cool story brah

naw dogg, its cool....Just trying to get on your level.. I mean, isnt that how middle age "never has-beens" talk? I can see you now, sitting at your PC with a 27 inch LCD, in your old ratty "army" wife beater. Ball cap backwards, socks off, feet up(because your kankles hurt from "working out") one browser window open to hawkeyenation, 4 other split between shady porn sites.....Just tossing out **** at the cool kids girlfriends....Hell, maybe even doing a little facebook stalking of the cool guys from high school that ditched sucks man, I get it. Keep your chin up!

Best post in the thread, lol!
Well, youre partly right. I wasnt worth a **** at football in high school. but unlike you, I dont live my life through a bunch of college football players. I have no issue saying I sucked at football. Im sad for you though, it seems that how much money you make defines who you are. Fact is, i have no college education, zero. I am a 34 yr old paramedic that made just over 38,000 last year, after working a ton of OT to get it. Money doesnt make me happy, what i DO makes me happy. Ive got more class in 1 cell, than you will ever have.

holy ****, how do you survive on 38k per year? Christ I make 1/2 that a year just in my 401k
eh, normally I wouldnt. When you make statements like this, its quite easy. Sorta like your wife im guessing.

Hey, maybe he'll be a nurse like his father. That'd be great.

You guys could even get adjoining apartments and go on double dates together. I hear Prairie Meadows has a hell of a buffet.
Hey, maybe he'll be a nurse like his father. That'd be great.

You guys could even get adjoining apartments and go on double dates together. I hear Prairie Meadows has a hell of a buffet.

technically a nurse (even a male nurse) ranks way higher in the pecking order than a paramedic.

I believe a paramedic is just above a cub scout with his first aid badge.
Hey, maybe he'll be a nurse like his father. That'd be great.

You guys could even get adjoining apartments and go on double dates together. I hear Prairie Meadows has a hell of a buffet.

Maybe! Lucky for you, thanks to HIPPA (the law, not your coralville hooker)he wont be able to tell your wife how you got a little chub when he put your catheter in....
Maybe! Lucky for you, thanks to HIPPA (the law, not your coralville hooker)he wont be able to tell your wife how you got a little chub when he put your catheter in....

No chance of that. He would have to use your life savings on gas money to get to me because I got out of that state a long time ago.

But if he's that ardent about giving me a hard-on, I suppose he could hop in your '88 Nova and drive out here.

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