Does it seem like this board is dead, considering how close we are to CFB season?

How many 'members' are there on this board? Do you even know? You, in your deluded mind, believe you are amongst the majority, with your constant insults about coaches and players, but as Rob will tell you, you are not. You are part of a handful of 'children' who come here to vent your frustrations with the world by ANONYMOUSLY bad mouthing coaches, players and any poster who doesn't 'join' your delusion. It is people like YOU who have 'destroyed' message boards with all you negativity and attacks. Yes, I go after you 'losers', but I actually try to be funny like I'm a 'bad' Bill O'Rielly wannabe. But I KNOW what I'm talking about, and most (I know you think you and your 4 buddies who 'overrun' everyone are 'most', but misery loves company) am ALWAYS positive about the coaches and players like a TRUE fan should be. People like you and your brethren aren't fans, not even close, you're just miserable jerks who want everyone to jump in the cesspool with you and if someone doesn't, than you must 'attack' them.....

Let me ask you this. My opinion of KF

Has led Iowa to be a solid program.
Has difficulty in developing quarterbacks consistently.
Will give up wins to do it the way he wants it done. That way has led to a solid, but not consistently good program.
Fails to take Iowa State seriously.
When he has a great qb who is willing to buck him he tends to have his best years as coach
Wants a conservative bend but not break defense that tends to tire late in games The defense usually is good.
Doesn't like putting teams away.
Wants a solid sure handed rb who doesn't make mistakes, even if it means punting...a lot.
Wants a qb who doesn't make mistakes or take risks, but is willing after much frustration to go with that QB.
Puts together very scripted game plans, but struggles in making game changes.
Has left top ten finishes on the field due to the above. Certainly has kept Iowa relevant.

Does that make me a Meathead and not a fan, in your opinion?
If I'm right this is a message board. I thought it was for opinions from anyone. Seems like people are especially sensitive right now. I'm guessing it's because football season is so close and we're not getting much information from camp. It also seems like it's been 5 years since last season ended. I think we all need to lighten up, me included. Let people have their opinions and stop taking disagreements personally. The last thing everyone should remember is to respect all my posts because I'm right about everything! Ok, just kidding on that last part.
If I'm right this is a message board. I thought it was for opinions from anyone. Seems like people are especially sensitive right now. I'm guessing it's because football season is so close and we're not getting much information from camp. It also seems like it's been 5 years since last season ended. I think we all need to lighten up, me included. Let people have their opinions and stop taking disagreements personally. The last thing everyone should remember is to respect all my posts because I'm right about everything! Ok, just kidding on that last part.

Ban this MOFO NOW!!;)

While I share your sentiment that everyone is entitled to their opinion - you're empowering the person(s) who obsessive focus is to shut down opinions. Can you see the paradox?
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Let me ask you this. My opinion of KF

Has led Iowa to be a solid program.
Has difficulty in developing quarterbacks consistently.
Will give up wins to do it the way he wants it done. That way has led to a solid, but not consistently good program.
Fails to take Iowa State seriously.
When he has a great qb who is willing to buck him he tends to have his best years as coach
Wants a conservative bend but not break defense that tends to tire late in games The defense usually is good.
Doesn't like putting teams away.
Wants a solid sure handed rb who doesn't make mistakes, even if it means punting...a lot.
Wants a qb who doesn't make mistakes or take risks, but is willing after much frustration to go with that QB.
Puts together very scripted game plans, but struggles in making game changes.
Has left top ten finishes on the field due to the above. Certainly has kept Iowa relevant.

Does that make me a Meathead and not a fan, in your opinion?
Wow, I don't know what that makes you. It doesn't sound like you're a fan of him? And I certainly don't know how you came to these 'conclusions'? I'm not even going to go 'there' on this one. I feel like I'm being 'punked'....
Let me ask you this. My opinion of KF

Has led Iowa to be a solid program.
Has difficulty in developing quarterbacks consistently.
Will give up wins to do it the way he wants it done. That way has led to a solid, but not consistently good program.
Fails to take Iowa State seriously.
When he has a great qb who is willing to buck him he tends to have his best years as coach
Wants a conservative bend but not break defense that tends to tire late in games The defense usually is good.
Doesn't like putting teams away.
Wants a solid sure handed rb who doesn't make mistakes, even if it means punting...a lot.
Wants a qb who doesn't make mistakes or take risks, but is willing after much frustration to go with that QB.
Puts together very scripted game plans, but struggles in making game changes.
Has left top ten finishes on the field due to the above. Certainly has kept Iowa relevant.

Does that make me a Meathead and not a fan, in your opinion?

Not a meathead, and I can't speak to your fandom.

My only frustration with opinions like this is what makes people think this is such an easy thing to do? Coaching college football that is? So KF had a complete rebuild when he got here, so I think it is fair to drop the first 2 years from his record and look at what he has done over the last 15 years at Iowa. Over that course of time Iowa is #24 nationally with a .644 winning %. That is good for #4 in the B1G (ahead of Michigan, Penn St., and MSU) and only behind OSU, Wisconsin and barely behind Nebraska. They are also ahead of Notre Dame, Tennessee winning % wise over the last 15 years.

Think about that for a minute. The blue bloods, Michigan, Penn St., Notre Dame are behind KF's winning % over the last 15 years, even though they have every single advantage over an Iowa program.

You don't sustain that kind of success over that long of time in college football if you have all the faults that you listed. It isn't as easy as some of you think it is, and Iowa has such a bigger hurdle to overcome being from a small state with another P5 school in it.

I guess that is just the way I see it, and it is only my opinion.
Pot shots? Numerous times you've done the same thing.

I already admitted I take pot shots at those who I think are unfairly critical of coaches and players.

I'm sure those that are being critical feel they are just speaking what is obvious and what they see, yet they have to understand that not everyone is going to agree with them. I just think when people are being overly negative, they shouldn't mind when others are negative about THEIR opinions in return.

As seen in this thread, people are being critical of me, which is fine, I got my big boy pants on. I just wish that some others would put their big boy pants on as well and quit crying like babies.
Not a meathead, and I can't speak to your fandom.

My only frustration with opinions like this is what makes people think this is such an easy thing to do? Coaching college football that is? So KF had a complete rebuild when he got here, so I think it is fair to drop the first 2 years from his record and look at what he has done over the last 15 years at Iowa. Over that course of time Iowa is #24 nationally with a .644 winning %. That is good for #4 in the B1G (ahead of Michigan, Penn St., and MSU) and only behind OSU, Wisconsin and barely behind Nebraska. They are also ahead of Notre Dame, Tennessee winning % wise over the last 15 years.

Think about that for a minute. The blue bloods, Michigan, Penn St., Notre Dame are behind KF's winning % over the last 15 years, even though they have every single advantage over an Iowa program.

You don't sustain that kind of success over that long of time in college football if you have all the faults that you listed. It isn't as easy as some of you think it is, and Iowa has such a bigger hurdle to overcome being from a small state with another P5 school in it.

I guess that is just the way I see it, and it is only my opinion.

Fair enough. Since Fry began, Iowa has faired quite well in comparison to Michigan. I've never thought it was easy. This isn't really the right thread, but I do get tired of KF making excuses about Iowa. In reality he actually insults the state. HF was direct and said the speed was in the Midwest was slower than areas like Florida and he was right. KF disses Iowa - the State, not ISU (my opinion). He also has never embraced the fact that beating ISU soundly is a part of the Hawk culture. It's almost like he wants to elevate himself as a great developer by saying why talent wouldn't want to come to Lil Ole Iowa.

If he had embraced the state more, I think a lot of the criticism would have been tempered. We all were excited at the LSU bowl win. Deep down we knew the game was terribly mismanaged. That played out going forward.

I can appreciate your enthusiasm. I used to be that way. I was shocked when Fry applied at USC. I couldn't see anything but Black and Gold. In my opinion, KF has opened himself up for criticism when he criticizes the state. He just doesn't seem to embrace it. Yet he's made it his home.
When a sports fan turns their luv of a team into a religion, things get ugly. Some people on here go all ISIS when their God is questioned. That's a mental illness IMO.

Fair enough. Since Fry began, Iowa has faired quite well in comparison to Michigan. I've never thought it was easy. This isn't really the right thread, but I do get tired of KF making excuses about Iowa. In reality he actually insults the state. HF was direct and said the speed was in the Midwest was slower than areas like Florida and he was right. KF disses Iowa - the State, not ISU (my opinion). He also has never embraced the fact that beating ISU soundly is a part of the Hawk culture. It's almost like he wants to elevate himself as a great developer by saying why talent wouldn't want to come to Lil Ole Iowa.

If he had embraced the state more, I think a lot of the criticism would have been tempered. We all were excited at the LSU bowl win. Deep down we knew the game was terribly mismanaged. That played out going forward.

I can appreciate your enthusiasm. I used to be that way. I was shocked when Fry applied at USC. I couldn't see anything but Black and Gold. In my opinion, KF has opened himself up for criticism when he criticizes the state. He just doesn't seem to embrace it. Yet he's made it his home.

We have very different opinions, I'll just leave it at that.
When a sports fan turns their luv of a team into a religion, things get ugly. Some people on here go all ISIS when their God is questioned. That's a mental illness IMO.

I don't think anyone has a problem with intelligent criticism. The problem is different people have different opinions on what intelligent is.
There is always so much critiquing going on on this site. This biggest thing that myself and many others don't understand is what gives anyone the right to? In order to REALLY critique something, you should be somewhat of an expert on it. They don't pull JoBob out from behind the counter at Casey's to critique the latest showing at the Figge. I don't want toothless Wanda the crack-whore telling me which wine I should drink, but every Tom, Dick, and Harry now a days thinks they are some expert on football because they watch a game and play Madden. Whoop te do! Would you tune into a game because the pizza delivery boy is doing the color commentary? Of course not. Why do so many of you think you need to give 'opinions' about things that you know literally nothing about? And trust me, reading what so many of you post, you KNOW LITERALLY NOTHING ABOUT IT. And why do you think you should criticize things that you've never done (coach, play at a high level, etc..) when you seriously have no concept what it takes to do? If you have never coached at a high level or ever played at a high level how in the hell would you have a clue about how it 'should' be done??? Seriously! So what is the point of trying to convince 'us' that they are doing it wrong but YOU know what they should do? LOL. Some you really can't see the logic behind what I'm saying? So many of you that THINK you know what you're talking should get together with top notch coaches and players and talk your nonsense so that 'they' can straighten you out................Just enjoy the games folks and be a fan, not a fanatic. There is a LOT of important things going on in the world that needs everyones attention, try putting your passion there, maybe some things would change!!!
Since there's only one person that knows anything and is worthy of posting I guess Jon should shut this sight down.
There is always so much critiquing going on on this site. This biggest thing that myself and many others don't understand is what gives anyone the right to? In order to REALLY critique something, you should be somewhat of an expert on it. They don't pull JoBob out from behind the counter at Casey's to critique the latest showing at the Figge. I don't want toothless Wanda the crack-whore telling me which wine I should drink, but every Tom, Dick, and Harry now a days thinks they are some expert on football because they watch a game and play Madden. Whoop te do! Would you tune into a game because the pizza delivery boy is doing the color commentary? Of course not. Why do so many of you think you need to give 'opinions' about things that you know literally nothing about? And trust me, reading what so many of you post, you KNOW LITERALLY NOTHING ABOUT IT. And why do you think you should criticize things that you've never done (coach, play at a high level, etc..) when you seriously have no concept what it takes to do? If you have never coached at a high level or ever played at a high level how in the hell would you have a clue about how it 'should' be done??? Seriously! So what is the point of trying to convince 'us' that they are doing it wrong but YOU know what they should do? LOL. Some you really can't see the logic behind what I'm saying? So many of you that THINK you know what you're talking should get together with top notch coaches and players and talk your nonsense so that 'they' can straighten you out................Just enjoy the games folks and be a fan, not a fanatic. There is a LOT of important things going on in the world that needs everyones attention, try putting your passion there, maybe some things would change!!!

I like your message, but I'm not a big fan on how you deliver your message. I think that if you changed your delivery people would listen more.

Plus just because you aren't an expert in something doesn't mean you won't rightly or wrong have an opinion on something. For whatever reason when people don't like something, they kind of "make up" for a lack of better terminology a reason for why something is happening. Ask any plumber or electrician for instance when they go on a service call, the customer will tell them what the problem is, and then they will offer up a solution or reason as to why the problem is occurring in the first place. They got on the internet, made themselves self proclaimed experts on plumbing or electric and offer up what they deduced. 9 out of 10 times the customer is wrong, the service person laughs, tells them what is really going on, and fixes it. Most of the time the customer shrugs, trusts what the plumber or electrician tells them, and move on with things. Now if the plumber or electrician decides to berate them, call them a moron, an idiot, etc. they would get thrown out of their home, and the customer wouldn't trust them. Do you get what I'm saying, or are you too big of an idiot to see this? (Just kidding man, just couldn't resist.....and I fell like you will get that joke).

The fans on this site watch a lot of football, so they feel they know concepts or schemes, or just have more than a basic understanding of the game. Yet they don't really know, or even have any clue about what running a D1 college program is about, what really breaking down X's and O's are about either. It is what it is, and I understand my limitations of my football knowledge. What I have never liked is when people get really negative about coaches or players, and then go on some rant that I don't agree with, and I feel they factually wrong, or if not wrong, really have no way to even justify/prove what they are saying. For instance during the last few years saying that KF didn't care if they lost games, that he was so stubborn that he would rather lose games than change. I mean that is just an idiot spouting idiocy because they don't like the W/L that KF was getting. They have no way to quantify that, they don't see how much a L tears or doesn't tear KF up. They aren't around him, they simply have ZERO clue, but yet they truly believe it and spout it. I really can't wrap my head around that type of thinking.
I like your message, but I'm not a big fan on how you deliver your message. I think that if you changed your delivery people would listen more.

Plus just because you aren't an expert in something doesn't mean you won't rightly or wrong have an opinion on something. For whatever reason when people don't like something, they kind of "make up" for a lack of better terminology a reason for why something is happening. Ask any plumber or electrician for instance when they go on a service call, the customer will tell them what the problem is, and then they will offer up a solution or reason as to why the problem is occurring in the first place. They got on the internet, made themselves self proclaimed experts on plumbing or electric and offer up what they deduced. 9 out of 10 times the customer is wrong, the service person laughs, tells them what is really going on, and fixes it. Most of the time the customer shrugs, trusts what the plumber or electrician tells them, and move on with things. Now if the plumber or electrician decides to berate them, call them a moron, an idiot, etc. they would get thrown out of their home, and the customer wouldn't trust them. Do you get what I'm saying, or are you too big of an idiot to see this? (Just kidding man, just couldn't resist.....and I fell like you will get that joke).

The fans on this site watch a lot of football, so they feel they know concepts or schemes, or just have more than a basic understanding of the game. Yet they don't really know, or even have any clue about what running a D1 college program is about, what really breaking down X's and O's are about either. It is what it is, and I understand my limitations of my football knowledge. What I have never liked is when people get really negative about coaches or players, and then go on some rant that I don't agree with, and I feel they factually wrong, or if not wrong, really have no way to even justify/prove what they are saying. For instance during the last few years saying that KF didn't care if they lost games, that he was so stubborn that he would rather lose games than change. I mean that is just an idiot spouting idiocy because they don't like the W/L that KF was getting. They have no way to quantify that, they don't see how much a L tears or doesn't tear KF up. They aren't around him, they simply have ZERO clue, but yet they truly believe it and spout it. I really can't wrap my head around that type of thinking.

Saying Kirk would rather lose is a really dumb thing to say. Saying Kirk is overly conservative isn't ripping on the coach. It's giving your opinion on a trait you don't like about him. It's not a right or wrong thing. Ickehawk is ripping people for their opinions. He's not ripping people for getting on coaches and players. Like I said earlier, there isn't even hardly any getting on players and coaches right now. We started 12-0 last year
I don't know much about x's and o's at all. That's why I never talk about them. Kirk is a way better coach than me. But I'll tell you this right now. If I could stand on the sidelines and tell him win to call a timeout and clock the ball in a 2 minute drill, our clock management problems would be gone.

There are a lot of aspects of coaching. Kirk is great at some, good at some, and not good at some. Just like every other person in every profession. I don't have to be a good coach to recognize good coaching decisions (in some cases).
I don't know much about x's and o's at all. That's why I never talk about them. Kirk is a way better coach than me. But I'll tell you this right now. If I could stand on the sidelines and tell him win to call a timeout and clock the ball in a 2 minute drill, our clock management problems would be gone.

There are a lot of aspects of coaching. Kirk is great at some, good at some, and not good at some. Just like every other person in every profession. I don't have to be a good coach to recognize good coaching decisions (in some cases).

Why is it that for every good rational point you make, you then have to just throw in something completely insane? All I can focus on now is your laughable statement that somehow we are just supposed to trust anonymous message board poster that he would be some awesome clock management guy? That is like saying it wouldn't be a problem to make a 5 ft. putt with 10 million dollars on the line. It is apples and oranges, and until you stand over that putt in that situation (or stand on a sideline with the clock running down) it is all just a nice little theory in your head.
Why is it that for every good rational point you make, you then have to just throw in something completely insane? All I can focus on now is your laughable statement that somehow we are just supposed to trust anonymous message board poster that he would be some awesome clock management guy? That is like saying it wouldn't be a problem to make a 5 ft. putt with 10 million dollars on the line. It is apples and oranges, and until you stand over that putt in that situation (or stand on a sideline with the clock running down) it is all just a nice little theory in your head.

You don't even know me so of course you don't have to trust me. Yes it's possible I might crack under the pressure. That is the one unknown, for me. It's all unknown for you since again, you don't know me. I hate how I always have to point out the obvious. It's a fricking message board. Meant for giving opinions. What I said should be taken as my opinion from everyone who doesn't know me, which includes you.
What happened to the profanity filter? And why are we fighting? Life is good. Only a couple more weeks until we get to watch football on tv and the Hawks are coming off of a 12-0 regular season. We can have differences of opinions but we should all try to enjoy the ride together.
Now if there is a point in the season where we are 4-4 you all better look out because I'm going to be a mean S.O.B. ;-)

You're civil and that's appreciated. My comment was based on my own values and observations. I respect the fact that your values and observations are unique and different. "Can't we all get along"?? My motto: "Let's create a world where distinctions are based on a moral compass rather than a Rodney Kingism." Not that it matters but I wasn't the one who started the brouhaha.

vive la difference
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You're civil and that's appreciated. My comment was based on my own values and observations. I respect the fact that your values and observations are unique and different. "Can't we all get along"?? My motto: "Let's create a world where distinctions are based on a moral compass rather than a Rodney Kingism." Not that it matters but I wasn't the one who started the brouhaha.

vive la difference
If we all agreed with each other all the time, I would never visit, it would be boring. I have actually changed my opinion in the past based on some of the conversation that happens. I'm wrong a lot, especially when I'm emotional after we lose to some crappy team or have a 7-5 type season.

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