cool story brah

What you said

Sir, You have completely underestimated my prolishness. I do not make gobs of money, but do better than most. I'm probably in the top 25% on my salary; top 5% if I include my husbands, but for various reason have a lot of debt. Probably you wouldn't have anything to do with me if you knew me, since money and looks seems to be important to you.

As for why you waste so much time here? You know why? Because this is where the proles hang, and everybody knows, proles have more fun. :cool:

What I read...

bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs bewbs
Lol, I am not the only one getting liquor'd up.:p

Watching Jennifer Love Hewit with a gawd awful southern accent play a call girl....I just want to see some bra and panties before I go to sleep.

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