Coach Ferentz apologist - Guilty

You would say right now that they are relavent on a national level?

Without a doubt.
They are having a down year this year. (9-1) They are much more relevant, nationally, on a year to year basis than Iowa.
They played two Pac 12 teams this year in their pre-season and won them both. (Oregon State and Washington State)
I'd question your support of the team, certainly. But I did say MOST real fans. If you want to devote 2+ decades of being angry with your favorite team because you don't like the coach...I just feel bad for you. Why be a fan? Thats a LONG time to hate something and still say, but I'm a fan.

Not necessarily calling you out and more a general question, then a response directly to your statement, but isn't it possible to support the coach and team, but still want him gone. As I've said previous times, and most can agree, up until this season I stood firmly behind KF as a supporter but have recently came to the conclusion that things will never change and I think I'm ready to see another coach. That's not saying that I suffer through every moment of the season, but simply that I'm ready for some new blood to lead the program in hopes that we can build off his success.
I just think its unfair to question fans loyalty to the team because they are ready for a change. I'd be willing to admit there are more of us that are on the fence and ready for something new then those that have gone 2+ decades wanting him gone. Personally I have no ill will toward the guy and respect everything he's put into the program, but simply feel that we aren't going we haven't been before with him at the helm and am ready to move forward. That doesn't affect my love for the team or what I think of KF.
Not necessarily calling you out and more a general question, then a response directly to your statement, but isn't it possible to support the coach and team, but still want him gone. As I've said previous times, and most can agree, up until this season I stood firmly behind KF as a supporter but have recently came to the conclusion that things will never change and I think I'm ready to see another coach. That's not saying that I suffer through every moment of the season, but simply that I'm ready for some new blood to lead the program in hopes that we can build off his success.
I just think its unfair to question fans loyalty to the team because they are ready for a change. I'd be willing to admit there are more of us that are on the fence and ready for something new then those that have gone 2+ decades wanting him gone. Personally I have no ill will toward the guy and respect everything he's put into the program, but simply feel that we aren't going we haven't been before with him at the helm and am ready to move forward. That doesn't affect my love for the team or what I think of KF.
No, you're fine. I think you have some great thoughts here and I definitely respect your stance. My message was intended for those who are affected to the level where they don't appear to even enjoy the Hawks. But when a fan blames EVERYTHING on the head coach...come on. Players have to play. If Vandenberg isn't hurt, not that he was all-world, we would be talking 9-1 right now. There is no question in my mind that missing a #1 receiver with his skills is killing us. But at the end of the day players have to play. We can't blame everything on a coach. And I see a lot of blaming everything on KF. He's not my dad. I don't get paid to endorse him. I want to be 12-0 every year. I swear and kick things and say things that make my wife raise an eyebrow and go shopping. I'm on this board spazzing! Lol I just get frustrated to hear how bad things are when NO ONE has given me any proof that I should expect that someone will or someone wants to come here and make us national title contenders. And if they did, are there too many factors stacked against them to make it happen. Everyone points to Wisconsin but I don't see any national titles.

I am so scarred by the Tom Davis fiasco to ever want to change from a coach that helps us win a lot more often than not...and who wants to be here. Be careful what you all wish for. All of the traditions. All of the ties to our history. It could all disappear depending on the hire. The history can't be changed, but how it's told can be.
I am so scarred by the Tom Davis fiasco to ever want to change from a coach that helps us win a lot more often than not...and who wants to be here. Be careful what you all wish for. All of the traditions. All of the ties to our history. It could all disappear depending on the hire. The history can't be changed, but how it's told can be.

This is a very legit reason to be leery of change, especially with Barta running the department.

But just because we were burned once before, doesn't mean it's 100% going to happen again. Or 50/50, or 75/25. It's just a risk you take.

My mind thinks this way. With the program Iowa has right now, facilities, revenue, stadium, and conference, I think just about any coach could come in here and average 7 wins a year. Our OOC schedule is a cake walk, except KF manages to lose at least one of those games 16/18 seasons. While I don't know if we'd ever average 10 win years, I think someone like Brett B could walk in day one and we'd win 9 game due to attitude and change of schemes.

This is Iowa, and we would be prone to having off years, like MSU is having right now. You have a miss in recruiting, you have great assistants leave, etc and those things are tough to overcome.

but to believe in the idea that things could always be worse seems to be defeatist. Again, it doesn't help with Barta.
If Vandenberg isn't hurt, not that he was all-world, we would be talking 9-1 right now. There is no question in my mind that missing a #1 receiver with his skills is killing us.

9-1, huh? They would have scored enough to beat Penn St if he played? They scored 21 against NDSU and 14 against Rutgers BEFORE HE GOT HURT!

And if Matt Vandeberg is easily your best receiver, you have a pretty weak group of receivers. And yes, that's on KF.
9-1, huh? They would have scored enough to beat Penn St if he played? They scored 21 against NDSU and 14 against Rutgers BEFORE HE GOT HURT!

And if Matt Vandeberg is easily your best receiver, you have a pretty weak group of receivers. And yes, that's on KF.
I stand by my stayement. So many things would have been different vs PSU. Yes a dynamic offensive weapon and a different mindset going into the PSU game, 9-1. Do you know who beat Penn State?
This is a very legit reason to be leery of change, especially with Barta running the department.

But just because we were burned once before, doesn't mean it's 100% going to happen again. Or 50/50, or 75/25. It's just a risk you take.

My mind thinks this way. With the program Iowa has right now, facilities, revenue, stadium, and conference, I think just about any coach could come in here and average 7 wins a year. Our OOC schedule is a cake walk, except KF manages to lose at least one of those games 16/18 seasons. While I don't know if we'd ever average 10 win years, I think someone like Brett B could walk in day one and we'd win 9 game due to attitude and change of schemes.

This is Iowa, and we would be prone to having off years, like MSU is having right now. You have a miss in recruiting, you have great assistants leave, etc and those things are tough to overcome.

but to believe in the idea that things could always be worse seems to be defeatist. Again, it doesn't help with Barta.
It's not worth the risk to me. We were 12-0 last year. The chance at 12-0. 11-1. Exists with this coach. Maybe not every year like we'd like..but....i dont root for osu or Michigan or Notre dame. I root for guys I like who play the game and respect the game and the state like our current program does.
I see the fallacy of "blame the offensive coordinator" is still existing in these arguments.

I'm not saying Davis is good... but people were out for O'Keefe with pitchforks before.

Guys it's not the offensive coordinator...

Ferentz is what he is... the problem is he has some great strengths.. but his weaknesses are glaringly frustrating because many of them should be avoidable.

If loses to way too many teams that we have a recruiting/talent advantage over. This should never happen as often as it done.

For such a consistent man his teams are not consistent.
OMG lol. I can't even.
Wisconsin beat us 17-9..and we had bad backup receivers dropping important passes that could have helped us win. Northwestern...down to the wire. You can't say going into PSU with one loss that it couldn't have been a completely different game. What's been wrong with the Hawks. No passing game. No confidence. Check. Check. I'm sure YOU can't even. I'm sure you hear that a lot. LOL
I see the fallacy of "blame the offensive coordinator" is still existing in these arguments.

I'm not saying Davis is good... but people were out for O'Keefe with pitchforks before.

Guys it's not the offensive coordinator...

Ferentz is what he is... the problem is he has some great strengths.. but his weaknesses are glaringly frustrating because many of them should be avoidable.

If loses to way too many teams that we have a recruiting/talent advantage over. This should never happen as often as it done.

For such a consistent man his teams are not consistent.

I know KOK wasn't a whiz either but if we at least have his offensive stats this year we probably don't lose to NDSU and NW.