Do you want Fran fired?

Do you want Fran fired after this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 48.0%
  • No

    Votes: 51 52.0%

  • Total voters
Well how many teams not named Kentucky consistently make the NCAA tournament with zero seniors and 1 junior?

You're the only poster on Hawkeyenation who is able to top himself in stupidity with each new post.


you earned it
Well how many teams not named Kentucky consistently make the NCAA tournament with zero seniors and 1 junior?
We have a senior his name is Dom Uhl. He hasn’t developed. We have three juniors who get minutes.

But that’s all beside the point. Fran built this roster so that’s a horrible horrible excuse.
We have a senior his name is Dom Uhl. He hasn’t developed. We have three juniors who get minutes.

But that’s all beside the point. Fran built this roster so that’s a horrible horrible excuse.

its not an excuse, its 100% on Fran that his roster is built that way. I've said that multiple times...repeatedly.
Personally I would prefer he not be fired in response to this opinion poll. The reason being, I am not tolerant of taking steps back as it pertains to talent. Yes this team is lousy, that is stating the obvious. However the talent level is a step up over where it was when Fran came in.(thus all of our own frustrations with what we are watching unfold) Starting over again would be another step back as players leave and a new program is built, and I am not talking about his kids, who at most will be role players. Fran is ultimately responsible for this mess and is aware of this teams shortcomings. All of which he hasn't been able to overcome by waving a magic wand. I do, and trust me here, believe he will work harder when his kids are both on board..I personally know whats it like to coach your own kids, and I can tell you its a different vibe and you work harder to win when you are this vested internally. This is what I want to see develop. Doubting this can happen is certainly on everyones mind, including those of the staunchest McCaffrey supportors. We all know Barta will not fire anyone unless its about 4/5000 people who start showing up to games.
Assuming the season continues to play out like it has do you want to see Fran fired after this season? I vote yes because I think if we don't do it this year we ended up keeping him one year too long.

NO. Let me re-phrase my answer. HELL NO!!!!!
I voted yes. This team is just lost. There is talent but the coaches don't know how to extract anything from that talent. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to Fran's rotations. He plays too many players. The team almost seems to be getting worse on defense which I didn't think was even possible. The offense is stagnant which makes it easier for teams to go man-to-man on us and be in our grill which then leads to turnovers because we seem to fold easily under pressure.

I just don't see how we are any better next season. Weiskamp looks like a stud but he's not a PG. We desperately need a good, athletic PG, and at least one more athletic big, to go along with Cook. Unfortunately, I see no signs that we will be getting either. I say cut our losses after this season and let the chips fall where they may. We lose out on Patrick but that might not be much of a loss. We lose Conor but due to bad luck he's barely even played anyways. I think Weiskamp still comes, and we don't have anyone else committed who would be a loss of any consequence.

I can't see guys like Cook and Bohannon transferring out if Fran gets canned. Other than them there's no one else on the roster that I would be too disappointed about if we lost them.
Yes, it is interesting my position as someone who thinks Fran is going to fail anyway, but is still willing to give him 2 more years. Here is the reason. If I was the AD, he has met my litmus test, for the most part, of getting Iowa to the NCAA tournament at least 2 out of every 4 years (up to this point). Technically speaking, I don't believe he did this though in his first 4 years. I don't count an NCAA first four as an official invite unless that said team wins that game. Some disagree with that, but that is my opinion on it. However, I'm willing to give him a pass on the first 4 years on my NCAA standard considering:

A. How the bad program was after the Alford and Lick years.

B. He made improvement every year in his first 4 years.

In his second 4 years (including this year and I am assuming no NCAA tournament appearance this year ), he will have 2 NCAA tournament teams. So, he met my basic expectations.

So all considering, I can't fire him based on merit. I think he does deserve a chance to right the ship.

Again, I don't think it is going to happen though. I think he will fail. But, as his boss, I would want to give him that chance. I do think there is a slight chance he could turn it around. But, I don't think it is very realistic considering he has to coach fundamentals much better, recruit much better, and be willing to do it.

But, not as his boss, if Barta were to let go of him before these 2 years are up, I don't think there should be pitchforks outside of Gary's office either. This is because, although what Fran has done has been nice, it has hardly been memorable. Iowa is not Northwestern. I think Iowa is a program that should and can be in the NCAA tournament at least 50% of the time in a decade.

Now what Bowlsby did to Mr. Davis, I think that was an outrage. In my opinion, Iowa was a competitive NCAA tournament team most years under Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis was Iowa's last real Big Ten coach in my opinion. Mr. Davis likely should have retired from Iowa. I believe, Iowa would still be consistently competitive to this day if that was the case.

Hayden Hawk, I'm trying to process this and not coming at you at all, but couldn't quite figure out how to word this any better so help me out.

You're willing to give Fran a pass on the first 4 years considering "how bad the program was after the Alford and Lick years" and you'd be giving him the opportunity to keep his job with the slight chance he could turn things around. But with that said; those same results this year are on par, if not below, those same results that got Lick terminated. So you're saying he's essentially sent the program back 4 years but should get an opportunity to right the ship.

Again, I'm definitely coming from the other camp, but want to make sure I'm understanding correctly and don't want to seem like I'm coming after you. I respect the opinion of others and just trying to make sure I understood you correctly, whether or not I agree or disagree with your logic.
I voted yes. This team is just lost. There is talent but the coaches don't know how to extract anything from that talent. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to Fran's rotations. He plays too many players. The team almost seems to be getting worse on defense which I didn't think was even possible. The offense is stagnant which makes it easier for teams to go man-to-man on us and be in our grill which then leads to turnovers because we seem to fold easily under pressure.

I just don't see how we are any better next season. Weiskamp looks like a stud but he's not a PG. We desperately need a good, athletic PG, and at least one more athletic big, to go along with Cook. Unfortunately, I see no signs that we will be getting either. I say cut our losses after this season and let the chips fall where they may. We lose out on Patrick but that might not be much of a loss. We lose Conor but due to bad luck he's barely even played anyways. I think Weiskamp still comes, and we don't have anyone else committed who would be a loss of any consequence.

I can't see guys like Cook and Bohannon transferring out if Fran gets canned. Other than them there's no one else on the roster that I would be too disappointed about if we lost them.

They really do need to watch Fran's DVD!!!
Hayden Hawk, I'm trying to process this and not coming at you at all, but couldn't quite figure out how to word this any better so help me out.

You're willing to give Fran a pass on the first 4 years considering "how bad the program was after the Alford and Lick years" and you'd be giving him the opportunity to keep his job with the slight chance he could turn things around. But with that said; those same results this year are on par, if not below, those same results that got Lick terminated. So you're saying he's essentially sent the program back 4 years but should get an opportunity to right the ship.

Again, I'm definitely coming from the other camp, but want to make sure I'm understanding correctly and don't want to seem like I'm coming after you. I respect the opinion of others and just trying to make sure I understood you correctly, whether or not I agree or disagree with your logic.

Basically yes. Give me some time, maybe I will come around. :) Like I said, I don't think he is going to get it done, but I guess he has met my minimal expectations. But, we are on the downside slide big time I think.
Basically yes. Give me some time, maybe I will come around. :) Like I said, I don't think he is going to get it done, but I guess he has met my minimal expectations. But, we are on the downside slide big time I think.

Thanks for the clarification. Just wanted to be sure I understood the thought process. It's nice having forums where most of us can agree/disagree without getting upset.
I will give him 1 more year but if we see same result next season Fran definitely needs fired. IMO something is going on internally with this team. Season makes no sense!!!!

I agree. He deserves the benefit of a doubt and a chance to bounce back. If he repeats like this next year then get the axe. You might wan to be sharpening it up right now. I am being generous here. We could be looking at a 1-15 conference record and that has never happened in my life time. If he does go 1-15 we are really going to have to gut it out to keep him at the end of this season.
I voted yes. This team is just lost. There is talent but the coaches don't know how to extract anything from that talent. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to Fran's rotations. He plays too many players. The team almost seems to be getting worse on defense which I didn't think was even possible. The offense is stagnant which makes it easier for teams to go man-to-man on us and be in our grill which then leads to turnovers because we seem to fold easily under pressure.

I just don't see how we are any better next season. Weiskamp looks like a stud but he's not a PG. We desperately need a good, athletic PG, and at least one more athletic big, to go along with Cook. Unfortunately, I see no signs that we will be getting either. I say cut our losses after this season and let the chips fall where they may. We lose out on Patrick but that might not be much of a loss. We lose Conor but due to bad luck he's barely even played anyways. I think Weiskamp still comes, and we don't have anyone else committed who would be a loss of any consequence.

I can't see guys like Cook and Bohannon transferring out if Fran gets canned. Other than them there's no one else on the roster that I would be too disappointed about if we lost them.

Just look at Minnesota 2015-16. That year the Gophers were 2-16 in the Big Ten. Dick Pitino was on the flaming hot seat. The team was led by Sophomore Nate Mason and Freshman Jordan Murphy. They were young and it was ugly.

The next season they finished 11-7 in the Big Ten and earned a 5 seed in the NCAA tournament. What changed? Nate Mason and Jordan Murphy got a year older, they added Amir Coffey as an impact Freshman (Wieskamp?) and Reggie Lynch as an impact transfer (Fran needs to add an impact PG). Doesn't mean it will happen for Iowa, and I don't necessarily think it WILL happen for Iowa, but the comparisons are very similar. The glaring difference being that Nate Mason is a good Point Guard and Iowa doesn't have anything close to that.

This season is an utter disaster. However over the past 4 years Fran is 43-29 in the Big Ten and people want him fired. Its an overreaction...IMO
Hayden Hawk, I'm trying to process this and not coming at you at all, but couldn't quite figure out how to word this any better so help me out.

You're willing to give Fran a pass on the first 4 years considering "how bad the program was after the Alford and Lick years" and you'd be giving him the opportunity to keep his job with the slight chance he could turn things around. But with that said; those same results this year are on par, if not below, those same results that got Lick terminated. So you're saying he's essentially sent the program back 4 years but should get an opportunity to right the ship.

Again, I'm definitely coming from the other camp, but want to make sure I'm understanding correctly and don't want to seem like I'm coming after you. I respect the opinion of others and just trying to make sure I understood you correctly, whether or not I agree or disagree with your logic.

We are to the Lick years as far as wins go. But with Lick it was more than record. The roster got worse and worse every year he was here and it was going to get even worse the next year had he stayed. Fran tanked the year for sure. But I don't think he tanked the program.

Lick had a terrible team that tried hard and still got killed. Fran has an average to slightly below average team who for some reason doesn't try at all. If a new, really good coach came in tomorrow, he could probably make this roster pretty good. Coach K would have finished below .500 with Lick's roster.
I didn't read all of the posts, so sorry if i missed a reference to it, but I say we put it to a vote. All those in favor of the coach staying say Aye. Those opposed Nay. Coach stays. This looks like Hoosiers...not just because we are a spoiled, arrogant fan-base (see Kirk Ferentz, Tom Davis)....but because Jimmy Chitwood and his friends leave right behind Fran. He can get us there. I won't cry if we lose him but....Lickliter....*shivers*....Alford *shivers* basketball we are DEFINITELY not a destination job. Be thankful he can recruit. Y'all (admin and arrogant hawk fans) ran out a good coach in the past and look wherr we are since Tom Davis left. Look!
We are to the Lick years as far as wins go. But with Lick it was more than record. The roster got worse and worse every year he was here and it was going to get even worse the next year had he stayed. Fran tanked the year for sure. But I don't think he tanked the program.

Lick had a terrible team that tried hard and still got killed. Fran has an average to slightly below average team who for some reason doesn't try at all. If a new, really good coach came in tomorrow, he could probably make this roster pretty good. Coach K would have finished below .500 with Lick's roster.

Fair assumption. I think the key though is getting the pieces put in place to complete the roster. I think he's done a good job at getting good overall talent, but has failed at distributing that talent to each position. With the right pieces added I think he could get more out of this group, but I don't see him addressing those needs and fear we'll never know what type of talent we do/do not have.
Personally I would prefer he not be fired in response to this opinion poll. The reason being, I am not tolerant of taking steps back as it pertains to talent. Yes this team is lousy, that is stating the obvious. However the talent level is a step up over where it was when Fran came in.(thus all of our own frustrations with what we are watching unfold) Starting over again would be another step back as players leave and a new program is built, and I am not talking about his kids, who at most will be role players. Fran is ultimately responsible for this mess and is aware of this teams shortcomings. All of which he hasn't been able to overcome by waving a magic wand. I do, and trust me here, believe he will work harder when his kids are both on board..I personally know whats it like to coach your own kids, and I can tell you its a different vibe and you work harder to win when you are this vested internally. This is what I want to see develop. Doubting this can happen is certainly on everyones mind, including those of the staunchest McCaffrey supportors. We all know Barta will not fire anyone unless its about 4/5000 people who start showing up to games.

This is troubling. You said you expect him to work harder when his kids are on board. So basically we only get his best effort when the kids are enrolled. So what happens when the kids graduate? Back to this season?
Ya didn't think that thru.
This is troubling. You said you expect him to work harder when his kids are on board. So basically we only get his best effort when the kids are enrolled. So what happens when the kids graduate? Back to this season?
Ya didn't think that thru.

I don't expect him to have more coaching smarts with his kids than without. How could any D1 coach have his kids shoot like that. I really don't think supporters understand how poor of a coach he really is.
Look at these videos. The players shots come up really fast.

CM shot right off the start

PM shot right off the start.
I said yes. But, I don't say yes if Barta remains AD. I'm not sure he is willing to give up overall reign. The first few years felt like Barta had a reign over the bball program. Maybe I'm wrong. I like Fran, I really do, I'm just not sure he can coach and control a B1G program. He recruits like he is still coaching a mid major. This team would be scary as a mid major and Fran has excelled in that role and that's okay, maybe he just isn't cut out for a B1G program. I'm voting for Bob Stoops as AD and let him make a choice. I know he's a football guy but I believe he still loves Iowa and would do everything possible to bring us back to success in all sports.
This year, no. He gets next year to show something but, somehow, there needs to be a development, hustle, defens....hell, I don't know. But anything less than a top 8-9 finish in the B1G, with continued signs of improvement, recruitinting, development....if next year looks anything like this one has so far....he done.

This year is baffling from a few standpoints.

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