Does it seem like this board is dead, considering how close we are to CFB season?

I am with you with the 'no news is good news'.......Imo, the board is dead for other reasons than it is mid-August. I am just pumped I am ready for football season.
I am pumped as well and Seriously though, I think it is quiet because things are good right now. Ferentz won 'most' back (not that he shouldv'e 'lost' them in the 1st place), the upcoming season looks really promising, recruiting is going really well, no one's been arrested lately (knock on wood), etc... A lot of people (especially ones that like to post on these sites) seriously are not happy unless the have something to bi**h about. I notice that in a lot of aspects in our country. When the economy is good etc., you don't hear a word about gays and deadbeats and immigrants etc. but as soon as people start 'hurting' (or become a little ascared) everybody sucks and everyone 'has to go', blah, blah, blah...
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Does Iowa have the talent on the team this year, especially skill position talent, to avoid being run over by the likes of a Stanford, OSU, etc...when the big games roll around?
I am pumped as well and Seriously though, I think it is quiet because things are good right now. Ferentz won 'most' back (not that he shouldv'e 'lost' them in the 1st place), the upcoming season looks really promising, recruiting is going really well, no one's been arrested lately (knock on wood), etc... A lot of people (especially ones that like to post on these sites) seriously are happy unless the have something to bi**h about. I notice that in a lot of aspects in our country. When the economy is good etc., you don't hear a word about gays and deadbeats and immigrants etc. but as soon as people start 'hurting' (or become a little ascared) everybody sucks and everyone 'has to go', blah, blah, blah...

There so many social media outlets now I just think you really do not need to come to a message board to express your opinion anymore. It is not the same way it was 5-10 years ago, but I still enjoy the message board community.
Does Iowa have the talent on the team this year, especially skill position talent, to avoid being run over by the likes of a Stanford, OSU, etc...when the big games roll around?
They didn't get run over from a lack of talent last year......'Duh, ya, Stanford was SO talented last year that they lost to a team that we 'ran over'..." Some of you think whoever wins the game is the more 'talented' team. Was NW more talented than Stanford, or did they just 'catch' them and Stanford let the game get away from them? Go back to Hawkeye Report Kev, we have 'smart' fans here.......Geez.....
There so many social media outlets now I just think you really do not need to come to a message board to express your opinion anymore. It is not the same way it was 5-10 years ago, but I still enjoy the message board community.
It's a fun distraction. It is for me anyway. And it's certainly cheap 'entertainment'... :)
It's a fun distraction. It is for me anyway. And it's certainly cheap 'entertainment'... :)

Exactly. So when you call me an idiot or a moron I do not take it personally. 90% of the time I do not take myself seriously. Drummer made a good point in the FE thread about as you get older you know your limitations. When it comes to sports knowledge I know my limitations.
Stanford sure looked more over quickly... Anyone who thinks this isn't "smart?" Interesting...
Stanford sure looked more over quickly... Anyone who thinks this isn't "smart?" Interesting...
Northwestern sure looked more athletic than Stanford....Iowa sure looked more athletic than of it had anything to do with 'talent'. Ask the Iowa players if they thought Stanford was more 'athletic' than they were. Stanford had a good gameplan, executed it very well, and Iowa was too jacked up and did not execute and it snowballed very quickly. It happens. I don't know what 'some' of you don't understand? They 'caught' Iowa being too aggressive on the first play (Lomax came up too hard, Fisher was too aggressive in his drop and fell down) and got Iowa on their heals right off the bat. Then they (Stanford) smothered the under routes and CJ aggressively tried to force a throw that went for a pick 6. CJ's not talented? Their corner was more talented than CJ? According to you people, no one is more talented than CJ. Then Iowa was too aggressive on punt coverage and the 'gunners' ran by the returner and a few more got aggressively out of their lanes. Then King was too aggressive on run support and they ran a fake fumble play and burnt our MOST TALENTED PLAYER (King) for a long TD pass. Iowa had the year they did by being extremely 'disciplined' in their schemes, but they were too hyped up and not 'disciplined' in their techniques to start this game and by the time they 'calmed' down, it was too late. People who make comments like you did are not 'smart' about football and how it works, and that game had NOTHING to do with them being more talented....
ICKE you sure seem (or want to appear) smart...what was that, a thousand you have your own web-site?

Northwestern sure looked more athletic than Stanford....Iowa sure looked more athletic than of it had anything to do with 'talent'. Ask the Iowa players if they thought Stanford was more 'athletic' than they were. Stanford had a good gameplan, executed it very well, and Iowa was too jacked up and did not execute and it snowballed very quickly. It happens. I don't know what 'some' of you don't understand? They 'caught' Iowa being too aggressive on the first play (Lomax came up too hard, Fisher was too aggressive in his drop and fell down) and got Iowa on their heals right off the bat. Then they (Stanford) smothered the under routes and CJ aggressively tried to force a throw that went for a pick 6. CJ's not talented? Their corner was more talented than CJ? According to you people, no one is more talented than CJ. Then Iowa was too aggressive on punt coverage and the 'gunners' ran by the returner and a few more got aggressively out of their lanes. Then King was too aggressive on run support and they ran a fake fumble play and burnt our MOST TALENTED PLAYER (King) for a long TD pass. Iowa had the year they did by being extremely 'disciplined' in their schemes, but they were too hyped up and not 'disciplined' in their techniques to start this game and by the time they 'calmed' down, it was too late. People who make comments like you did are not 'smart' about football and how it works, and that game had NOTHING to do with them being more talented....
I'd suggest putting the crack pipe down!
Next time we're in a Bowl game I hope the team lets Icke tag along so he can help them prepare,sounds like he's the only one that knows anything.
Next time we're in a Bowl game I hope the team lets Icke tag along so he can help them prepare,sounds like he's the only one that knows anything.
Wow, good one Grandpa! I'm trying to 'inform' you guys on some things, but all some of you care about is your little feelings. Lighten up, gramps, lol. (by the way, I am a grandpa also)
Northwestern sure looked more athletic than Stanford....Iowa sure looked more athletic than of it had anything to do with 'talent'. Ask the Iowa players if they thought Stanford was more 'athletic' than they were. Stanford had a good gameplan, executed it very well, and Iowa was too jacked up and did not execute and it snowballed very quickly. It happens. I don't know what 'some' of you don't understand? They 'caught' Iowa being too aggressive on the first play (Lomax came up too hard, Fisher was too aggressive in his drop and fell down) and got Iowa on their heals right off the bat. Then they (Stanford) smothered the under routes and CJ aggressively tried to force a throw that went for a pick 6. CJ's not talented? Their corner was more talented than CJ? According to you people, no one is more talented than CJ. Then Iowa was too aggressive on punt coverage and the 'gunners' ran by the returner and a few more got aggressively out of their lanes. Then King was too aggressive on run support and they ran a fake fumble play and burnt our MOST TALENTED PLAYER (King) for a long TD pass. Iowa had the year they did by being extremely 'disciplined' in their schemes, but they were too hyped up and not 'disciplined' in their techniques to start this game and by the time they 'calmed' down, it was too late. People who make comments like you did are not 'smart' about football and how it works, and that game had NOTHING to do with them being more talented....
Who do you mean when you say "you people"? Are you racist?
Wow, good one Grandpa! I'm trying to 'inform' you guys on some things, but all some of you care about is your little feelings. Lighten up, gramps, lol. (by the way, I am a grandpa also)

No problem it's just that the Rose Bowl was on my bucket list and to have to watch them get outplayed that bad was very disappointing.At least the parade was nice to see.Glad we went since never been out west before but won't go to another Rose Bowl,stadium needs a major update.
No problem it's just that the Rose Bowl was on my bucket list and to have to watch them get outplayed that bad was very disappointing.At least the parade was nice to see.Glad we went since never been out west before but won't go to another Rose Bowl,stadium needs a major update.
It was frustrating for everyone, I bet even more being there among all the 'hype' and having the game pretty much over before your seat even got warm. :)

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