Still holding out hope something gets done. Won't switch till I see it off my TV. Being I'll be at the game for the next 4 weeks I'm not in a big hurry. But losing BTN is one of the only reasons I have Satellite/Cable and that is sports programing. I'll switch if push comes to shove.
Very surprised about some of the DirecTV comments. My experience has always been the opposite, they have been AWESOME. They have the best sports packages, and good customer service when I call. I guess you just have to know who and how to talk to them.

I know I'm not ******** about having free Sunday Ticket/Redzone this year.
Exactly the reason I'm not worried about changing and won't be calling Dish on behalf of BTN. I've never understood this - why do I want to pressure my provider to increase my costs. The exact opposite seems like a more favorable resolution - call BTN and ask them to accept a more reasonable price. I understand for many the price doesn't matter up to a point, but whether or not you like Dish (storminspank - you mad bro?), Dish helps to keep prices down. You don't have to use them, but the anger seems a bit off. I'm not ****** at mediacom or directv for helping prices go up, just choose not to use the providers who I think provide less value.

I don't have anything against Dish at all. I just like my setup with DirecTV as it stands. Who knows, maybe in a few years I'll be on cable.
I have had no complaints with either DTV or Dish. But I switch back and forth to get equipment upgrades, free stuff, and lower monthly charges. I was planning on staying with Dish a little longer this time since my receivers are doing fine and they gave me free HBO/Cinemax along with a lower monthly charge for my package. But this whole BTN fiasco has got me rethinking that decision.
I have been blatantly lied to by DTV customer service representatives and they've tried multiple times to throw erroneous charges on my bill.

The actual satellite service was always top notch, but you lie to me and try to steal from me and I will no longer voluntarily give you my money.
So just curious but when BTN's current agreement with Mediacom and Direct TV expire and they find themselves in Dish's position how many are going to jump back on with Dish?

As a Dish subscriber, I honestly don't see any advantage to jumping ship simply because its just a matter of time before BTN strikes again when their next contracts end and it's time to rake another provider over the coals.
At what point do we start to point the finger at BTN? As I see it, when they continually expand their viewing area and get more and more subscribers, why should all those rates they are charging the providers continue to increase.
I don't have anything against Dish at all. I just like my setup with DirecTV as it stands. Who knows, maybe in a few years I'll be on cable.

My bad I thought you were the one who said "Just another reason Dish sucks".

I go back to the idea that it is a good idea to have different providers with different priorities. DirecTV is the generally going to be more agreeable to rate increases and will forever be the home of the Sunday Ticket. DISH will forever compete on price. Cable will generally be the most reliable. Different value props, good for customers. Although I agree with many here that going without all together is getting easier and easier. I did it for a couple of years in the ESPN360/3 days - it was great.
Just talked to them at 3:pm today. They relate that BTN wants more money than all the sports channels combined. They offered free upgrade, free HD for life, Hopper free, and 6 months free multi sports package. I did nothing as if they don't have BTN I'm not interested.
Nothing resolved yet and if they have to give more for BTN then costs will go up.
So just curious but when BTN's current agreement with Mediacom and Direct TV expire and they find themselves in Dish's position how many are going to jump back on with Dish?

As a Dish subscriber, I honestly don't see any advantage to jumping ship simply because its just a matter of time before BTN strikes again when their next contracts end and it's time to rake another provider over the coals.
At what point do we start to point the finger at BTN? As I see it, when they continually expand their viewing area and get more and more subscribers, why should all those rates they are charging the providers continue to increase.

It's naive to think the BTN is the party putting the screws to DISH. It's equally naive to think that of DISH. The truth is that whenever these squabbles arise (be it the BTN, FOX, TNT, Mediacom, DISH, etc...) neither party is the truly the victim. They both act as if the pennies per subscriber they're quibbling over could be the end of the franchise, but in reality DISH could afford to pay a little more and the BTN could afford to receive a little less.

Unfortunately, over the past decade it's become commonplace for these negotiations to degenerate into spitting and name calling. And it's always the customers who get the shaft. It's absolutely ridiculous. When was the last time you actually recall a provider permanently dropping a channel?
I signed up for Direct and then put the instal date out 3 weeks to allow dish and the B1G to work this out since I'll be at the next two games anyway.... Hope they work this garbage out!
me: where are we at with negotiations
me: its NOT JUST btn's fault here
Sebastian (ID: LE3): It is the accurate information.
me: DISH is equally to blame
Sebastian (ID: LE3): the current contact is till 09/09/2012.
Sebastian (ID: LE3): The negotiations are still going on.
me: 9/9/12 would be sunday
me: the person earlier said that its over tomorrow
Sebastian (ID: LE3): I'm sorry you were given conflicting information by previous agents; but I can assure you the information I'm giving you now is correct.
me: so are you saying the game will be on tomorrow for us viewers
Sebastian (ID: LE3): Yes, you are correct
what's that now? educate me sir. i like free stuff. we're talking like hats and mugs, right? HOW DO I GET THE FREE STUFF?

Threaten to leave or just ask for special promotions. I've done this a number of times and they have always thrown something my way, plus knocked money off my bill each month. I just got on-demand and a whole home DVR upgrade for free earlier this year. I'm paying less now then I was 2 years ago and have more equipment.
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I called to "get rid of" the sunday ticket and now I pay 4.99 a month for the ticket and redzone....BAM!
It's naive to think the BTN is the party putting the screws to DISH. It's equally naive to think that of DISH. The truth is that whenever these squabbles arise (be it the BTN, FOX, TNT, Mediacom, DISH, etc...) neither party is the truly the victim. They both act as if the pennies per subscriber they're quibbling over could be the end of the franchise, but in reality DISH could afford to pay a little more and the BTN could afford to receive a little less.

Unfortunately, over the past decade it's become commonplace for these negotiations to degenerate into spitting and name calling. And it's always the customers who get the shaft. It's absolutely ridiculous. When was the last time you actually recall a provider permanently dropping a channel?

Understood. But my point is that the general consensus on here are taking the "switch provider" approach to the situation basically stating that switching providers is the solution. I totally agree that Dish as well as BTN are both to blame, however I also see Dish offering incentives to try to keep subscribers from jumping ship as a result of this dispute. Maybe I'm missing out on something, but what has BTN done for it's fans who subscribe to Dish other than persuade them to jump ship and find a provider who is currently in contract with them. Great idea for BTN as those that jump can be used again by BTN as a bargaining tool.

Sorry, I totally understand where your coming from, but IMO from what I've experienced Dish as always been great about making me feel like a valued customer by offering me free packages and upgrades to keep my business from going elsewhere...Whats BTN done for me other than use my viewing as a bargaining tool for their product.
Why are people calling/IMing customer support asking for updates on negotiations? Customer support doesn't know anything about that, you are just making it hard on a wage slave.

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