are to CFB season?

Dude Dean, do you have a mirror?

Yeah, and it's Gold, pure Gold.

You are kind of starting to remind me of "Bob" from Grosse Pointe Blank......well you and JoshBrown both remind me of him.

Do you *really* believe that there's some stored up conflict that exists between us? There *is* no us. *We* don't exist. So who do you wanna hit, man? It's not me. Now whaddya wanna do here, man?

I'm not sure what "beefs" you guys are holding onto, but just let it go, I know I have.
Yeah, and it's Gold, pure Gold.

You are kind of starting to remind me of "Bob" from Grosse Pointe Blank......well you and JoshBrown both remind me of him.

Do you *really* believe that there's some stored up conflict that exists between us? There *is* no us. *We* don't exist. So who do you wanna hit, man? It's not me. Now whaddya wanna do here, man?

I'm not sure what "beefs" you guys are holding onto, but just let it go, I know I have.
No, the only thing is that you are at bit (sometimes more than a bit) degrading in your comments when someone disagrees, like you are very smart (insecure). I have no past w/ you. You sort of remind me of Archie Bunker. That makes me Meat Head I guess. I like Pure Gold better.
No, the only thing is that you are at bit (sometimes more than a bit) degrading in your comments when someone disagrees, like you are very smart (insecure). I have no past w/ you. You sort of remind me of Archie Bunker. That makes me Meat Head I guess. I like Pure Gold better.
I get the same feeling with dean. He has some insecurities that need taken care of
No, the only thing is that you are at bit (sometimes more than a bit) degrading in your comments when someone disagrees, like you are very smart (insecure). I have no past w/ you. You sort of remind me of Archie Bunker. That makes me Meat Head I guess. I like Pure Gold better.

I do take exception to some posters who are either continually negative or are taking shots at players or coaches. I figure if they can rip on others (players or coaches) then they shouldn't mind getting ripped on themselves, right?

You started this dialogue by taking a shot at me, and I responded with a joke. You then took another shot at me and I am responding with an explanation. I have plenty of poster whom I disagree with and have in the past and there is nothing "degrading" in the difference of opinion. Heck I disagree with PC a lot, but I have respect for him, I just disagree with him on things.
I get the same feeling with dean. He has some insecurities that need taken care of

Sighhhhhh. I'm not the one who is continually taking "pot shots" around here. I've been getting them from JoshBrown, Gold, and now you.

I guess I won't be counting on Christmas cards from you guys. How, oh how will I get along now knowing this and how "insecure" I am????

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No, the only thing is that you are at bit (sometimes more than a bit) degrading in your comments when someone disagrees, like you are very smart (insecure). I have no past w/ you. You sort of remind me of Archie Bunker. That makes me Meat Head I guess. I like Pure Gold better.

The fact that he worships at the feet of someone ickE tells me how much of an (insecure) genius he is.
Sighhhhhh. I'm not the one who is continually taking "pot shots" around here. I've been getting them from JoshBrown, Gold, and now you.

I guess I won't be counting on Christmas cards from you guys. How, or how will I get along now knowing this and how "insecure" I am????


Here's a way to avoid my comments - STAY THE F OUT MY THREADS. You're not wanted. Are you the guy who goes to a party uninvited and acts like a jackass. Yeah, I think you are.
The fact that he worships at the feet of someone ickE tells me how much of an (insecure) genius he is.

LOL man. Icke's first interaction with me was ripping me

I seem to be the only one who doesnt get all insecure if a poster rips on me. But whatever man, keep em
Coming, I wear big boy pants and can take it.
Here's a way to avoid my comments - STAY THE F OUT MY THREADS. You're not wanted. Are you the guy who goes to a party uninvited and acts like a jackass. Yeah, I think you are.

Interesting.....I didn't know you "owned" the threads around here?

Can you clarify one thing for me tho? Are you trying to say you like me, or don't like me? I think you are sending mixed signals here.
LOL man. Icke's first interaction with me was ripping me

I seem to be the only one who doesnt get all insecure if a poster rips on me. But whatever man, keep em
Coming, I wear big boy pants and can take it.
Just try being nice when someone is disagreeing with you. That will clear things up a lot. Be nice even when someone is being a Meathead. Nice doesn't mean not disagreeing.
Just try being nice when someone is disagreeing with you. That will clear things up a lot. Be nice even when someone is being a Meathead. Nice doesn't mean not disagreeing.

I was nice to you while you were taking shots at me.

Just a question. You did see JoshBrowns last few posts about me right? What should I do about that, I mean you say be nice, but he is being mean to me. :(
"I figure if they can rip on others (players or coaches) then they shouldn't mind getting ripped on themselves, right?"

^^^ I call this the Hillary Obama quote. Someone who can dish it out and weeps tears of self-pity when it's their turn to take it.
"I figure if they can rip on others (players or coaches) then they shouldn't mind getting ripped on themselves, right?"

^^^ I call this the Hillary Clinton quote. Someone who can dish it out and weeps tears of self-pity when they have to take it.

You don't get that I'm joking?

You can call me whatever you want JB, and I'm not the one who is all bent out of shape because people disagree with me. It seems to me you are on a rampage about me because I think Icke is entertaining or something??? I don't even know actually, but keep on keeping on man.
I remember what it's like to be a new poster. It's nerve-wracking putting your opinions out there for hundreds of people to read. I don't give a rip about that guy ripping on me. I've built up enough "good will" as a poster to take one guy's horrible opinion. But I guarantee if he was here when I was first trying to muster up the courage to post, I wouldn't do it. How many people is he preventing from posting right now?

If he was just attacking the negative over the top posters it would be one thing. But like you said, he attacked you. You're not negative. He attacked me and I'm not negative. He attacked dp and he's not negative . He attacks guys for having gut feelings about a player, he attacks guys who think someone might start over someone else, he attacks guys for their predictions, he attacks guys for saying we don't have a pass rush from the DE right now. He picks out the most random nothing posts and goes after them hard. In fact, I can't think of a single post of someone ripping on a player or coach for awhile now. Unless you think me saying Kirk is overly conservative is ripping on him. If you think that way, what do you call what you were saying about France a year ago?
Sighhhhhh. I'm not the one who is continually taking "pot shots" around here. I've been getting them from JoshBrown, Gold, and now you.

I guess I won't be counting on Christmas cards from you guys. How, oh how will I get along now knowing this and how "insecure" I am????

Pot shots? Numerous times you've done the same thing.
Here's a way to avoid my comments - STAY THE F OUT MY THREADS. You're not wanted. Are you the guy who goes to a party uninvited and acts like a jackass. Yeah, I think you are.
What happened to the profanity filter? And why are we fighting? Life is good. Only a couple more weeks until we get to watch football on tv and the Hawks are coming off of a 12-0 regular season. We can have differences of opinions but we should all try to enjoy the ride together.
Now if there is a point in the season where we are 4-4 you all better look out because I'm going to be a mean S.O.B. ;-)
Back to the subject at hand, I moderate a large site about history. Mine is still growing, but others that I observed have really wanted. I do think people are (from most important to least important):

1. Tiring of forums
2. Interest in College Football is waning for a number of reasons, not the least of it is concussions. A former Illinois football player recently committed suicide. Admit it or not, people are reevaluating being a fan. I"m a soccer nut and people are rethinking that as well.
3.Technology has made us more busy, not less.
4.The economic situation has changed.
5. A lot of people have left. Forums easily get into arguing and bullying. This forum has seen some of that too.
6. Much of the frustration w/ KF has subsided ( as long as he has CJ and CJ is playing.) If things go back to frustrating predictable offense, I"m not sure people will care. They will not be as passionate. Apathy will set in.
7. Some left due to apathy.
Back to the subject at hand, I moderate a large site about history. Mine is still growing, but others that I observed have really wanted. I do think people are (from most important to least important):

1. Tiring of forums
2. Interest in College Football is waning for a number of reasons, not the least of it is concussions. A former Illinois football player recently committed suicide. Admit it or not, people are reevaluating being a fan. I"m a soccer nut and people are rethinking that as well.
3.Technology has made us more busy, not less.
4.The economic situation has changed.
5. A lot of people have left. Forums easily get into arguing and bullying. This forum has seen some of that too.
6. Much of the frustration w/ KF has subsided ( as long as he has CJ and CJ is playing.) If things go back to frustrating predictable offense, I"m not sure people will care. They will not be as passionate. Apathy will set in.
7. Some left due to apathy.

This seems rational. Here's what I find amusing. The board used to boot people for the most minor infractions imaginable. In fact you could argue they weren't infractions at all. Now the pendulum has swung to the other extreme. I can think of a dozen threads with a dozen different posters who have said this: "He's not long for this board." And the dozen people in a dozen threads were all referencing one person. Not 12 people - not the entire board - not a clique of bullys - JUST ONE POSTER. The number of people who value him is dwarfed by the number of rationals who hold a different view.
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WOW seems to be a lot of hostility on here, or maybe some people like to push your buttons. Can't wait for football to start.Go Hawks
Let's all try and get along
This seems rational. Here's what I find amusing. The board used to boot people for the most minor infractions imaginable. In fact you could argue they weren't infractions at all. Now the pendulum has swung to the other extreme. I can think of a dozen threads with a dozen different posters who have said this: "He's not long for this board." And the dozen people in a dozen threads were all referencing one person. Not 12 people - not the entire board - not a clique of bullys - JUST ONE POSTER. The number of people who value him is dwarfed by the number of rationals who hold a different view.
How many 'members' are there on this board? Do you even know? You, in your deluded mind, believe you are amongst the majority, with your constant insults about coaches and players, but as Rob will tell you, you are not. You are part of a handful of 'children' who come here to vent your frustrations with the world by ANONYMOUSLY bad mouthing coaches, players and any poster who doesn't 'join' your delusion. It is people like YOU who have 'destroyed' message boards with all you negativity and attacks. Yes, I go after you 'losers', but I actually try to be funny like I'm a 'bad' Bill O'Rielly wannabe. But I KNOW what I'm talking about, and most (I know you think you and your 4 buddies who 'overrun' everyone are 'most', but misery loves company) am ALWAYS positive about the coaches and players like a TRUE fan should be. People like you and your brethren aren't fans, not even close, you're just miserable jerks who want everyone to jump in the cesspool with you and if someone doesn't, than you must 'attack' them.....

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